The Damned Idiot In November

Reading time – 3:34  .  .  .

Trump isn’t an idiot for all the stupid, vacuous drivel he spouts. He’s a damned idiot because he refuses to know truth and act properly to save lives, reduce suffering, protect our nation, honor our values and all the rest.

Cases in point:

  • – The damned idiot dissolved the team of people who were a standing resource to our nation expressly because a pandemic might visit us again, like the Spanish flu and Ebola. President Obama set that up because he wanted to be sure we would be ready. Not so the damned idiot.

– The damned idiot closed his eyes and closed his ears to the warnings of a coming pandemic that were put before him at least as far back as early January.^ But he didn’t close his mouth. That’s when he called the looming pandemic a hoax perpetrated by the Democrats (check here for how hoax-y it isn’t) and he blamed the Chinese and had public tantrums about “fake news.” The epidemiologists and scientists were urging action and were themselves ready for the fight. Not so the damned idiot.

– When state governors were taking actions that he should be taking and they were asking him to do things only a President could set in motion to help our hospital workers and all the American people, he had a swift response. He declared himself to be a “wartime president,” then did next to nothing for over a week and taunted the governors, calling them stupid playground bully names. Plus, he childishly refused to communicate with governors he thought had been critical of him, this as people were dying. Others were taking action. Not so the damned idiot.*

– Trump was told about the pitiful ready condition of our hospitals to deal with a true pandemic and the health needs of the American people. We all knew most hospitals were scrambling to supplement their woefully thin supply of critical needs materials. They and we were acting on that. Not so the damned idiot.

  • – On March 24 Trump declared that quarantines should be lifted and everyone should go back to normal activities by Easter (April 12). He urged that the churches be packed on Easter Sunday, implying that social distancing should end. He made no consideration for COVID-19 infection spread, were we to follow his direction. His interest, as always, was about money and the economy, which he needs to be strong in order to be re-elected. After all, everything is all about promoting Trump. Others were focused on the terrible plight of so many sick and at-risk Americans. Not so the damned idiot.**

Trump listens to nobody. After all, he knows better than everyone about everything – just ask him. So, I have nothing for him, but I do have something for those who on Easter would follow this Pied Piper of Destruction, this damned idiot.

Ode to a MAGA Hat Wearer

I’m sure you’re nice and kind and good, as these things often go.

I bet you do those kindness acts for random lifts of woe.

You touch the folks in need and give to causes that are dear,

A bedrock solid citizen, we’re lucky that you’re here.


The President says Easter is the time that we go back

To resurrect our markets like the virus has gone slack.

But if you follow Trump’s advice to how we used to be,

Do anything you want, but keep the f##k away from me.

Click the pic for the story

When people are afraid, especially in a crisis, the natural thing to do is to look for and follow a leader because it gives us at least a little sense of safety, however illusory that might be. A lot of analytical thinking goes out the window in such circumstances and that’s what millions of Americans are doing right now. They’re giving Trump unusually high marks, and that’s not just the Republicans, but also some independents and even some Democrats.

If this virus is subdued by election day, even if only temporarily, Trump will take credit, proclaim himself a hero – only he could have done such wondrous things! – and we will be in terrible danger of him being reelected by a public refusing to know the truth, like what’s laid out in this post about this damned idiot. If the economy has rebounded a bit by then, the same dynamic will be at work.

We better start thinking right now about how we’ll deal with that, because if we wait until this fall, it will be way too late to stop this damned idiot.***


Offered by reader MG, a quote from author Louis L’Amour:

“No man has the right to be ignorant. In a country like this, ignorance is a crime.”


For readers in the Chicago North Shore area: Here’s a link to how you can help the NorthShore University HealthSystem professionals in their work to care for COVID-19 patients and others in this time of peril and avoid their becoming ill themselves. If you live elsewhere, find your local hospital online and extend a hand. This is urgent. Do it now.

^ Years of NSA simulations had warned not only that pandemics would arrive on our shores, but that we were woefully unprepared to deal with them. Trump made that worse by under-funding everything that would be mandatory to fight such disease. Read The Trump Administration’s Botched Coronavirus Response, ExplainedWe Were Warned and Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded and you’ll understand.

*For more, read Sheila Markin’s report on our “wartime president.” She rightly points out that Trump is not responsible for this pandemic. I will add that this damned idiot most certainly is responsible for allowing it to become far worse than it would have been had he acted early and decisively, as the epidemiologists and pandemic experts had counseled. He didn’t, which makes him culpable for many deaths that should not have happened. That’s just a vague claim in this post, of course, but when it’s your granny who dies needlessly, there’s nothing vague about it. And it will be your granny. Indeed, you may be that granny.

**The Black Plague wiped out a quarter of the population of Europe, but the area on either side of the Pyrenees, the greater Milan area and Poland were largely spared. The reasons for their relative success: quarantines – “social distancing” – and closed borders. Think about that if you decide to mingle with others on Easter.

***Watch this satire of Trump’s call for the resurrection of the economy on Easter. Many thanks to RS for pointing it out.


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  1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings, so don’t bug me about it.
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  3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
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