
Guest Essay – Doses Of Reality

POST 1113

It’s a wonder that in the face of our ongoing gun deaths and the forever heartache attached to them that all we can do is pass a limp-wristed gun safety bill that has no chance of protecting any of us.

This stuff is uncomfortably close to my daughter, Amy, and her six kids. She explains here.

Doses of Reality
                         – by Amy Tucker

It is easy to become caught up in the news when something tragic happens. We look at the ever-constant news feed on our phones for the details and the latest updates. And then  .  .  .  we move on to the next thing. But the individuals who have been directly affected or those close by never get to just move on. They carry the trauma all the time.

In a five-month time span in 2022, there were three incidents that were close by and in 2024 there were two more.

On July 4, 2022, Robert Eugene Crimo III fired his semiautomatic rifle into the crowd at the Highland Park, IL Independence Day parade. He killed seven people and wounded forty-eight more. This happened fifteen minutes from my home. I was standing in the park at our annual pancake breakfast with two of my children. Emergency vehicles began racing past us with their sirens blaring and another one of my children texted me the story of what was going on. I grabbed my children and hurried home.

We later discovered that my dad had been talking to Crimo at a political rally in our town in September 2020. There was a Trump rally and my dad had organized a counter rally. He made a point of talking with Crimo and his friend. That friend was in classes with one of my children. Dad wanted to understand their beliefs. I stood by while they talked and I have a picture of Crimo and my dad on my phone. I have a picture of the Highland Park shooter on my phone. My dad was talking to him!

On August 14, 2022, my son was working at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, IL.  That night, he was running the carousel, which is at the main entrance. His shift ended at 7:45 PM and he left his post. At 8:00 PM, there was a shooting right there at the main entrance. Three people were injured. By that point, my son was on the way to his car in the parking lot. His friends began texting him that they had to run from their posts and hide. My son missed that shooting by just fifteen minutes.

On November 19, 2022 at 11:56 PM suspect Anderson Lee Aldrich opened fire at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He killed five people and injured nineteen. Six more were injured in the chaos that followed. My son had left Colorado Springs the day before to come home for Thanksgiving. He knows the location of this club and lives nearby. He missed the shooting by just one day.

On February 16, 2024, there was a double homicide in a dorm room in the building next to my son’s dorm in Colorado. This is the same son who left Colorado Springs for Thanksgiving and missed a shooting by one day. For these most recent murders, he missed the shooting by just one building.

The victim had complained several times to the university about this roommate. He and his girlfriend died. A third roommate hid in his bedroom listening to the moaning of the two people who were shot until they died, likely praying for his own life. I had the privilege of being able to stop reading about that event. That young man who hid in his bedroom will forever see that scene and hear those moans replaying in his head.

On September 29, 2024, I was awakened at 3:00 AM by text alerts from my other son’s university indicating that there was a double murder and students needed to take shelter. This was the same son who was present for the shooting at Six Flags.

These are terrifying, senseless, and life-altering events. My family and I are among the lucky ones who get to “move on” from them. We do not have to live with the injuries or the death of loved ones. If I wanted to, perhaps I could forget about these tragedies and not worry about them. The universe has continued to protect my babies and for that I am grateful. But I think that instead this should be a reminder to me and to all of us that there are those who can never forget.

All six of my children have grown up in a world in which they’ve needed to practice lockdown drills in school in case there is an active shooter. Wouldn’t it make more sense to prevent active shootings than to raise children in a world in which we teach them to be scared to be in school?

Moreover, any time I have checked in with them about violence in our world, several have respond with something to the effect of, “I don’t know. I’m not really bothered by it. It happens all the time.” My son in Colorado knew one of the dorm room homicide victims. When I asked him how he was doing, he responded saying, “I’m fine. Another day. Another shooting.” My children are that desensitized to gun violence. That is even more worrisome to me than if they were calling me panicking!

None of my six children likes the world in which I have raised them – none of them. My heart aches from sadness and guilt every time they say this to me. I brought them into this crazy, senseless, anxiety-producing world. They didn’t ask for the world we adults have presented to them.

These five events struck way too close to home. I vividly remember on the night of the Six Flags shooting ranting on the phone to my parents, sheer rage and fear spewing out of me. I was wishing a shooting tragedy on a family member of any politician who refuses sensible gun laws. Perhaps then they would understand the terrible pain and the senselessness and the preventability of it all and it would hit them too close to home for them to ignore it. Of course, I don’t really want such a terrible thing to happen. But I do want them to end their self-serving political dance that allows these much-too-common lethal events.

I’ve had a powerful dose of reality from these experiences. They urge me to remember those who are grieving and hurting – and wonder: How big of a dose of reality do you suppose it will take for the resisters to make changes to protect us all?

Who do you suppose are the “resisters” Amy accuses? Circle all that apply.

1. Second Amendment contortionists who believe they have a right to own any weapon including weapons of war and to carry them to intimidate others

2. Militia puff-ups, patriotism delusionals, who think it’s their right and obligation to attack and take down whatever they think is an oppressive government

3. Politicians who care more about their careers than they do about our children

Reading Assignment

Brooke Harrison was a student at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL on Valentine’s Day 2018. Following the horror that visited that day she penned an essay for ABC News. Listen to her voice, both in her writing and in the video. Listen to what we have allowed to be done to her and to so many others because of our tolerance – our cowardice in the face of the demands of a selfish and angry minority. Listen to a voice that is just like tens of thousands more every year, forced into suffering they do not deserve.

It’s not the vibes and it’s not the polls: it’s the votes. 
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“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

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