Stand a Post – 2

POST 1141 Preface to This Guest Essay – It Could Be Entitled, “Stand a Post-2.” On December 22 I published Our Problem, a flaming declaration of the obvious and dangerous truth, that most Democrats have shown themselves to be toothless tigers and are completely unready to battle the horrors that face us. Lifelong pal Frank… [read more]

Perception Deception

POST 1138 Update From the Institute for the Destruction of Intelligence, Opportunity, Trust and Self-rule (“IDIOTS”) Trump wants you to perceive the wonderful wonderfulness of his you’ve-never-seen-anything-like-this-before, the-best-in-the-world, never-done-before, only-I promises, so, he’s declared all sorts of bone headed things that will begin on “day-one.” On day-one, says Trump, he’ll begin an absurd number of… [read more]

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