Where Have They Been?

POST 1117

From NBC, October 29 (trimmed for brevity):

.  .  .  Nikki Haley criticized Trump world on Tuesday for being “overly masculine with this bromance thing” after former President Donald Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden on Sunday.

On Fox News on Tuesday, Haley addressed a comedian’s racist jokes about Puerto Rico and Latinos, a moment that has roiled the Trump campaign and was condemned by multiple Republicans, including members of Congress.

“This is not a time to have anyone criticize Puerto Rico or Latinos,” Haley said, instead calling for discipline around the campaign. “This is not a time for them to get overly masculine with this bromance thing that they have.” [Mascuilinity now means hatred and cruelty?]

Haley noted other language used throughout the rally, as well as in Republican ads and messaging, that she called destructive to drawing women into the fold on Election Day.

She said, “destructive to drawing women into the fold.”

She said, “That is not the way to win women. That is not the way to win people who are concerned about Trump’s style.”

Those are her concerns? She’s not concerned about the racism and the misogynist cruelty?

Haley failed miserably because her sole focus is on winning the election. She didn’t show even a whiff of concern for decency. Plus, this election isn’t about Trump’s style. It’s about his pathological substance.


Nikki Haley’s values are upside down. Were the opportunity to present itself, I would vote for a golden retriever over Haley, this for its fidelity and for Haley’s lack of it.

Many Republicans – hundreds of them – have recovered their senses and are speaking out against Trump. Haley isn’t one of them. They are pledging to vote for Harris. So glad they’re standing up for what is right and good and patriotic.

But in the face of the constant outpouring of Trump and MAGA cruelty, vicious lies and attacks on our Constitution,

Where have they been for the last nine years?

Come to think of it, where has George W. Bush’s courage been? Wasn’t he the swagger president, the “You’re either with us or against us” tough guy? Where’s his repudiation of Trump and MAGA and where is his endorsement of Harris? Where is Mitt Romney’s? Or John Boehner’s or Paul Ryan’s? Where are the quiet ones who sometimes appeared to be “traditional Republicans,” like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski?

Each of them and more took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Why aren’t they standing up and fighting against this obvious threat to our Constitution?

Key Quote For This Election
“Bad People get elected when good people don’t vote.”  – Sen. Cory Booker

We know the difference between right and wrong and between good and evil and we vote accordingly. Good on you for standing strong and being a voter.

Your family, friends and neighbors may need your encouragement to vote. Please speak out. Urge them to vote. Don’t tell them who to vote for because that kind of message is almost never welcome. Just urge them to vote.

It’s time for all of us to take a stand.

Many thanks to MG for this quotation from Scotty Reston.

It’s not the vibes and it’s not the polls: it’s the votes. 
Are you registered to vote? Check it out on any of these websites:

NOTE: Many states allow same day voter registration and voting!




“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
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2 Responses to Where Have They Been?
  1. Jim Altschuler Reply

    W. got his swagger from speech writers; he had no swagger of his own. Nikki Hailey is an opportunist taking shots from safely from behind a blind. The majority of the “Republicans for Harris” are making quiet statements lest they become Trump targets.

    All the verbiage is hot air — sound and fury, signifying nothing. I had all the name calling and insults I could tolerate 10 years ago. I won’t pretend to understand those who follow Trump in spite of the repeated regurgitation of vileness.

  2. Frank Levy Reply

    Related to today’s Jax Politix…Where is George W. Bush? The man is silent in a time of American crisis. His silence is the ultimate expression of cowardice. George, speak up. Tell us where you stand. Are you a patriot, a defender of our Constitution, the rule of law, and our democracy, like your Vice President Dick and his daughter Liz, and your daughter Barbara, or do you support America’s would be dictator, DJT, project 2025, and Christian nationalism? Just tell us. We have a right to know.