
What We Wish Judge Juan Merchan Had Said

POST 1137


The following is solely wishful thinking. Much to our disappointment, Judge Merchan did not say these words. On the other hand, Trump will, in fact, spend the rest of his life with the word “felon” attached to him and to his name everywhere, including in U.S. history books and in all of his presidential records.

  • _____________________________________________
  • January 10, 2025
  • Courtroom: Part 59
  • State of New York Criminal Courts Building
  • New York, New York
  • Judge Juan Merchan presiding
  • ======================================

Judge Merchan:

“The defendant will rise.

“Mr. Trump, you have received all the benefits of the presumption of innocence, the due process of law and the other protections provided by the Constitution of the United States. You have abused them and the legal system in multiple ways.

“You sought and gained delays of every sort, many frivolous, including abuse of the court system itself.

“You have been verbally abusive and threatening to this court, including to the jurors, and then, when cautioned about your conduct, you continued your verbal abuse.

“You were put under a gag order and then, after many reminders of what is required by this court, you both complained about how unfairly you had been treated and then you violated the gag order yet again.

“You have made a mockery of the rule of law, insisting upon special treatment not available to any other citizen of this state or of this nation. You complained of not being treated even more specially. You have, in short, demonstrated your complete lack of respect for our nation.

“In a unanimous verdict, you have been adjudged guilty of 34 felony counts of fraud, not by a court, but by a jury of your peers. Your guilt will stand and be attached to your name forever. There is no escaping this accountability for your criminal acts.

“Because of the proximity of this sentencing hearing to the upcoming inauguration it is impossible to impose incarceration upon you presently or for the duration of your presidency. However, the law allows for a sentence to be suspended for a period of time.

“Therefore, Donald John Trump, this court sentences you be incarcerated for a period of 1 year for each felony count to which you have been found guilty, for a total of 34 years. These 1-year periods of incarceration shall be served sequentially and with no opportunity for parole.

“This judgment is to be suspended for the duration of your presidency. Upon leaving that office you will immediately be remanded to the State of New York to begin serving your term of incarceration.

“In addition, you are hereby fined the sum of $10,000 for each felony count to which you have been found guilty. You are required to pay this fine before Inauguration Day this year.

“Understand this, Mr. Trump: While the execution of your sentence is necessarily postponed, you have not been exonerated and your guilt stands, effective immediately. You are irrevocably a criminal, as much as a common thief or a murderer is a criminal. Your money, your notoriety and your position have no influence on that. You are a criminal fraud.

“You have famously said that you could shoot someone and never lose any voters. That may be true, but you would wind up in my courtroom and you would get away with nothing. In my courtroom you will be held accountable.

“Mr. Trump, you will be the first United States president to have entered office as a felon, putting a stain upon that office. You have embarrassed and debased yourself with your behavior before this court. The most disappointing thing is that you obviously haven’t the ability to understand any of that.


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