Watch This

TPP-Fast-Track-Congress-400x209Reading Time – 27 seconds  .  .  .

The call to action last week was to defeat the fast track bill, which would  have eliminated congressional oversight from a major trade deal. In case you are a President Obama supporter and think that he should have had free reign on such matters, think for just a moment how you would feel if that same power were vested in President George W. Bush. Bad idea.

This TPP issue isn’t over, though, because while fast track has been removed from consideration, it can be reintroduced and more arm twisting of legislators can be done. Even more to the point, though, is the Trans Pacific Partnership treaty itself. It represents a horrid abdication of American sovereignty and a turnover of trade power to lobbyists from big international corporations. Is that really what you want to see happen?

This bill is just one more iteration of big money influencing our politics and corrupting our democracy all for the benefit of – guess who? – the big money people. It is called plutocracy or corporatocracy – rule by the corporations. That means this is no longer a democracy – rule by the people – and you lose.

You can roll over and play dead so that your children will become chattel for the corporations or you can stand up to this abuse. There is no middle ground. You are either fighting for the America you believe in or you are ceding America to the rich.

Watch this space for a call to action as we get closer to voting on TPP. Then take a stand. Meanwhile, watch this.


Ed. note: There is much in America that needs fixing and we are on a path to continually fail to make things better. It is my goal to make a difference – perhaps to be a catalyst for things to get better. That is the reason for these posts. To accomplish the goal requires reaching many thousands of people and a robust dialogue.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
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3 Responses to Watch This
  1. JaxPolitix Reply

    From reader Joni Lindgren:

    Quite frankly, I think we are already under the rules of TPP because I’ve read that Canada and Mexico have said that they are going to sue our government for billions if our grocers are going to continue to label our meat with country of origin. They know Americans will buy meat raised and grown in the U.S. because we have stiffer (good) regulations.

    I read in an environmental magazine that our chickens are being sent to China to be “processed” and sent back to be put on the shelves of the grocery store. China has a lot less food safety regulation than the U.S. Time to start buying meat from a local meat market. That was the advice coming from the Iowa Meat Growers!

  2. Joni Lindgren Reply

    Quite frankly, I think we are already operating as though we have already passed the TPP because I read in an environmental article that Canada and Mexico are going to sue the U.S. for billions if the grocery stores are going to continue to label meats with country of origin.

    Then I’ve also read that our chickens are sent to China to be “processed” and sent back to be put on the shelves at the supermarket. China has very limited food safety regulations!! Nauseating, isn’t it?

  3. Joni Lindgren Reply

    Quite frankly, I think we are already under the rules of the TPP because I read on an environmental website that Canada and Mexico are going to sue the U.S. for billions (our tax money) because they don’t want our supermarkets to disclose where our meat is coming from because, as you know, other countries do not have the safety regulations like the U.S. does!

    I also read that chickens are being sent from the U.S. to China for processing and then sent back and put on the shelves. China has less than desirable food safety regulations….might as well be none. Nauseating, isn’t it?