POST 1079 The presidential debate was over before the first word was uttered. Joe Biden walked in looking like a doddering old man. When he spoke his voice was strained, his enunciation was blurred and he sounded enfeebled. This country doesn’t honor age. We are about youth and vitality. \So, Joe Biden just confirmed the… [read more]
POST 1078 I’m finding it ever more difficult to tolerate the haters. It went over the top long ago, when Trump first gave permission to White supremacists to snarl and spit their real or imagined grievances; to beat up protesters; for cops to bang the heads of perps; and to vomit vitriol attacking “others.” This… [read more]
Potpourri v22.0
POST 1080 Readings & Quotes “One important decision was handed down today, so we know the justices are at work. In what seems to be the ultimate no-brainer (but this is where we are), the court upheld a federal ban on gun possession by suspected domestic abusers. Clarence Thomas was the lone dissenter. [In the… [read more]
POST 1079 Gen.Mark Milley was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the last years of the Trump administration. He saw and heard far more un-American things from that president than most of us who suffered through those bleak times. At last he could tolerate it no longer and wrote a letter of… [read more]
POST 1078 Regular readers recognize that I occasionally post an essay from other writers, pieces that are enlightening, important and timely. Today we have such a piece. Ed Gurowitz is a friend and an RSP – “Royal Smart Person.” Today he offers timely insight into our current iteration of Supreme betrayal. If this isn’t top-of-mind… [read more]
P0ST 1077 No, not for game. Not for dinner. Not for sport. I’m hunting for powerful, consistently muscular, banner-waving, truth telling, lie smashing, propaganda pummeling communication from any Democratic organization, any Democratic candidate or politician or any Democratic operative who is sick of Republican attacks, outrageous accusations and lies.* The game I’m hunting for is… [read more]
Liars and Cheaters and Frauds, Oh My! and a Ghastly Contrast
POST 1076 CAUTION – Contains snark, which is known to trigger bouts of doing the right thing, as well as generating an occasional smirk. In what should be an alien, other planet move, 10 Republicans wrote in a public letter that they would no longer pass legislation, fund the government, or vote to confirm the… [read more]
Cherry Picking
POST 1075 Under Attack There is a cynical and dangerous checklist that is a playbook for the destruction of America. It has been festering for decades in plain sight and has somehow been tolerated, this to our peril. Here’s a piece of Sheila Markin’s post of May 19 detailing some of that checklist. CAN OUR… [read more]
A Great America
POST 1074 The Two Greatest Days in Politics in the 2000s November 4, 2008: Barack Obama won the presidential election. We were with him in Grant Park. It was beyond glorious. May 30, 2024: Donald Trump was convicted of 34 criminal counts. Accountability is at last sinking its righteous claws into him. It is beyond… [read more]
POST 1074 THE RULE OF LAW LIVES! Hey Convict: You Called Our Fallen Soldiers “Suckers” and “Losers.” Who’s the Loser Now, Bone Spurs? Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser Loser… [read more]