
What a Load of Bovine Fecal Matter!

POST 1097

Cow Pie #1

Republicans tell us they’re for small government, low taxes, no deficits and no debt. Good thing. Otherwise, we’d have a crazy amount of debt, right? Here’s how the Rs helped us with this, looking at just their tax programs.

The unpaid-for George W. Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 collectively added about $5.6 trillion to our national debt. Dubya solemnly promised that the cuts would “pay for themselves” via increased economic activity, plus more opportunity and better wages for working people. None of happened, but rich people did become much more wealthy every year of his administration.

Dubya was the first president to cut taxes while our country was at war, creating massive debt. His vice president, Dick Cheney, proudly declared that budget deficits don’t matter, so they conducted “off-balance sheet” wars. I still don’t know what that is.

Trump continued the lie, promising tax cuts that would bring greater opportunity and higher wages for working people. He structured his tax policy to give 83% of the benefit of the tax cuts to corporations and extremely wealthy people – about $2 trillion – and we got the debt.

Do you understand $1 trillion? You can do the math, of course, but can you really relate to what it actually is? Consider yourself a genius if that number is anything but an abstract notion of math to you.

The tried and true method of explaining large numbers is to imagine dollar bills laid end-to-end. $1 trillion would stretch around the earth at the equator .  .  .

4,000 bills deep!

That’s $1 trillion. But these two presidents piled about $7.6 trillion of debt onto the backs of We The People in order to stuff large denomination bills into the pockets of the already rich. That results in a circle of dollar bills around the earth at the equator

30,400 bills deep!

That’s what supply side voodoo economics (that was H.W. Bush’s term) got us. It’s wealth transfer from us to the rich. We still have search crews out looking for the supply side benefits for working people that Republican presidents have promised.

Are you getting this?

If elected president again, Trump has promised another massive tax cut for the rich, and why not? His first tax cut worked out so well for himself and his rich pals.

Republicans are not for small government. They are not debt or deficit hawks. They are strictly for enriching the grossly wealthy at the expense of the rest of us, creating an almost feudal system of wealth inequity. Their tax plans are a load of bovine fecal matter.

Just for fun

Our national debt is currently over $35 trillion. Stack those singles around the equator and the pile would be.

140,000 bills deep!

That’s what we owe, in part thanks to Republicans and their phony opposition to debt and deficits.

Cow Pie #2

A couple of weekends ago vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance complained on CNN that Democrats are bullying him by calling him weird. The nerve of them to correctly identify the pretender to the throne as weird! They are such meanies!

But wait. Didn’t Vance call Democrats “miserable, childless cat ladies?” That’s pretty weird. Didn’t he denigrate the 24 year military service of Tim Walz? That’s weird, too. Doesn’t Trump spend a significant part of his day trying to think up a mean, playground brat name for Kamala Harris?

That’s all pretty weird. And since J.D. is now a spokesperson for all the weird Republican stuff, his whining about being called weird is nothing less than hypocrisy.

Tell you what, J.D.: we’ll stop calling you weird when you stop pretending to be a man of the common folk from Appalachia, you faux-billy. We’ll stop calling you weird when you stop demeaning American women who haven’t given birth to a child. We’ll back off that descriptor “weird” when you stop trying to make America into a 13th century patriarchy ruled by a cruel despot.

Because until then, you’re just a weird cow pie.

Cow Pie #3

Read this from Boston College Professor of History Heather Cox Richardson, reporting a Supreme Court decision on the topic of women’s suffrage:

In a unanimous decision in 1875, the justices decided that women were indeed citizens [by virtue of birthright citizenship guaranteed by the 14th amendment] but that citizenship did not necessarily convey the right to vote.

It would take another 45 years and a Constitutional amendment the Supreme Court couldn’t mess with to fix that.

That crazy pants decision is from the same body that recently decided that presidential immunity from prosecution for criminal acts – felonies – was a good idea. Apparently, they believe we don’t need accountability or equal justice under law.

What kind intelligence abdication, as well as Constitution defying brain pretzeling does it take to come up with such contorted lunacy? Did these guys sprain muscles and dislocate joints getting to their twisted idiocy? Our nation is severely damaged by their blatant faithlessness.

Cow Pie #4

Trump ridiculing disabled reporter using recreational cruelty sanctioned by his Ministry of Cruelty

You know all you need to know about far right cruelty, dispensed daily by Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter and, most cruelly, by Donald Trump, like when he ridiculed a disabled journalist. Last week they ridiculed Tim Walz’s son Gus because of his tears of pride and joy for his father. That 17-year-old with nonverbal learning disorder just isn’t a real man, according to these savagery dispensers.

I learned a new term for what these awful people do. It’s

recreational cruelty.

You’ve seen their joy in hurting others just for the fun of it. What is far worse is that they have a huge audience that cheers their bloodthirsty sadism. They are the drivers of the sick, cruel recreational cruelty. If they mob were to stop cheering, the perps would go down like waste in a sewer.

Final Fecal Heap

Trump visited the graves at Arlington National Cemetery of 13 service people (“suckers” and “losers”) who died in a Taliban bombing as we exited that country, done per the agreement Trump made with the Taliban. He was at Arlington to use those people as props to attack Biden and Harris, this in direct violation of the law and the rules of the cemetery. Read Steve Schmidt’s take on Trump’s reprehensible cow pie.




Quick Comments On the CNN Interview – No Cow Pie Award Given

All participants got what they wanted.

Harris and Walz didn’t answer many questions. They did a standard political two-step around the sticky ones and Dana Bash let them get away with that. That got them:

Reduced media and Republican heat for having done no interviews to that point.

They did no harm to their campaign.

Dana Bash and CNN got:


Advertising revenue

We The People didn’t get much.

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“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016.

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    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.


POST 1095

First, Existential Reality

In a stunning wake-up call to Americans, as reported by Jamie Gangel and Gregory Krieg of CNN, Constitutional scholar and retired U.S. Appellate Court Judge J. Michael Luttig, who has never, ever voted for a Democrat, wrote,

“In the presidential election of 2024 there is only one political party and one candidate for the presidency that can claim the mantle of defender and protector of America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law,” Luttig wrote in a statement [read this] obtained exclusively by CNN. “As a result, I will unhesitatingly vote for the Democratic Party’s candidate for the Presidency of the United States, Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris.”

They go on to report Luttig writing,

“In voting for Vice President Harris, I assume that her public policy views are vastly different from my own, but I am indifferent in this election as to her policy views on any issues other than America’s Democracy, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law, as I believe all Americans should be.”

Get your mind right. It’s time for just one thing: to protect and defend. That is what Luttig is telling us.

However heartfelt, until November 5, every single issue, no matter how critically important, is nothing more than wistful self-indulgence. Keep your eye on the prize, because without it, all of the critically important things will never be ours.

Read the linked source articles and watch reporter Gangel’s short video recounting a bit of her conversation with Luttig.

Now, 20%

Anthropologist Margaret Mead wrote,

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Thom Hartmann has quoted Mead often, claiming that it would take roughly 20% of the population to make the changes we need to get back to sanity, changes that have been so vitally needed since Reagan began to strip our country bare. That 20% notion was the logic and the strategy.

Hartmann’s math was about right, but sadly, the destination now is far different from what he imagined. A small minority of Bible thumping, Bible misusing, manipulative White extremists has secured minority control over large swaths of our American government and of our citizens.

That’s right: the restoration of sanity that we hoped for has instead gone 180° wrong. I guess the experts are right, that hope is not a strategy.

Critical Quote

From Vanderbilt University Professor Jon Meacham’s Reflections of History podcast for January 13, 2023:

The vote in the House on a single article of incitement to insurrection was 232 to 197. Trump would be acquitted in the Senate a month later, with 57 senators voting for his guilt and 43 against. The tally failed to reach the Constitutional threshold of two-thirds.

The farther we move in time from the terrible events of January 6, 2021 the harder it can be to recall just how close the United States came to overturning a free and fair election.

I raise this today because, as the 18th and 19th century trope had it, “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” It would be a mistake, one that I fear many Republicans are making or are at risk of making, to see the insurrection and its aftermath as exculpatory instances of American resilience.

Yes, the republic is resilient and the republic did survive, but only barely. And the forces that brought us to the brink, the forces that broke into the Capitol and threatened the lives of our elected representatives, including the Speaker of the House and the Vice President of the United States, are still very much abroad in the land. [They are the 20%.]

Representative Liz Cheney put things succinctly 6 days after the insurrection. She said,

“The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the president. The president could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There never has been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath of office and to the Constitution. I will vote to impeach the president.”

The question for all of us moving forward is whether a single person or a single party’s dominion is worth undoing the constitutional order that has served us for nearly two and a half centuries. There is nothing inevitable about American democracy. We’re the exception in world history, not the rule, and when the interests of the strong willed are allowed to overcome the rule of law, the end is near.

For now, we stand. But we must stand with our eyes and our hearts open.

There are very dangerous and unpatriotic things going on in an effort to overthrow our government, to end our democracy and our way of life. It has only taken about 20% of our citizenry to put us in such peril. It’s the collection of political bullies and the angry, disaffected citizens who comprise MAGA and who want retribution for whatever disrespect and suffering they believe has befallen them. They want to tear down all that we hold dear. The bullies and fascists are coming to take away the promise of America. They are coming to take away your freedom and every hope you have for your children.

So, put a lantern in the belfry-arch of the Old North Church. Listen and you’ll hear the hooves of Paul Revere’s horse clacking the cobblestone in Concord once again. We’re being warned. We must be eternally vigilant and always ready to fight for our liberty. Today, right now, is the time for that fight. Stand up and stand fast.

“We Must Say No”

From Steve Schmidt’s post on August 15:

Trump has made a hideous deal with a hypocritical wack pack of theocrats and weirdos who want to impose control and take what they want, when they want in the name of God and the state. It’s a terrifying proposition, and every American woman should appreciate the degree to which their freedom is on the line.

When the freedom of one American is threatened, the freedom of all Americans is in danger.

This is why Trump must be defeated.

He tried to take something that wasn’t his to take.

He tried to steal something that wasn’t his, but rather belonged to 330 million Americans.

Trump tried to steal our present by betraying our past and taking our future.

We must say, “NO!”

We need a new 20%. It starts with you and me.


* We are at a choice point:

“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened.” ― John F. Kennedy

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Are you registered to vote? Check it out here:

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016.

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    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

People Are Saying

POST 1093

And They’re Saying A Lot

Here’s former Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) on August 4 about the upcoming election, what’s at stake and what to do about it:

I believe in democracy; Donald Trump does not. I believe in the constitution; Donald Trump does not.

There is nothing more conservative than standing for the constitution and standing for democracy. Donald Trump only believes in gaining power no matter the cost to the constitution and the cost to  democracy.

That is why I’m endorsing Kamala Harris. That is why I will do everything in my power to ensure Donald Trump does not win this election.

Here’s what Prof. Heather Cox Richardson has to say about those who would throw our Constitution into the garbage (today’s Republicans – the ones who don’t believe in this republic), just as the enslavers and oligarchs wanted to do in Lincoln’s time:

When Democrats [i.e. today’s Republicans] tried to call those coming together as Republicans [today’s lefties] “radicals,” rising politician Abraham Lincoln turned the tables by standing firm on the Declaration of Independence. “[Y]ou say you are conservative—eminently conservative—while we are revolutionary, destructive, or something of the sort,” he said, addressing the Democrats who remained determined to base the United States in enslavement.

“What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried? We stick to, contend for, the identical old policy on the point in controversy which was adopted by ‘our fathers who framed the Government under which we live’; while you with one accord .  .  . spit upon that old policy, and insist upon substituting something new . . . Not one of all your various plans can show a precedent or an advocate in the century within which our Government originated.” [emphasis mine]

We fight the same fight today against those who would enslave us. Now they aren’t slave owners and they aren’t called conservatives. They are called Republicans or MAGAs or Project 2025 schemers. Sometimes they’re called minority tyrants, vote stealers, liars and .  .  .  aw, don’t get me started.

During an interview of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer she was asked about how Trump is doing with Harris as his opponent:

I think Kamala Harris is [Trump’s] worst nightmare: a strong woman of color who was formerly in law enforcement.

What JD Vance Is Saying

Immediately after the Walz pick for VP was announced the Trump-Vance Lying Machine was running at top speed. Here’s Vance, verbatim, on August 7:

Click me

My view on it is it just highlights how radical Kamala Harris is.This is a person who listened to the Hamas wing of her own party in selecting a nominee. This is a guy who’s proposed shipping more manufacturing jobs to China, who wants to make the American people more reliant on garbage energy instead of good American energy and has proposed defunding the police just as Kamala Harris does. I think it’s interesting – actually, they make an interesting tag team – because, of course, Tim Walz allowed rioters to burn down Minneapolis in the summer of 2020, and then the few who got caught, Kamala Harris helped bail them out of jail. So, it is more instructive for what it says about Kamala Harris that she doesn’t care about the border, she doesn’t care about crime, she doesn’t care about American energy, and most of importantly, she doesn’t care about the Americans who have been made to suffer under those policies.

What Jax Is Saying



Right: That isn’t news. Either he is gobsmackingly ignorant and doesn’t have the sense to keep his ignorant mouth shut, or he is a liar. You decide.

Not so much for Vance

Vance (a “faux-billy” from non-Appalachia, per Maureen Dowd) is a political and amoral match for the psychopath Trump. Vance is the guy who called Trump America’s Hitler and was an enthusiastic never-Trumper right, until it was more politically advantageous to him to reverse himself in a spineless jellyfish whiplash. Expect more from him like this.

Can’t wait for the VP debate, assuming the ex-Marine paper pusher, the one whose lies violate Semper Fi (“Always Faithful”)  has the spine to show up.

Speaking of Debates
I have been wondering when Harris would call Trump a coward for refusing to debate per agreement without his open mic and his home boys primed to cheer for him. He’s finally agreed to a September 10 debate, the one he “committed” to, but I have my doubts whether he’ll show up. What to do to encourage him? So many possibilities .  .  .

“Kamala Harris’s Laugh Is a Campaign Issue. Our Comedy Critic Weighs in. The Trump campaign sees Harris’s laugh as a vulnerability to exploit. But far from a liability, it is one of her most effective weapons.” Click the pic

What’s the matter, Donald? Are you too chicken to come out of your Mar-a-Lago hidey-hole? It’s just me, a Black, Asian woman who’s a former prosecutor. That too scary for you?
If you don’t have what it takes to face me, you don’t have what it takes to face world leaders. C’mon, show us what you got. Gimme your best shot.

Paraphrased from Ronald Reagan’s take down of Walter Mondale in their 1984 debate:

I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s obvious mental decline, his criminal convictions, his many indictments, his history of violence toward women or his vast ignorance.

Can’t you just see her saying that and then laughing the Kamala laugh?

Wash, rinse, repeat through November 5.

The point is to belittle him – challenge his fake masculinity. Make his weakness and lack of courage plain for all to see. I want verbal blood on the floor – arterial gushing.

Trump is stumbling around trying to find a nasty name to call Harris. The current one is “Kambala.” So, here’s something for Harris and Walz to use at rallies and the debates:

Name calling? All you have is name calling like a brat on the playground, Donald? That just isn’t enough. This country needs clear headed adults, not childish bullies having temper tantrums.


Harris and Walz are getting a lot of air time now and you’re seeing very little of Trump and Vance. I can almost hear Trump whining about how unfair that is, how he’s being victimized by the fake media, poor baby. These and more are his standard victim wailings, as at his press conference on August 8.

Did you notice how reporters’ questions weren’t mic-ed so you didn’t know what the questions were and that reporters were not allowed follow up questions? That let him ramble incoherently and you didn’t know that he never addressed the questions.

Many of his rallies were broadcast in full in 2016 by what he calls the “fake media.” I’ve seen estimates of the value of free media time for Trump ranging from $1 – 2 billion during that campaign. Funny thing, we didn’t hear him complain about how unfair that free air time was.

His whining, his temper tantrums and made up s**t about being victimized by the fake media are on the way. Brace yourself for the coming Trumpocalypse. It will be in all caps on his Untruth Social rage machine.

Trump Must Never Get His Hands On Any Power Greater Than The Flush Handle Of A Prison Toilet.

Are you registered to vote? Check it out here:

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016.

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    The Fine Print:

    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
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    6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Havin’ a Li’l Fun

POST 1091

From The Onion, of course. Click the pic for the story.

About 12 prisoners, wrongly incarcerated, have been swapped for several Russian thugs. Among those freed is Paul Whelan – at last. And Trump told us only he could do that. Now, that’s fun! Click the pic for the story.







I like “YES WE KAM” better.







From Trump’s speech at a rally in Philadelphia, June 22, 2024, confirmed by Snopes:

No water in your faucets. You ever tried buying a new home and you turn it on? They have restrictors in there. You want to wash your hair. You want to wash your hands. You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip. The soap, you can’t get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about ten times longer. You’re trying. The worst is your hair. I have this beautiful, luxuriant hair, and I put stuff on. I put it in. Lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And I lather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip, drip, and you say, ‘I’m gonna be here for 45 minutes. What?’ They put restrictors and they put them on in places like here where there’s so much water you don’t know what to do with it. You know, it’s called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes. There is a problem. They don’t want you to have any water. They want no water.

There’s a strong similarity between this psychopathic idiocy and Trump’s “sharks vs. batteries” dementia demonstration. View the video here, but only if you have time and life to waste.

Click me for The Union







This is no spoof – it’s real.
Click the pic for the Washington Post story.


“Hannibal Lector is not
the guy you want
running your country.”
Click the pic and READ THE POST!

Quotes of the Week

From What This Comedian Said Will Shock You. by Bill Maher:

“The average American doesn’t think that we have to completely tear down the system and remake it. There are a lot of persuadable voters and  .  .  .  a lot of Democrats  .  .  .  who just want to see things make sense. They just don’t want to see the crazy stuff.”

And from the unstoppable voice of John Lewis, our national conscience. His voice is still echoing in the Capitol Building and in our ears. From July 17, 2021:

Speak up, speak out, get in the way. Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.”

Many thanks to all contributors!

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016.

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    The Fine Print:

    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
    5. Book links to Amazon are provided for reference only. Please purchase your books through your local mom & pop bookstore. Keep them and your town or neighborhood vibrant.
    6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Why JD Vance?

POST 1089

Trump Must Never Get His Hands On Any Power Greater Than The Flush Handle Of A Prison Toilet

Check the clock below. There are just 99 days until the November 5 election. There is so much work to do and your democracy and your love of freedom are calling out to your hands, your mind, your heart and your feet to get in the game. For direction on that, click here and review the action list in the Rhymes of the Week section. Today is a very good day for that. Think: Paul Revere’s Ride.

Lebanon and Middletown

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We were in the southwest corner of Ohio in the town of Lebanon, where we joined local Democrats to watch and then agonize over the debate last month. The next day the sun was blindingly bright and the temperature and humidity were impressively high by noon, when Witt’s Frozen Custard opened. We got a couple of crazy delicious frozen custard cones and went to work on them, attempting to keep pace with the melting and dripping. It was messy and glorious.

Continuing on our trip brought us to Middletown, Ohio. It’s a charming Midwest town, a suburb of Cincinnati, a fact which now raises eyebrows. JD Vance is from Middletown. But he proclaims his connection to poor Appalachia, seemingly wanting us to believe he’s an everyman.

Except Middletown is across the state from anything that might even remotely be described as Appalachia. The nearest thing he can claim is that his grandparents came from there. He didn’t.

Who is this guy? Just how stupid does he think we are?

A Stunning Moment Of “Huh?

JD Vance has done nothing during his 1.5 years in the Senate other than to fill a seat with his butt. He has no governing experience and has a terrible work record in nearly all the jobs into which billionaire Peter Thiel provided him a red carpet. His auto-biography sort of honors the poor Whites of his imagined Appalachian upbringing.* At the same time he demeans them and has advocated for ending every program that can help these people. His attitude seems to be, “I got mine. Too bad for you – you’re on your own.”

Click the pic for the Lincoln Project video. Thanks JN for the pointer.

He has expressed great criticism of and disaffection from Trump, having proclaimed himself a Never Trumper.** Click the pic to the left for clarity on that.

More recently he has prostrated himself before Trump and abandoned whatever integrity he had remaining. He is where he is only by virtue of massive support from billionaire elites and some demonic, self-aggrandizing scheme from Trump’s evil imagination.

He is against most things that the vast majority of Americans support. He argues for the end of our republic and says he would have done the great betrayal. It’s what Mike Pence refused to do: Disenfranchise all Americans and subvert the Constitution.

So much for integrity.

That’s a long way from the oath he swore when entering the Marines and the oath of office for Congress to which he swore, hand on Bible. The list of Vance’s disqualifiers is long and inglorious.

About that oath .  .  .

The Presidential, Vice Presidential, Congressional and military oaths are essentially the same.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

JD Vance swore to that oath twice and is not obeying it. Indeed, both Trump and Vance want to terminate our Constitution.

From Every Town for Gun Safety

Note that none of the above deals with Vance’s profound weirdness – like”childless cat ladies” – and this. This guy is Sarah Palin, only worse.

Hypocrisy? Cowardice? Moral bankruptcy? Dishonesty? You pick.

So, about that stunning moment of “Huh?” – Why did Trump pick Vance?

Rather than offering my own deciphering, Rachel Maddow’s is, unsurprisingly, far better, offering a clear explanation of why Trump picked shape-shifter Vance. As you listen, keep in mind that Trump is just two Big Macs away from a coronary. If he were to be elected, that would give us President Vance in short order. The purple majesty of the mountains quakes in fear.

Watch and listen to Rachel’s explanation. Then “Once more unto the breach, dear friends.” Our call to duty is clear.


From the New York Times:

A new book by Trump’s nephew says the former president suggested some disabled people “should just die.”

  • Did that shock you? After 8 years of Trump’s non-stop shaking of our national tectonic plates, I’m wondering if we are beyond the ability to be shocked. Whether we are or not, all that upheaval is reason enough to reject Trump and everything MAGA. It’s time to invite all MAGAs to un-clench their fists and to come back into the fold of caring, patriotic Americans. Perhaps we can be friendly neighbors again.
Just For Fun

Not sure, but I think it’s real.


* I like Maureen Dowd’s term for Vance: faux-billy.

** Vance’s wife Usha says Trump appalls her – but now she’s on the team. I guess spinelessness runs in the family.

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Freedom and Dr. Seuss

POST 1088

Reality Check

Since Trump was shot, the Republicans/MAGAs are making noises about being kinder, losing the divisiveness and their cruelty. These are the people whose convention featured presenter after presenter engaging in world class divisiveness, faux masculinity, accusing Democrats of exactly the awful things righties have been doing. They had giant piles of MUGS (Made Up Gross S**t) designed for divisiveness and cruelty that had attendees foaming at the mouth.

Still, they made noise about how after the shooting Trump had torn up his speech in order to craft one designed for unity. That triggers a


1. Try to remember the 2016 campaign, as Trump was making blisteringly phony accusations, taking credit for things he couldn’t even spell, much less create, telling lies and inciting hatred everywhere he went. We were assured by pundits that Trump would pivot and become presidential once in office and the gravity of presidential reality settled upon him. Check all that apply.

[  ] A. Trump “fixed” our immigration challenges by ripping thousands of infants and children from their mothers, caging the little ones without the staffing or supplies to care for them and with absolutely no way to reunite children with their parents. He explained that the cruelty was the point.

[  ] B. Trump knew more than the generals and people in the Intelligence agencies and ignored the President’s Daily Brief, blew off allies, embraced dictators and imperiled our safety by showing our top secrets to enemies. He promised our middle class great benefits, including massive new job opportunities and increased wages. Instead, he gave away $2 trillion, 87% of which went to already rich people and corporations. No new jobs were created and middle class income remained stagnant.

[  ] C. Trump did a turnaround and grew into the job of president, becoming a promoter of the Constitution and our democracy and transitioning into a world class statesman.

[  ] D. Trump can’t be believed when he says things like “kinder and gentler” or “unity,” nor when he denounces violence. That’s because if he is breathing, he is lying. Unity? From Trump, the Retribution King? Seriously?

Answer key: A, B, D. Trump couldn’t even understand answer C.

His aggrieved followers willingly support terminating the Constitution and then call themselves patriots. They’re easy marks for sales of Trump’s snake oil.

From Adam Kinzinger, June 26, 2024:

Today, we face an election about a singular, monumental issue: the very essence of our democracy. The question before us is clear—which of the two Candidates will stand unyielding in their commitment to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution and strengthen our Democracy?

Kinzinger is right about the essence of the election. The answer to his question is: Anyone But Trump. As boyhood pal and occasional commenter to these posts Kirk Landers said, he’d sooner vote for Biden’s dogs, either the mean one or the nice one, or even a pet rock than for Trump. Kirk is a smart fellow.

Trump must never get his hands on any power greater than the flush handle of a prison toilet.

Up and down your November ballot,

Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of gun safety.
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of healthcare.
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and forgiveness of crushing student debt.
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of supporting our allies and opposing our adversaries..
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of the rule of law.
No Republican will.

The Republicans, the ones who hurl racist slurs at Kamala Harris, the ones who spew bizarre Biblical quotations that nobody understands, the ones who criticize her over plastic soda straws as though she is killing kittens and puppies – those Republicans – at night they come out from under the bridge where they live just to be cruel. They intend to be our overlords. That’s all they offer our country.

Yes, this election is that dangerously binary because

Freedom is Under Attack!


Other than strong nominees, our job is to defeat tyranny and preserve your rights, including your right to women’s healthcare; protection of things you already paid for, like Social Security and Medicare; plus the right not be be shot to death by a homicidal maniac brandishing combat weapons.

We must energize the electorate to vote for our country. I’m thinking of the 40% who don’t bother to show up on election day. Recently, I wrote about the need to light a fire under them. Insightful opinion writer Steve Sheffey agreed with me in his July 7 post. He must be very smart.

That energizing of the stay-at-homes requires our feet on the street to motivate and mobilize them. That way we get to keep our democracy and have a free and fair election in 2026. And another in 2028. Plus, we get to not get shot.

See Note #5 below.

Rhymes Of The Week

From Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss:

  • You have brains in your head
  • You have feet in your shoes.
  • You can steer yourself
  • Any direction you choose.

So, steer yourself to:

  • register voters
  • canvas in a swing state
  • write post cards reminding people to vote
  • phone voters with wake up calls about the threats to their rights and their freedom
  • donate to candidates who will preserve our democracy (Democrats only, because Republicans are extremists or suck ups to extremists)
  • invite neighbors to a discussion about what they want and how they’ll get it
  • post a sign on your lawn
  • volunteer as a poll watcher.

Steer yourself to action, because,

  • You have brains in your head,
  • You have feet in your shoes.
  • You don’t want to go cry
  • Lost Democracy Blues.

Passivity just won’t do if you want rights, freedom and safety. So, get going.

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”

  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

Our governance and electoral corruption and dysfunction and our ongoing mass murders are all of a piece, all the same problem with the same solution:

  • Fire the bastards!

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    The Fine Print:

    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
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    6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.


POST 1085

Sleep Prevention Causal Factor

As reported in the New York Times on July 13, 2024:

Robert Pape, a political scientist at the University of Chicago who has studied American attitudes toward political violence since the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, conducted a nationwide poll on the topic last month. It found that 10 percent of those surveyed said that the “use of force is justified to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.” A third of those who gave that answer also said they owned a gun.

Seven percent of those surveyed said they “support force to restore Trump to the presidency.” Half of them said they owned guns.

Note that 3% of all those surveyed both own guns and support presidential preference violence. That’s 3% on each side. That ought to keep you up at night.

The Assassination Attempt – Pop Quiz

Question No. 1 in 3 parts:

Setting aside the invitations into conspiracy theories suggesting Trump planned the shooting to gain additional victim sympathy; and ignoring the self-serving politicians saying there’s no room in our politics for violence, even as they vote against every gun safety bill; and pretending that you don’t see the politicians trying to save their own asses from the bullseye of the next pissy sniper; and ignoring Trump’s consistent championing of violence and retribution; and ignoring the Second Amendment “cold, dead hands” extremists who prove how tough they are by the size of the arsenal in their basements;

How many guns have at last been properly locked up so that wacko sons like Adam Lanza can’t get their hands on Mom & Dad’s assault rifles and pistols? Answer: zero.

Who thinks our kids will be safe when they go back to school next month or that Biden doesn’t risk a copy cat shooter between now and November? Answer: nobody.

Where is there anything in support of safety but the next round of useless thoughts and prayers and the usual Second Amendment justification blather? Answer: nowhere.

Question No. 2 in 4 parts:

Millions are horrified because a former president apparently was slightly wounded. But is his life more important than the lives of:

20 little first grade kids and six teachers? Be sure to check with the parents, as well as the first responders who had to confront that butchery and help to clean it up.

The MAGA Hypocrisy Meter

Or 10 worshipers at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston?

Or 17 at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh?

Or the 17,761 killed or wounded by firearms already this year?

Answer to all: No.

Please, pundits, politicians and gun rights extremists, spare me your abhorrent hypocrisy. You may now go back to fondling your bump stock and skulking in the woods wearing your camos, pretending to be Rambo or a patriotic member of “a well regulated Militia.”

But you aren’t. And you aren’t a justified urban crusader or a victim “hitting back.” You’re just a guy puffed up by guns. Here’s what you must learn.

Everyone understands what guns do. They send slugs of lead through the air at very high speed and make often fatal holes in human bodies. That’s why people respect guns and what they can do. Here’s the “but.”

When you’re strutting around with your assault rifle or your semi-automatic pistol, people respect your guns because they know what they can do. But nobody respects you. You’re just a tough guy wannabee. A poser. A guy who thinks there is a short cut to respect.

NEWSFLASH: There isn’t.

ACTION ALERT: Lose the guns and start being respectful and you’ll begin to be worthy of respect.

If instead you kill or wound someone, even a presidential candidate, your fellow tough guy posers will high five you. The rest of the world will know that you’re just a loser and an a**hole.

“Grift! Grift! Grift!”

The Political Perversion of the Assassination Attempt

From Steve Schmidt, Next Comes The Revenge:

“Trump’s [“Fight, Fight, Fight!” is] tough and iconic in the instant of the response [to the attempted assassination], but who exactly is supposed to be fighting whom? What we are seeing is the use of a criminal act, an evil act, and an assault on our democracy as a justification for calls for more violence.”

Which surprises nobody.

Trump is a showman, so he instantly knew how to use a ding on his ear to promote himself. He has no concern for danger or harm to others.

If you are a supporter of Trump and you follow his raised fist, tough guy “Fight! Fight! Fight!” directive, you are the problem.

Gun Violence And Democracy

From reader Frank Levy:

[Saturday’s] assassination attempt on DJT will almost guarantee his election in November. He will be able to raise massive amounts of money off the attempt on his life and his previously bored and maybe unmotivated followers will want revenge for the affront to their leader and will vote in numbers we have never seen before. And all we have is sleepy Joe as our candidate. We know Joe is a true patriot. He loves America. He can prove it beyond reproach by letting someone, almost anyone but himself, carry the banner for saving our democracy in November.

That “almost guarantee his election” thing – we have to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Older Boomers may recall the pop song You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until You Lose It. Even if you don’t remember it, most of us have experienced renewed appreciation for something or someone after they’re gone and when we’re feeling the pain of loss.

It’s going to hurt really bad when our rights and our freedoms and our democracy are gone. Trump and the MAGAs are promising to take them away and it’s extremely unsafe to ignore their treasonous words. That’s why we have to saddle up and ride to the rescue of our democracy. We have to STOP THE STEAL!

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”

  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

Our governance and electoral corruption and dysfunction and our ongoing mass murders are all of a piece, all the same problem with the same solution:

  • Fire the bastards!

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    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Let Me Simplify These For You

POST 1082

It Almost Doesn’t Matter Who It Is

Pundits, journalists, editorial boards and experts with bed wetting tendencies have put their advanced stages of hand wringing on public display since the first moments of the debate debacle on June 27.

Full disclosure: We were at a watch party that night with fellow democracy loving people and I confess that shortly after Biden made his opening statement I blurted, “He just gave the presidency to Trump.” He looked and sounded like a great uncle who spends his day staring into the unfocused distance. He’s just not a good model of a strong and vibrant leader for our fractious nation.

My thinking now is that Biden’s apparent cognitive abilities* don’t matter. Here’s why.

Righties will vote for Trump. Democrats will vote for the Democratic candidate. Undecideds and independents are counting on us to convince them to defeat the Trump monster.

In other words, it’s time for all of us to put away our amateur psychologist notions, our confirmation biases, our certainties and even that light saber you’ve kept for so long and instead focus solely on banishing the monster. It’s time for reality and it’s time for action and the light saber won’t help us.

There is only one overarching imperative: protect and defend our Constitution and our democracy.

That’s about our way of life, our rights, our freedoms and our safety. This is the sine qua non.

The only way for that to happen is for us to elect leaders dedicated to the America intended by our Founders, the one we know we can become, and send the faux patriots packing.

It almost doesn’t matter who the nominee is for the Democrats. It’s entirely about ensuring massive turnout so that Donald Trump never gets his hands on power – ever. That is the battle. That is the call to duty. That means that we must dedicate ourselves to voting even for a smear of brain cells in a Petri dish if that’s the only candidate on the ballot to oppose Trump. At least we’ll have a president capable of intelligence.

So, abandon your certainty that Biden should quit the race or that he should not. Your certainty is worth nothing if Trump wins.

So, Biden, Newsom, Harris, Whitmer, Moore, Princess Leia – it doesn’t much matter. We must get behind the nominee and we must agitate, motivate and activate literally all registered voters to vote against Trump and all other hateful MAGAs. Then we will have leaders who will take action to reverse the abhorrent Supreme Court decisions violating our rights and intended to obliterate our democracy.

It’s time to muscle up the courage to do what must be done. Abandon your notions of a perfect candidate because there isn’t one.

Any candidate standing in opposition to Trump will do. Go campaign with all the depth and breadth and height of your soul. Put on your big boy or big girl pants and march directly to the Democrat campaign office nearest you and volunteer your very best, your passion and your intellect, to beat Trump. Campaign for that smear of brain cells in a Petri dish, if need be. When we make democracy the winner, with gratitude and relief I will send you a red, white and blue “I BANISHED THE MONSTER !!!” sticker.

Perhaps all of that can give you some comfort in the midst of our national quit/don’t quit mania.

The Immunity Death Star Is Real

Regular reader, periodic contributor and boyhood pal Frank Levy wrote a speech for Joe Biden to deliver. Here’s a piece of it.

Beginning today, shielded by the immunity given to me by the Supreme Court, I will use the Insurrection and Patriot Acts to arrest and imprison in Guantanamo:

• every member of Congress who refused to certify the 2020 Presidential Election

• every citizen not already in jail, including Donald Trump, who participated in false elector schemes and/or the attempted overthrow of the United States government

• every oligarch who sought and seeks to buy influence in Congress and the Supreme Court

• every media/internet mogul who allowed and allows their network and platforms to spread lies and misinformation.

I will then order Congress to:

• pass a rule to end the filibuster

• set term limits on Supreme Court Justices

• impeach Justices Alito and Thomas

• make Roe and marriage equality the law of the land

• eliminate the Electoral College

• secure our treaties with NATO, Europe, Ukraine and other allies

• pass whatever other legislation is necessary to secure American democracy, freedom and justice at home and abroad.

I don’t think that the notorious six Heritage Foundation Supreme Court justices intended for all that to be possible, but they actually did make all that possible through their justice defying presidential immunology insanity.

To add one more log onto this raging inferno of an issue, Sheila Markin, author of The Markin Report, offered a cure.

The Supreme Court must be expanded and the current senior jurists – Thomas and Alito – must go to lower courts. The Constitution says they have lifetime appointments but does not say they must be on the Supreme Court for life.

Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution states:

The judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour . . .

Setting aside the implied not-good-behavior disqualifier, it’s a matter of interpretation whether Sheila’s notion of demotion of justices is Constitutional. If it is, too bad for Clarence Thomas. There would be no more obscenely expensive freebie vacations for him, nor a fancy million dollar RV.

To better understand this draconian presidential immunity assault on our nation, watch this video from Rachel Maddow.


Last Thursday was America’s birthday party – number 248. Perhaps you barbecued, quaffed a beverage of choice, watched a parade and went to the fireworks on a hot July day. Such things are what we do.

We stand on the shoulders of giants whose vision and courage were greater than most of us can imagine. They imbued us with certain responsibilities and the opportunity for greatness.

Read what Steve Schmidt had to say about that in his 4th of July message, Happy Birthday, America.


* Be sure to check out the Cognition post this Wednesday. You can remember to do that, right? So can Joe Biden.

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”

  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016
  • Our governance and electoral corruption and dysfunction and our ongoing mass murders are all of a piece, all the same problem with the same solution:
  • Fire the bastards!

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    The Fine Print:

    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
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    6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Abandoning Fantasies

POST 1080

Still Reeling

.  .  . from the debate debacle. Yet we must continue our march forward.

Trump was Trump, grifting, fabricating idiotic, outrageous lies and doing his fantabulous projections of his lunacy and criminality onto Biden. But that isn’t the oddest thing. What is far more odd is that millions of Americans want this psychopath to be our next president.

And Biden was Biden – the one we rarely get a glimpse of; the actual guy. He’s been great for decades. He continues to be an excellent chief executive of our country. But he has degenerated into a sometimes terrible candidate and an unreliable campaigner.

This election will, like most, be decided by the 10 – 20% in the middle. These folks are independent, most are relative centrists and many are not very well informed voters. They are the ones who have to be convinced to vote for Biden. Many will vote against Trump, many will refuse to vote because they don’t like either candidate and some will vote for a third party candidate. The refusers and the third party voters may convince themselves that they are in their integrity, making a statement. What they actually will be doing is electing Trump.

Angry people are motivated. Trump’s devoted followers are like that. They show up and vote. Democrats aren’t as motivated and many eligible voters don’t vote at all. That passion inequality has delivered minority rule and is exactly why voting refusers and third party voters are tacitly voting for Trump.

And knowingly or not, they are voting to end our 248 year commitment to democracy.

My call for Biden to withdraw from the race has been echoed by many pundits and editorial boards, even as it isn’t as easy as that. There are the fundraising challenges for a replacement candidate, the building of a war cabinet and the wooing of millions in a different direction, all in a very limited amount of time. In other words, Biden may yet stay on the ticket, leaving us a quite challenging task: motivating people to vote for Biden, even in the face of his poor performance at the debate.

Let’s start with this from Adam Kinzinger the night before the debate:

Today, we face an election about a singular, monumental issue: the very essence of our democracy. The question before us is clear—which of the two candidates will stand unyielding in their commitment to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution and strengthen our Democracy?

For me, the answer is simple: And that is why, today, I am officially Endorsing Joe Biden’s Re-Election for the Presidency of the United States of America. [emphasis original]

There is a reason why I and so many others come back to urging voting and activist support. Kinzinger lays out in plain language the imperative to act for our nation. Unfortunately, we live in a nation of apathy for serious things. We’re full of passion for our sports teams and the backyard barbecue. Some are energized at a rally where their fears and anger are stoked by a charlatan.

For about 40% of us our eyes glaze over when the subject is how we decide to be governed, but here’s the thing: our government is legitimized only through the consent of the governed – you and me. When we sit out the big game, we tacitly forfeit our voice, our hopes and dreams, and even our beliefs, surrendering them to those who will not “preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution and strengthen our Democracy.”

There it is – the reason you are and I will vote and the reason we must encourage others to stand up for our country.

Best Quote

From the Declaration of Independence:

We have appealed to [King George III and English] native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity.

That has been our experience in dealing with our extremist fellow citizens today, both those in elected office and the ordinary citizens steeped in grievance. They have steadfastly lobbied for their usurparations of our Constitution and made connections and correspondence impossible by their fictions, their horrible conspiracy nightmares and their calls to violence against fellow citizens. Worst, “they have been deaf to the voice of justice.” That is what has brought us to this moment.

They want to establish a patriarchy, different only in trivial ways from the extremists in Iran. They want American women to be second class at best, subject to the whim of their fathers and husbands.* You’ve seen the theft of rights and the promises of more usurpations to come from state legislatures, Congress and the Supreme Court. You know their calls to theocracy.

It’s all right before our eyes. So, much as many of us wish there would be a vigorous, energized and energizing new presidential candidate to relegate Trump to the lonely infamy he deserves, we are left with actual reality. We know full well that we cannot – we must not – be influenced by any Kellyanne Conway alternative facts or even our own secret wishes. We must grab our patriotic responsibility and do what we know must be done.

So, even in the face of the debate debacle, are you in?


* Here’s anti-women’s liberation, self-appointed full citizenship antagonist, Phyllis Schlafly from years ago:

“The ‘women’s lib[eration]’ movement is not an honest effort to secure better jobs for women who want or need to work outside the home,” she said. It “is a total assault on the role of the American woman as wife and mother, and on the family as the basic unit of society. Women’s libbers are trying to make wives and mothers unhappy with their career, make them feel that they are ‘second-class citizens’ and ‘abject slaves.’ Women’s libbers are promoting free sex instead of the “slavery” of marriage. They are promoting Federal ‘day-care centers’ for babies instead of homes. They are promoting abortions instead of families.”

You can find essentially the same extremist sentiments today coming from Evangelicals, MAGA spouters and the spineless ones who know better but lack the integrity to say so. There is something that wants women to be powerless, second class citizens and which won’t go away.

Be clear: we are the ones standing up to stop the citizenship thieves.

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”

  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016
  • Our governance and electoral corruption and dysfunction and our ongoing mass murders are all of a piece, all the same problem with the same solution:
  • Fire the bastards!

  • Did someone forward this post to you? Welcome! Please subscribe – use the simple form above on the right. And pass this along to three others, encouraging them to subscribe, too. (IT’S A FREEBIE!) It’s going to take ALL OF US to get the job done.

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    The Fine Print:

    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
    5. Book links to Amazon are provided for reference only. Please purchase your books through your local mom & pop bookstore. Keep them and your town or neighborhood vibrant.
    6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

It’s Over

POST 1079

The presidential debate was over before the first word was uttered. Joe Biden walked in looking like a doddering old man. When he spoke his voice was strained, his enunciation was blurred and he sounded enfeebled. This country doesn’t honor age. We are about youth and vitality.

\So, Joe Biden just confirmed the worst fears of undecideds and persuadables.

That Trump did his standard lying, making up outrageous stuff on the spot and declaring monstrous idiocy was entirely predictable. So was his projecting his lies, his failings, his crimes and his incompetence onto Biden. Everyone, including undecideds and persuadables, knew he’d be doing all of that because that’s what Trump always does. And Biden let him get away with the majority of it.

Biden barely challenged Trump. He never called him the liar that he is. He never challenged the American people, asking how they like being lied to all the time. The closest he came was an “Oh, yeah? No, you’re the worst.” Like a kid saying, “Nya-nya” to a brat on the playground.

The problem isn’t doubt about whether Joe Biden can be an outstanding executive doing the job of the presidency. It’s about him doing the job of a candidate well. And he isn’t.

In just 90 minutes yesterday Joe Biden gave the presidency to Donald Trump.

An Open Letter to President Biden

Dear President Biden:

Drop out of the race now. Do this for the American people, for democracy and for the safety of the entire world.

Tell the world that you’ve been honored by the opportunity given to you to restore America’s place of leadership in the world, to save hundreds of thousands of American lives from death by Covid, to have led the United States to have the best economic recovery from a worldwide pandemic, to be the arsenal to stop Vladimir Putin from recreating the despotic Soviet Union dominating eastern Europe, and thank you for so much more.

Joe, you’ve been great in so many ways. Now it’s time to leave the Oval Office. Tell everyone that the most presidential thing you can do now is to make room for a new and vigorous Democratic candidate for the presidency.

With love, great respect, gratitude and urgency,



For Clarity

Heather Cox Richardson has a different take on this. Clearly, she is less affected by Biden’s campaign presentation than I am and seems to be okay with Biden continuing. She does a nice job of outlining the Trump Thursday night horror show, too.

To be clear, my concern is the beauty contest factor, which Biden lost dreadfully and which may well be the deciding factor for many voters in so-called “battle ground” states. That is why I want to see a statesman moment from Biden and a fresh, vigorous Democratic candidate stepping into the spotlight now, while there is still time to repair and rebuild the Democratic offering.

For a very different take, read Thomas Friedman’s piece. Spoiler: He says with great sadness that it’s time for Biden to get out of the race. Very tough love.

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”

  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016
  • Our governance and electoral corruption and dysfunction and our ongoing mass murders are all of a piece, all the same problem with the same solution:
  • Fire the bastards!

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