Post 1,053 Late Addition . NBC News Hires Former RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel The GOP political veteran will become an on-air contributor to NBC News and MSNBC. . Yes, that Ronna Romney McDaniel. Be sure to click the headline and read the astonishing spin the networks put on this brainless move. Here’s a piece of… [read more]
Civil War
Post 1,052 A blogger friend recently posted, “A few years ago, CNN reported on a survey indicating that over 40% of Americans believed that a civil war was ‘somewhat likely’ in the next ten years.” He mentioned globalization as at least part of the cause. I assume that means that it has caused disruptions leading… [read more]
There Are Two Kinds of People
Post 1,051 Comedians say that there are two kinds of people in the world. There are people who laugh and there are people who make people laugh. I, too, say that there are two kinds of people in the world. There are people who see nuances, shades of gray as well as of color; and… [read more]
Post 1,050 Not Looking Too Supreme Yes, the ballot disqualification decision was unanimous and it may well lead to further disapproval of this ethically challenged court. We don’t know if that unanimity was because every justice dug deeply into their vault of jurisprudence and agreed or because the justices feared a violent public reaction to… [read more]
Post 1,049 248 years ago the slightly known young patriot and freedom zealot Thomas Paine* penned the first pamphlet of The American Crisis, a series of 13 pieces published periodically over 6 years. This first was written as Washington and his army were retreating across the Delaware River and was published in the Philadelphia Journal… [read more]
SOTU Dream – Joe Says, “Join Me”
Post 1,048 Ladies and gentlemen, the state of our union is much, much better. We seem to lean toward fracture at times, but still our country keeps moving forward. Ronald Reagan would be proud to say right now that it’s morning in America again. As former Representative David Jolly said the other day, “More people… [read more]
Joe, Ya Gotta Listen To This Guy
Post 1,047 The Message Joe, here’s former Republican, former Rep. David Jolly (R-FL) on Nicolle Wallace’s program, March 5, Super Tuesday (lightly edited). He has a message for you. “There’s a healthy suspicion that the Biden camp has been relying on Donald Trump as a [flawed] candidate to do a little bit of the work… [read more]
Biden & Bibi – Urgent
Post 1,046 Transcript of a Dream Sequence of a Private Video Conference Between President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu . Biden: Bibi, our countries have been rock solid allies – friends – through good times and bad since 1948. It’s not just mutually beneficial. It’s the right thing to do, right? Bibi: That’s… [read more]
All You Need To Know
Post 1,045 It Only Hurts When We Laugh You likely see the humor and perhaps appreciate the creativity in this cartoon, even as this is terribly cringe-worthy. It was sent to me by a dear friend and I’m working hard to forgive him. Here’s the problem. This cartoon conflates two alt-right lunacies – fertilized… [read more]
Post 1,044 Get Over It Joe Biden is the Democratic Party nominee for President. Regardless of his age, his awkward gait, his historic gaffs, his verbally relocating various world leaders to other countries, his paltry number of press conferences, his refusal to be younger than he is and his inability to make everything in the… [read more]