Voter Fraud – and Others

POST 1111

One More Look At Our Terrible Voter Fraud Problem

You’ve heard the statistics about our voter fraud problem, like that it’s 0.00001% of votes cast, clearly not enough to sway even the election of a candidate for the mosquito abatement board, much less a megalomaniac fraud and sexual assaulter to the presidency. Nevertheless, we must have some fun with the numbers from the off-the-right-edge-of-the-continuum Heritage Foundation because they are Trump suck-up misleaders.

The Brookings Institution did that in a paper entitled Widespread election fraud claims by Republicans don’t match the evidence. Note that their analysis has nothing to do with how anyone feels or their confirmation bias or their delight in demonizing. They’re just the facts, ma’am.

Brookings reports,

[The Heritage Foundation finds] that there have been 1,465 proven cases of election fraud — 1,264 of these resulted in criminal prosecutions and the remainder resulted in civil prosecutions, diversion programs, judicial findings, or official findings.

These may sound like big numbers, however, they must be examined in context. The findings encompass more than a decade of data during which, nationally, hundreds of millions of votes have been cast. For instance, in Texas, Heritage found 103 cases of confirmed election fraud. However, those 103 ranged from 2005 to 2022 during which time over 107 million ballots were cast. There were 11 million ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election alone. The fraud in Texas amounted to 0.000096% of all ballots cast — hardly evidence of a fundamentally corrupt system.

Need more?

in Arizona, where President Biden won by a mere 10,457 votes in 2020, Heritage documents just four cases of fraudulent voting in the general election. Furthermore, while former Republican gubernatorial candidate and 2024 Senate candidate Kari Lake falsely claimed widespread fraud following her loss in 2022, there have been zero reported cases from that year thus far. To put these cases (or lack thereof) in perspective, Arizonans cast over 6 million votes in the 2020 and 2022 general elections. [That’s fraud  of 0.0% of votes cast.]

Other swing states have also recorded negligible numbers of election fraud. In Georgia, Heritage has reported no cases of fraud in the 2020 or 2022 general elections, in which nearly nine million votes were cast. [That, too, is 0.0% of votes cast.]

So, now we’re all convinced that there is no voter fraud problem, right?

So, what’s going on here? Nothing. Confirmed conspiracy theorists never take no for an answer, so they will certainly insist that there was massive fraud or that prosecutors were bought off.

Mmm, that right, Kemosabe. They will say that. And they will be wrong.

We have only one voter fraud problem and it’s the fraud that attacks voting rights, like:

  1. gerrymandering
  2. kicking eligible voters off voting rolls for specious and discriminatory reasons, especially when it’s done just before an election so there is no time to appeal
  3. limiting access to voting, like closing polling places to make it extremely difficult to vote and eliminating drop boxes for mail-in ballots
  4. requiring voter ID that is difficult for a targeted population to secure

Click here for a more extensive list of Constitution stomping, rights killing manipulation by .  .  .  guess who?

Note especially that even before mail-in and absentee ballots began to be filled out this year and with zero evidence for their claims, Trump and his entire entourage and his parroting millions were already claiming voting fraud. So, 1. Are they clairvoyant? or, 2. Are they frauds? You choose.

From The “Ya Gotta Read This” Department

Perhaps you’ve heard that right wing extremists, including our twice impeached, four times indicted, 34 counts convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter former president, Donald Trump, have used our hurricane disasters to demonize FEMA, saying they don’t have enough money for disaster relief because they gave away money to undocumented immigrants (they prefer to call them “illegals”). That’s complete  .  .  .  how is it said? .  .  .  you know. See this and this.

These lies are just a current attack on our institutions designed to make the easily manipulated distrustful of government. It’s so dumb that even “no stranger to airhead conspiracy stupid stuff” Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) smacked down the no FEMA money idiocy.

Now the rabid right has told hurricane and tornado victims that FEMA is coming to seize their land and worse. That’s led to armed militias – actually, vigilantes – roaming western North Carolina hunting FEMA people. That has caused relief workers to pull back, interfering with relief getting to hurricane victims. Again, it’s just your presidential candidate doing what he can to stoke violence and undermine our trust in ourselves.

Here’s more on hurricanes from CNN:

Last week, [Rep. Marjorie Taylor] Greene, without specifying who “they” is, posted, “Yes they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”

She offers quack patent applications from a hundred years ago to prove her airhead point.

Most important is that you’ve heard this kind of idiocy many times from those who were the kids who flung spitballs from the back of their science and civics classes. The problem now is that such inanities get forwarded millions of times until some people believe it, putting themselves and others at risk through their denial of reality and further eroding our trust in our institutions.

The scariest part of this latest MTG lunacy is that citizens of Georgia’s 14th Congressional District keep sending her and her AR-15 to Congress. What do you suppose is the key contaminant in their drinking water?

Right: it’s fraud.


Read Prof. Timothy Snyder’s new post, From the Storm to the Stormtroopers. The Fascist Logic of Climate Lying.


Are you a Boomer? If so, you’re a child of the Greatest Generation. Read Lessons From My Father. Then say a quiet – perhaps even sacred – thank you.

Bang Bang

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We have 48 dead kids already this year, hundreds wounded and ten of thousands traumatized for life. And all of us are living with the threat of a grotesquely distorted Second Amendment hanging over our heads. Watch for a very personal account of that this Sunday.

It’s not the vibes and it’s not the polls: it’s the votes. 
Are you registered to vote? Check it out on any of these websites:




“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
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Odd Critters

POST 1107

Odd Humans

See note #5 below

Upon seeing him on Bill Maher’s program on September 27, I remembered that Yuval Noah Harari is a favorite author of Barack Obama. I just ordered Harari’s book Sapiens and hope to find a little understanding about humans from those pages.

My non-scientific, anecdotal observation is that for most of we humans, upon learning of the suffering of others, we first translate that into how we would feel were we suffering in that way. That probably isn’t true of a mother responding to a crying baby, but it likely is true when we hear about the Gazans today. We see the suffering people and do an automatic, “What if that were me or someone I love?” We bypass simple empathy for those actually suffering in the moment and make it about ourselves, a “me thing.”

Feel free to push back on this and perhaps we’ll all learn something valuable. But if there is any validity to my observation, then, for example, that lack of simple empathy may well be part of why our political insanity makes it impossible to create what are called “common sense gun safety laws.” The cruel irony, of course, is the absence of any common sense.

I just don’t see any common sense in our allowing our citizens to own AR-15s or bump stocks or large capacity magazines. It makes no sense for an 18-year-old, years from having a mature brain that can fully anticipate consequences and for whom risk is just an exercise in excitement to have the right to purchase weapons of war. But we let this insanity – this total lack of common sense – go on, as our legislators suck up to the firearms industry in order to get campaign contributions. And then we reelect them! That’s insane.

When the awful shooting occurred – any shooting – did you feel affected? If you lived in Nerwtown, CT (Sandy Hook Elementary School) you did. Same for Highland Park, IL on the 4th of July two years ago and all the others when it’s close to home. We automatically identify when the threat feels near.

I’m feeling that way now because two of my grandchildren are in college, in different schools, and each had a shooting nearby them, one on and the other just off campus. That’s really close to the heart for me. But it’s likely you didn’t even hear about those shootings because we have two mass shootings every three days and lots more single shootings in this shooting gallery of a country. Most of the attention to them fades away quickly, covered only by local news and even then only for a day or two. Then the journalists are off to cover the next “If it bleeds, it leads” event.

My grandchildren are okay, thanks for asking, but I am not. My fire is stoked once again to a roaring inferno over our insane refusal to protect our own people until the blood is flowing close to home. And even then we do nothing to prevent the next massacre, just like the days following the Sandy Hook slaughter of first graders, when we did nothing but offer impotent, cowardly and offensive “thoughts and prayers.”

If you need to feel that fire in order to understand and to take action, just imagine that those were your children or grandchildren being just a short distance from that campus gunfire. Imagine if they had to “shelter in place,” hiding in their dorm rooms as the murderer was hunted down. Imagine them at last able to leave their dorms, walk outside and realize how terribly exposed and at risk they are all the time. Do you feel that fire now?

No matter where it happens and whether we feel it or not, it’s always close to home for someone or it will be soon. Do we only care after the fact, or are we willing to go on the hunt to recapture some common sense? Our election in 29 days seems like a good time to gather our wits about us and elect people who we believe have common sense. Check March For Our Lives first, then Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action. Get involved – before you’re ordered to shelter in place.

About that about “me thing” – it likely doesn’t even register that there is an ongoing civil war in Sudan and many thousands of people are starving because we Americans pretty much don’t identify with the Sudanese. So, like I said, if it isn’t us and it isn’t close to home, it doesn’t register.

We really are odd critters.

Biggest Idiot of the Month

Speaking of odd critters, as the winds and rain of hurricane Helene were rapidly ramping up, the governors of most of our southeastern states mobilized their emergency teams and national guard units. They put all citizens on alert and called DC asking for a declaration of emergency to get help from FEMA as fast as possible.  All of them did that – except one.

Republican Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee took a different approach to dealing with that monster hurricane. He refused to reach out to our federal agencies for the help the people in his state would soon desperately need. He made no request for a declaration of emergency for Tennessee. Instead, Gov. Lee called for a “voluntary day of prayer and fasting.”

That’s right: book banners are idiots, too. Click me

Yes, really!

He didn’t ask for FEMA help until flash floods were drowning entire towns and cities in his state. Of course, President Biden approved the request immediately.

If they could talk, I bet the people in Tennessee who died in that monster storm would have something to say to Gov. Lee about his official state response of prayer and fasting, when food, water and boots on the flooded ground would be so terribly and obviously needed. He’s weird in a “beating drums in the jungle” kind of way and as a result has lost the support of his dead Bible thumping constituents – perhaps some live ones, too.

Congratulations go to Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee for being the Biggest Idiot in September.

It’s not the vibes and it’s not the polls: it’s the votes. 
Are you registered to vote? Check it out on any of these websites:




“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
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Funding the Wall

Reading time – 3:15; Viewing time – 5:04  .  .  .

In reviewing my posts of the past couple of years I find that there’s a lot of “This ain’t right” stuff and a much smaller offering of “Hey, this is cool!” or “Aren’t we humans oddly interesting?” Sadly, the reason is obvious: the dangerous and harmful Trumpian outrages are all around us and push-back is critical.

So, once again I long for our country to be “re-saned” (no, that’s not a word, but you get it) so that we can get back to being America and stop playing defense against the full time Trumpian assaults on reality. Meanwhile, it’s our duty to attend to these outrages in order to minimize damage. Here’s just one from this past week.

Mark Esper was a vice-president of government relations for Raytheon, a defense contractor. Apparently, being a lobbyist was just the right experience to make him the very best person to be Secretary of Defense under Trump. He brought the lobbying skills he honed at Raytheon to his present gig at the White House in order to be an official Trump Swamp Cootie.

Trump insists on building his useless vanity wall on our southern border, the one we were told that Mexico was going to pay for. Not so strangely, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said, “Nuh-uh” to Trump’s ridiculous demand of payment.

After that Congress also refused to fund his (did I mention?) stupid wall, so Trump declared a state of national emergency in order to undermine Congress. He got Esper to agree to give him $3.6 billion from the Defense Department budget for his wall. The money will come from much needed construction projects for our military, including readiness projects in support of our NATO allies.

Vladimir Putin likes that we’ll be one step behind. That gives him the opportunity to seize yet more eastern European nations. And Putin continues to pursue his nuclear explosion producing, Mach 8 nuclear powered cruise missiles. The complete lack of U.S. push-back means that he faces no international condemnation for the radiation from his exploded folly that’s poisoned the area next to Finland.

If you’d like to see which national defense needs will be abandoned, click here. Be sure to look for the idiotic comments of Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), which he said in support of Trump’s Defense Department thievery, including this contorted gem:

“It is important that Congress now restore the military construction funding diverted for border security. Failing to do so only forces our troops to pay for political discord in Washington.”

It may have hurt your brain to read that. That’s because it’s bat-shit crazy.

Trump also is diverting emergency funds from FEMA in order to build his purposeless wall. He’s specifically withholding disaster relief from Puerto Rico, which hasn’t recovered from Hurricane Maria two years ago, largely because – wait for it – Trump has withheld about 80% of the funds that Congress allocated for disaster relief for those people.

As of this writing the southeast coast of the U.S. is taking a pummeling from Hurricane Dorian following the devastation it caused to the Bahama Islands. The Bahamians endured almost two days of cat 5 winds – over 185 miles per hour – torrential rain and hurricane ocean storm surges.

In addition to the Puerto Rico money he plans to steal, Trump is going to further deplete FEMA in order to fund his vanity wall, making relief and recovery for those were hurt worst anywhere from difficult to impossible. We might have enough left in FEMA’s piggy bank for the Carolinas. As for the Bahamians and Puerto Ricans, I’m sure those people can wait until next fiscal year for funding to help them. Just tell the Bahamians to take a number and get in line behind the Puerto Ricans. It’s really no problem, because most of those people aren’t from Norway, anyway.

Sarcasm aside, Trump is preparing to build 175 miles of unneeded wall by sacrificing desperate hurricane survivors, NATO, our 3-branch governmental structure, national defense, our military people and world order. This isn’t just more of his stupid lies. We can ignore what he says, even his idiotic Sharpie-modified hurricane map. But we better pay attention to what he does, because he is intent upon assaulting American values, our safety and our democracy itself.

That’s why we pay attention to his outrages.


Ed. Note: I don’t want money or your signature on a petition. I want you to spread the word so that we make a critical difference. So,


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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

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