The Jews


POST 1104

A Little Founding Father Direction

From Benjamin Franklin, 1787:

“I confess that there are several parts of this constitution which I do not at present approve, but I am not sure I shall never approve them. For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged by better information, or fuller consideration, to change opinions even on important subjects, which I once thought right, but found to be otherwise.”

When you’re “obliged by better information, or fuller consideration,” do you “change opinions even on important subjects, which [you] once thought right, but found to be otherwise”?

It’s happening now.

We’re seeing lots of Republicans, former Republicans and Independents who are showing us the strength to change opinions, as Franklin himself did.

And we’re seeing lots of fellow citizens, formerly disengaged and loath to make the effort to vote, registering to vote.

There is something solid about “better information, or fuller consideration” that emboldens us to do what we know to be right, what we must do. It is what has motivated hundreds of former Reagan officials, Trump officials, Republican Party chairs, judges and thousands of traditional Republicans to declare that they not only will not vote for Trump, but that they will vote for Harris.

From Jamelle Bouie

“For nearly a decade Trump has fomented an atmosphere of political violence. Much of his appeal rests on the promise that he will dominate his enemies – who, through him, become the people’s enemies – and remove them from the body politic.”

“Last Monday, Trump blamed Democrats for political violence. ‘Because of this Communist Left Rhetoric, the bullets are flying and it will only get worse,’ he wrote on social media.

“But there is only one politician who has placed violence at the center of his movement. Only one politician who is running for president on a promise of “retribution.” Only one politician who has promised that if he is elected again, he will unleash the state against a wide array of disfavored groups.”

When Trump Loses

Over the years Trump has declared a stunning list of imagined enemies, icky people, all somehow oppressors of himself. He has announced that he is an innocent victim and brays his hatred and coming retribution for all the suffering he has imagined from his enemies, like:

The Justice Department, weaponized, which is what he promises to do himself


Blacks (except for “my Negro”)

Hillary Clinton



Everyone from “shit-hole countries”

Non-White immigrants from non-European countries, especially Hispanics seeking asylum, including the babies he ripped from their mothers’ arms

Everyone who investigated or prosecuted the January 6 insurrectionists

Joe Biden

Kamala Harris



Now “The Jews” – they’re just 2.4% of the total population but he says that his upcoming election loss will be their fault somehow.

It’s funny how Trump is never responsible for anything bad that happens to him. It’s always the fault of someone else. Blaming and hating “others” takes the focus off his countless failures, lies, cheats, stupidities, cruelties and ineptitude by telling us not to pay attention to those, but rather to hate the bright, shiny object du jour he’s flashing in our faces, like Haitians eating cats. Plus, it makes for a common enemy to hate. It’s just what savage, hateful dictators do.

The Trump “Blame It On The Jews” Tour

Trump is repugnant in every way. There’s no need to go through that extensive list here, but one of the most virulent and dangerous is his demonizing of his many out-groups, like those in the list above. After smearing Haitians in Springfield, Ohio, he started blatantly attacking Jews  – no dog whistles any more – by declaring, “If I don’t win this election, the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss.” That matters.

We saw on January 6 the violence he can induce. He stopped just short of instructing his mob to kill cops, smash windows and doors and defecate in the hallways of the Capitol Building, but the mob got the message and did all of that and worse. He and his weird and hateful running mate continue to accuse Haitians of eating the pets of the residents of Springfield, OH. They have induced their rabid thug followers to make dozens of bomb threats there. Now he’s blatantly blaming “The Jews” in advance of his election failure. Can violence to synagogues and congregants be far away?

This is a Congressional Republican hero – Source: Pixabay

Not even one Congressional Republican has repudiated his statements.

Apparently, they aren’t familiar with Benjamin Franklin’s wisdom about reconsideration when better information comes along. Or maybe they’re just chicken.

Listen to Keith Olbermann’s commentary – start at 24.30 for more on Trump’s Blame It On The Jews tour. For a more thorough look, read the first section of Steve Sheffey’s post that begins,”Hi Steve.” Plus, you might want to reconsider actions you’ll take in these last critical weeks before the election. There’s lots more that you can do.

Election Wisdom From Master Yoda

“A great and terrible disturbance there is in The Force. Happened this has many times before and evil is once again coming to destroy the Republic and enslave the people.

“If free people you are to remain, The Way of The Vote you must learn. A luminous path it is to what is right and what is good. To refuse The Vote is a path to the dark side.

“Not enough is it for you to do this noble task. Influence others to Vote, you must. You will do this with the The Force that is within you. Feel it connecting you to others and between you and the stacks of prepared ballots awaiting voters. Then guide others, you must, and follow you to the polls they will on the wave of The Force. Then will you feel the crushing of the disturbance in The Force and triumphant will be democracy.

“Go now. Much work there is to do. If your job you do well, The Vote will be with you, always.”

Do we still have the right stuff for the continuing battle against the Dark Side?

And always remember:

Voting and getting out the vote reduce the risk of unwanted presidencies!


It’s not the vibes and it’s not the polls: it’s the votes. 
Are you registered to vote? Check it out on any of these websites:

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

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