People Are Saying

POST 1093

And They’re Saying A Lot

Here’s former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) on August 4 about the upcoming election, what’s at stake and what to do about it:

I believe in democracy; Donald Trump does not. I believe in the constitution; Donald Trump does not.

There is nothing more conservative than standing for the constitution and standing for democracy. Donald Trump only believes in gaining power no matter the cost to the constitution and the cost to  democracy.

That is why I’m endorsing Kamala Harris. That is why I will do everything in my power to ensure Donald Trump does not win this election.

Here’s what Prof. Heather Cox Richardson has to say about those who would throw our Constitution into the garbage (today’s Republicans – the ones who don’t believe in this republic), just as the enslavers and oligarchs wanted to do in Lincoln’s time:

When Democrats [i.e. today’s Republicans] tried to call those coming together as Republicans [today’s lefties] “radicals,” rising politician Abraham Lincoln turned the tables by standing firm on the Declaration of Independence. “[Y]ou say you are conservative—eminently conservative—while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort,” he said, addressing the Democrats who remained determined to base the United States in enslavement.

“What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the point in controversy which was adopted by ‘our fathers who framed the Government under which we live’; while you with one accord .  .  . spit upon that old policy, and insist upon substituting something new . . . Not one of all your various plans can show a precedent or an advocate in the century within which our Government originated.” [emphasis mine]

We fight the same fight today against those who would enslave us. Now they aren’t slave owners and they aren’t called conservatives. They are called Republicans or MAGAs or Project 2025 schemers. Sometimes they’re called minority tyrants, vote stealers, liars and .  .  .  aw, don’t get me started.

During an interview of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer she was asked about how Trump is doing with Harris as his opponent:

I think Kamala Harris is [Trump’s] worst nightmare: a strong woman of color who was formerly in law enforcement.

What JD Vance Is Saying

Immediately after the Walz pick for VP was announced the Trump-Vance Lying Machine was running at top speed. Here’s Vance, verbatim, on August 7:

Click me

My view on it is it just highlights how radical Kamala Harris is.This is a person who listened to the Hamas wing of her own party in selecting a nominee. This is a guy who’s proposed shipping more manufacturing jobs to China, who wants to make the American people more reliant on garbage energy instead of good American energy and has proposed defunding the police just as Kamala Harris does. I think it’s interesting – actually, they make an interesting tag team – because, of course, Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn down Minneapolis in the summer of 2020, and then the few who got caught, Kamala Harris helped bail them out of jail. So, it is more instructive for what it says about Kamala Harris that she doesn’t care about the border, she doesn’t care about crime, she doesn’t care about American energy, and most of importantly, she doesn’t care about the Americans who have been made to suffer under those policies.

What Jax Is Saying



Right: That isn’t news. Either he is gobsmackingly ignorant and doesn’t have the sense to keep his ignorant mouth shut, or he is a liar. You decide.

Not so much for Vance

Vance (a “faux-billy” from non-Appalachia, per Maureen Dowd) is a political and amoral match for the psychopath Trump. Vance is the guy who called Trump America’s Hitler and was an enthusiastic never-Trumper right, until it was more politically advantageous to him to reverse himself in a spineless jellyfish whiplash. Expect more from him like this.

Can’t wait for the VP debate, assuming the ex-Marine paper pusher, the one whose lies violate Semper Fi (“Always Faithful”)  has the spine to show up.

Speaking of Debates
I have been wondering when Harris would call Trump a coward for refusing to debate per agreement without his open mic and his home boys primed to cheer for him. He’s finally agreed to a September 10 debate, the one he “committed” to, but I have my doubts whether he’ll show up. What to do to encourage him? So many possibilities .  .  .

“Kamala Harris’s Laugh Is a Campaign Issue. Our Comedy Critic Weighs in. The Trump campaign sees Harris’s laugh as a vulnerability to exploit. But far from a liability, it is one of her most effective weapons.” Click the pic

What’s the matter, Donald? Are you too chicken to come out of your Mar-a-Lago hidey-hole? It’s just me, a Black, Asian woman who’s a former prosecutor. That too scary for you?
If you don’t have what it takes to face me, you don’t have what it takes to face world leaders. C’mon, show us what you got. Gimme your best shot.

Paraphrased from Ronald Reagan’s take down of Walter Mondale in their 1984 debate:

I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s obvious mental decline, his criminal convictions, his many indictments, his history of violence toward women or his vast ignorance.

Can’t you just see her saying that and then laughing the Kamala laugh?

Wash, rinse, repeat through November 5.

The point is to belittle him – challenge his fake masculinity. Make his weakness and lack of courage plain for all to see. I want verbal blood on the floor – arterial gushing.

Trump is stumbling around trying to find a nasty name to call Harris. The current one is “Kambala.” So, here’s something for Harris and Walz to use at rallies and the debates:

Name calling? All you have is name calling like a brat on the playground, Donald? That just isn’t enough. This country needs clear headed adults, not childish bullies having temper tantrums.


Harris and Walz are getting a lot of air time now and you’re seeing very little of Trump and Vance. I can almost hear Trump whining about how unfair that is, how he’s being victimized by the fake media, poor baby. These and more are his standard victim wailings, as at his press conference on August 8.

Did you notice how reporters’ questions weren’t mic-ed so you didn’t know what the questions were and that reporters were not allowed follow up questions? That let him ramble incoherently and you didn’t know that he never addressed the questions.

Many of his rallies were broadcast in full in 2016 by what he calls the “fake media.” I’ve seen estimates of the value of free media time for Trump ranging from $1 – 2 billion during that campaign. Funny thing, we didn’t hear him complain about how unfair that free air time was.

His whining, his temper tantrums and made up s**t about being victimized by the fake media are on the way. Brace yourself for the coming Trumpocalypse. It will be in all caps on his Untruth Social rage machine.

Trump Must Never Get His Hands On Any Power Greater Than The Flush Handle Of A Prison Toilet.

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“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016.

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4 Responses to People Are Saying
  1. Jim Altschuler Reply

    I agree, though his whining and lying make me nuts (it gives me an almost undefeatable urge to throw jellybeans of all flavors at him).

    Vance at 1st blush appears to be a near-perfect pairing. Both are lying ignorants who have professed allegiance to both major political parties over the years (despite the chasm between them). Neither could get the facts correct or tell the truth about ANYTHING. Neither can tell an ally from an adversary. Neither of them knows what the truth is about any topic..
    Are these the kind of people who should be the leaders of OUR NATION?

    I say NO, they are not! But I also say that the Reagan/Mondale debate was in 1984 (not 1884). Obviously I am unsure about the facts so maybe I should run as a Republican candidate. (Okay, it was snark; I couldn’t resist.)

    Far wiser people than me have seen and recognized, often in great detail, the many shortcomings of the Republican candidate for president. Now he has selected a “mini me” for Vice-President; what a scary thought. THINK before you VOTE.

  2. Kirk Landers Reply

    Republicans love to besmirch the service records of veterans, especially Republicans who never served. This goes back to the hatchet job the GOP and Fox did on John Kerry, whose tour in Vietnam was aboard a river patrol boat, one of the most hazardous jobs in the war. They also ripped their own John McCain’s record, which included years of resistance as a captive in the infamous Hanoi Hilton, just to make sure the well-connected George W. Bush got the nomination.

    Vance is an outlier in that he actually served a hitch in the Marine Corp. He was a journalist, like Al Gore. He served a 6-month tour in Iraq as a non-combatant (Gore pulled a full 12-month tour in Vietnam). Walz didn’t serve in any war zones, but like most National Guardsmen, he served in disaster areas. He was deployed to Italy as part of the post-9/11 Operation Enduring Freedom, and he was also deployed to places like Arkansas and Texas, which have some of the highest murder rates in North America.

    As a veteran myself, and just as undistinguished in my service as Mr. Vance, I bitterly resent these assaults on the records of those who served. I can’t begin to express how much I admire Adam Kinzinger’s statements in this regard, particularly in view of his own service record and his civilian service to the country.

    If we’re going to have a conversation about military service, lets not get preoccupied with a big-dick comparison between the guy who served four years and the guy who served 24 years. Let’s instead focus on the flatulent, draft-dodging liar who’s running for president and has shown more loyalty to Russia than to America.

    Do I sound angry? Well, I’m not. I’m outraged, and I think all decent people should be outraged.

    • Jack Altschuler Reply

      Everlasting shame on Mr. Phony Appalachia, friend of Mr. Phony BoneSpurs. Kudos and thanks to Mr. Walz and you, Kirk.