Apologies for the disambiguation announcement yesterday that included a random “7” and no link to the day’s post. The offending electrons have been apprehended, indicted, convicted and are awaiting sentencing. They should pose no further threat to anyone.
Meanwhile, you can find that post here. Good reading/watching to you.
PS – I know that the message of yesterday’s post suggests ignoring such things, but the absurdity of Trump’s tweet Saturday evening made it impossible not to include it here. Thanks go to SS for the pointer.
Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.
One Response to Outlaw Electrons
Jim Altschuler June 17, 2019
Did the people of the United States really need more proof of what a buffoon they have elected to the presidency?
Don’t we all know that he has no ability to converse, even in abbreviated spurts like Twitter, with other human beings without demeaning, insulting, etc.?
May the God of all strike him mute and his fat little fingers incapable of movement to spare us from his further insults and abuse, friends and enemies alike, including the abuse of our intellect. It will take decades if not centuries to overcome the damage that he has wrought to our international relationships. Lord, hear our prayer.