150 years old

SOTU, Social Security & Ugly

POST 1156

Executive Summary

> What SOTU? You mean the 2 hours of self-serving blah? Couldn’t watch. Did the Democrats boycott or walk out or just politely sit there and take it on the chin yet again?

> On being 150 years old

> A dire warning about justice and ugly

SOTU – Actually, Just a Reality TV Promotion

The only moment of a Trump State of the Union address I liked was when Nancy Pelosi dramatically tore up his speech. I wish today’s Democrats would reach down to see if they, like her, have a pair (calm down – it’s a metaphor, not a gender excluding phrase) and, if so, that they would show some ferocity.

Meanwhile, Trump is rapidly turning over the United States of America to Putin. Soon you’ll have to address me as Comrade Disambiguation. Doesn’t exactly slide off the tongue as easily as the way Trump is sliding democracy from us and abandoning our values and our role of leadership in the world. You heard that he’s shutting down some counterintelligence operations, right?

That’s why I couldn’t and didn’t watch. Besides, over 30,000 lies in his first administration far exceeded my maximum lifetime tolerance.

Social Security Fraud

I am 150 years old and I collect Social Security under my name and under 3 aliases. I have to draft off the Medicare account of a neighbor – please don’t tell him – but I’m in pretty good health, so apparently I’m under that radar. Here’s the problem.

Elon has been blabbing on about 150 year old Americans fraudulently collecting Social Security and I guess I’m guilty of that. Well, like my superannuated contemporaries, only guilty for the 3 aliases.

Anyway, It’s plain as can be that Musk is totally clueless about the needs of our – of your – seniors and only says what he says to be bombastic and to protect his billions of dollars of federal contracts. Perhaps he thinks he sounds smart or powerful or thinks he’s on his way to Mars (please!). But, of course, he’s a dumb bunny, clueless about our nation’s values and pleased to say stupid things.

I’m concerned that he and the other POTUS will find me and my antiquated friends and start using us in some propaganda piece that brings the extremist militants out of their hidey-holes to threaten and abuse us. I confess that I’m barely strong enough to hold and fire my .38 caliber pistol and am much more comfortable with my little .22. The problem is that I’m not confident that it has enough stopping power to protect me from the MAGA anti-patriots carrying their AR-15s who will be banging down my door – the ones who make death threats to grannies and Democrats, much less Trump’s soon to be constituted brown shirts. What can I do?

Plus, if they cut off my aliases, where will I get enough money to live? The winter cold really hurts these old bones. I need help and help is expensive.

So you see, I’m in quite a bind. I need protection from Trump, from Musk and from our American terrorists; from the juvenile hacker snoops at Social Security and Medicare, from the clueless right-wing talk radio and TV blabbers, from Republican Trump sucks and, of course, from our citizens who, after Social Security is cut or privatized, will chant at me, “Let him die!”

Thanks for this find, TF.

Did you hear that they’re slashing food stamps? I’m hoping to make it to 200 years old, but that’s going to be far more difficult after Trump cuts yet more benefits, stuff I paid into for all the many decades of my working life. Looks like I’ll have to eat cat food.

If I were your great, great, great grandfather, what would you tell me to do?

A Dire Warning

You know well of the unqualified Trump supplication nominees for department heads and the now confirmed heads of the various departments of the executive branch. None is more dangerous than the head of the Justice Department, because that agency is supposed to be a watchdog standing guard over all the others.

Click the pic. Many thanks to DL for pointing me to this.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse has long been outspoken about such things. You need to watch and listen carefully to his comments to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. This is one of the scariest 5 minutes of video I have ever seen, because he is right. This is going to be a monumental battle for the heart of our nation, for the values we hold dear, and it’s going to take all of us if we’re to keep our constitutional republic.

Ugly Brought Us Here

From Dan Gardner’s brilliant post, The Ugly American,

Picture the worst stereotype of an American abroad. Loud, abrasive, arrogant. Incurious about local culture and politics because Americans have nothing to learn from foreigners. Incapable of delivering even a few words in another language and certain they can always make themselves understood by speaking English at a higher volume. Smugly confident that the United States is the most advanced of civilizations, in every way that matters, and all the rest of the world silently dreams of being American, or least meeting one of God’s chosen.

Those are ugly Americans. Can you come up with names of people in our country today to which such a description, such a label might apply? Tell you what: ping your Canadian friends and ask what they think. Or check with NATO leaders – all of them except dictators Orbán in Hungary and Erdoğan in Turkey and Commissar Whatshisname in the U.S. All the rest have posted their support for Ukraine and Zelenskyy. Then read Gardner’s essay in full. It’s excellent.

These over-proud, angry and poorly informed Trumpy Americans brought us here, along with the millions who didn’t bother to vote. And the Trumpies bought most of America’s privately owned 440 million guns. I think most are in the hands of people who should never own any weapon more dangerous than a staple remover. That’s a very dangerous situation.

I suspect they just like the feeling of power that having a gun gives them and they think that a gun will bring them safety from some imagined threat. Plus, I believe they think the Second Amendment was written so that they can attack our government if they don’t like it – as if they could defeat the U.S military. We know that last reason is accurate, because many of the Second Amendment loonies have said exactly that.

They put all of us at risk. Those guns bring us 2 mass murders every 3 days and our ongoing suicide deaths. And they support the national demolition of our government and our values, destruction that threatens us more deeply every day.

There is little hope of changing their minds, but they are no more than 1/3 of our eligible voters. Should we ever again have an election, the other 2/3 of us better show up.

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  2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
  3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine, but I do wish that I could blame someone else. Glad to have your corrections.
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