Freedom and Dr. Seuss

POST 1088 Reality Check Now that Trump was shot at, the Republicans/MAGAs are making noises about being kinder, losing the divisiveness and their cruelty. These are the people whose convention featured presenter after presenter engaging in world class divisiveness, faux masculinity, accusing Democrats of exactly the awful things righties have been doing. They had giant… [read more]


POST 1087 Preface The usually reliable service that sends you email notifications of new Disambiguations and links to them took an unannounced multi-day nap. The result is that posts have gone live without you receiving notice. Tech people are working on fixing this. Meanwhile, apologies for our radio silence. Definitions IED: An improvised explosive device… [read more]


POST 1086 Preface The usually reliable service that sends you email notifications of new Disambiguations and links to them took an unannounced multi-day nap. The result is that posts have gone live without you receiving notice. Tech people are working on fixing this. Meanwhile, apologies for our radio silence. Opportunity The post that should have… [read more]


POST 1083 Historical Note On Presidential Cognition The ninnies and hypocrite Republicans are all a-whack over the Biden cognitive question. They are certain that his wheels just don’t turn well anymore and they broadcast their certainties from the top of Total Ignorance Tower. Biden has to go, they tell us, because he’s too far gone,… [read more]

The Death Knell

POST 1081 The Supreme Court rang the death knell on our democracy on Monday, July 1, 2024. They announced the end of presidential accountability, something neither found nor implied anywhere in the Constitution, and declared the official start of American despotism. It was upon us instantly. They could have easily decided the deplorable presidential immunity… [read more]

It’s Over

POST 1079 The presidential debate was over before the first word was uttered. Joe Biden walked in looking like a doddering old man. When he spoke his voice was strained, his enunciation was blurred and he sounded enfeebled. This country doesn’t honor age. We are about youth and vitality. \So, Joe Biden just confirmed the… [read more]

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