The graphic below arrived as you see it, promoting a Trump rally in my generally peaceful town.

This is the “anti-American ‘Covid Scoreboard'” sign by the railroad tracks (not in the park), complete with vandalism. Power, apparently, to the spray painters.
This ain’t bean bag. It’s our democracy.
That’s why this calls for a counter-protest.
I’m happy to meet the Trump supporters in the park. Looking forward to finding out if they are locals – neighbors – or outside agitators. I hope to engage in a civil discussion and avoid name calling and demeaning behaviors. I promise to do my part.
The location of this event is a bit confusing, as the writer of the announcement says their rally is in the Village Green Park (that’s clear), but then says they’ll be protesting in front of the “anti-American ‘Covid Scoreboard.'” I only know of one Covid-related sign and it isn’t in the park. It’s a block west where Shermer Road intersects Walters Avenue by the railroad tracks. We’ll figure it out.
Bring signs and flags of support for Biden and Democracy
Note that Trump supporters are encouraged to also bring megaphones. This is a small area and I’m guessing such things won’t be necessary for counter-protesters. But if you’re so moved, do whatcha gotta do.
And wear your mask, even if the Trump supporters don’t wear theirs. Especially because the Trump supporters won’t wear theirs.
See you there.
Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.
3 Responses to BE THERE TODAY!
Anna B September 25, 2020
Thank you for calling this protest Jack! We can’t let these fascists get away with this. Doesn’t the picture look like they crossed out the 201,000 and put 1,000 deaths? Please report what happened.
Jack Altschuler September 25, 2020
As of Friday, September 25 the sign has been updated to 203,000.
Jay Becker September 25, 2020
Thank you for calling on people to stand up to these thugs. The facts are “anti-American” only because fascists hate facts, and science, and social responsibility for each other, unless of course the “other” is white and Christian and comfortable. I wish I could join you all. Refuse Fascism Chicago is planning protests every day from Oct 3 to Nov 3 (assuming there is an election that day). Our open air planning meeting is Saturday, Sept. 26, 3pm, Logan Square Monument: Trump says “Cancel the ballots.” Believe him! We can’t rely on voting alone; now is the time to act! Please join us to plan day-after-day protests starting Oct 3 demanding: Trump/Pence #OUTNOW!
Details here->