
Freedom and Dr. Seuss

POST 1088

Reality Check

Since Trump was shot, the Republicans/MAGAs are making noises about being kinder, losing the divisiveness and their cruelty. These are the people whose convention featured presenter after presenter engaging in world class divisiveness, faux masculinity, accusing Democrats of exactly the awful things righties have been doing. They had giant piles of MUGS (Made Up Gross S**t) designed for divisiveness and cruelty that had attendees foaming at the mouth.

Still, they made noise about how after the shooting Trump had torn up his speech in order to craft one designed for unity. That triggers a


1. Try to remember the 2016 campaign, as Trump was making blisteringly phony accusations, taking credit for things he couldn’t even spell, much less create, telling lies and inciting hatred everywhere he went. We were assured by pundits that Trump would pivot and become presidential once in office and the gravity of presidential reality settled upon him. Check all that apply.

[  ] A. Trump “fixed” our immigration challenges by ripping thousands of infants and children from their mothers, caging the little ones without the staffing or supplies to care for them and with absolutely no way to reunite children with their parents. He explained that the cruelty was the point.

[  ] B. Trump knew more than the generals and people in the Intelligence agencies and ignored the President’s Daily Brief, blew off allies, embraced dictators and imperiled our safety by showing our top secrets to enemies. He promised our middle class great benefits, including massive new job opportunities and increased wages. Instead, he gave away $2 trillion, 87% of which went to already rich people and corporations. No new jobs were created and middle class income remained stagnant.

[  ] C. Trump did a turnaround and grew into the job of president, becoming a promoter of the Constitution and our democracy and transitioning into a world class statesman.

[  ] D. Trump can’t be believed when he says things like “kinder and gentler” or “unity,” nor when he denounces violence. That’s because if he is breathing, he is lying. Unity? From Trump, the Retribution King? Seriously?

Answer key: A, B, D. Trump couldn’t even understand answer C.

His aggrieved followers willingly support terminating the Constitution and then call themselves patriots. They’re easy marks for sales of Trump’s snake oil.

From Adam Kinzinger, June 26, 2024:

Today, we face an election about a singular, monumental issue: the very essence of our democracy. The question before us is clear—which of the two Candidates will stand unyielding in their commitment to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution and strengthen our Democracy?

Kinzinger is right about the essence of the election. The answer to his question is: Anyone But Trump. As boyhood pal and occasional commenter to these posts Kirk Landers said, he’d sooner vote for Biden’s dogs, either the mean one or the nice one, or even a pet rock than for Trump. Kirk is a smart fellow.

Trump must never get his hands on any power greater than the flush handle of a prison toilet.

Up and down your November ballot,

Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of gun safety.
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of healthcare.
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and forgiveness of crushing student debt.
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of supporting our allies and opposing our adversaries..
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of the rule of law.
No Republican will.

The Republicans, the ones who hurl racist slurs at Kamala Harris, the ones who spew bizarre Biblical quotations that nobody understands, the ones who criticize her over plastic soda straws as though she is killing kittens and puppies – those Republicans – at night they come out from under the bridge where they live just to be cruel. They intend to be our overlords. That’s all they offer our country.

Yes, this election is that dangerously binary because

Freedom is Under Attack!


Other than strong nominees, our job is to defeat tyranny and preserve your rights, including your right to women’s healthcare; protection of things you already paid for, like Social Security and Medicare; plus the right not be be shot to death by a homicidal maniac brandishing combat weapons.

We must energize the electorate to vote for our country. I’m thinking of the 40% who don’t bother to show up on election day. Recently, I wrote about the need to light a fire under them. Insightful opinion writer Steve Sheffey agreed with me in his July 7 post. He must be very smart.

That energizing of the stay-at-homes requires our feet on the street to motivate and mobilize them. That way we get to keep our democracy and have a free and fair election in 2026. And another in 2028. Plus, we get to not get shot.

See Note #5 below.

Rhymes Of The Week

From Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss:

  • You have brains in your head
  • You have feet in your shoes.
  • You can steer yourself
  • Any direction you choose.

So, steer yourself to:

  • register voters
  • canvas in a swing state
  • write post cards reminding people to vote
  • phone voters with wake up calls about the threats to their rights and their freedom
  • donate to candidates who will preserve our democracy (Democrats only, because Republicans are extremists or suck ups to extremists)
  • invite neighbors to a discussion about what they want and how they’ll get it
  • post a sign on your lawn
  • volunteer as a poll watcher.

Steer yourself to action, because,

  • You have brains in your head,
  • You have feet in your shoes.
  • You don’t want to go cry
  • Lost Democracy Blues.

Passivity just won’t do if you want rights, freedom and safety. So, get going.

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”

  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

Our governance and electoral corruption and dysfunction and our ongoing mass murders are all of a piece, all the same problem with the same solution:

  • Fire the bastards!

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    The Fine Print:

    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
    5. Book links to Amazon are provided for reference only. Please purchase your books through your local mom & pop bookstore. Keep them and your town or neighborhood vibrant.
    6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2024 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

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