POST 1136
Late Addition BSO Update!
In his so-called press conference yesterday, Trump once again rattled his sabre, saying that he won’t rule out military force to take back the Panama Canal, seize Greenland and force Canada to become our 51st state.
And the reporters at the press conference and elsewhere stared fixedly into that sun, blind to what is happening around them.
His threats are today’s BSO – bright shiny object – to distract us from whatever nefarious, criminal or unconstitutional act he doesn’t want us to see. Too many are taking the bait. We need everyone to stop reacting to his manufactured chaos. Pay attention to what actually matters, what is actually happening.
Like that his threats toward Panama, Greenland and Canada are actually threats that undermine NATO.
The Value of Idiocy
Recently Trump spoke at the Turning Point AmericaFest and said we’re going to take back the Panama Canal. That came as a big surprise to the people of Panama who own it. Should Trump attempt to grab it, that would be an illegal invasion, a violation of territorial integrity and national sovereignty, much the same as Putin grabbing the Crimea from Ukraine in 2014 and the Donbas in 2022.
He also reiterated that he wants Greenland, which the Danes assure us is not for sale. Plus he wants to make Canada our 51st state. I have friends in Canada and they have assured me that they like their maple leaf flag and their relative freedom from mass shootings. They’re quite satisfied being Canadians. They don’t need Trump dealing with them as though they are pawns in a real estate deal.
Here are a few reasons Trump would say such idiotic things – check all that apply.
Ο It gets him the constant attention that he craves, an indispensable for life to him, much like air to the rest of us. He has no need for his mouth dribblings to make sense.
Ο It’s catnip for his over-testosteroned followers and keeps them dumbed-down so they’ll continue to cheer his every dribbling.
Ο He’s too ignorant to realize the implications of saying such stupid things.
Ο He keeps the chaos rolling on, which keeps opponents off balance.*
Fortunately for Trump’s galactic narcissism, he’s not shackled by the limits of reality or his promiscuity with stupid.
With his idiocies like these and more, his Cabinet pics of likely felons and will-never-be-ready-for-a-serious-post fools, he continues to live in our brains rent-free. I say, “Break the glass to ring the alarm and evict the bastard.” Let’s talk about We The People instead. Who will sound that alarm?
A Coming Comeuppance
People are reacting with their feet to far right extremism.
OB/GYNs are leaving Red states so they can practice medicine, be true to their Hippocratic Oath and not be thrown into prison. They and other docs and nurses are vacating stifling Red states and leaving healthcare deserts in their wake.
Women who are miscarrying and don’t want to bleed out in a parking lot are saying good-bye to Red states to avoid preventable death.
School teachers who want to teach history, not a revisionist, pablum, self-flattery version of it, are saying good-bye to Red states, leaving teaching voids.
Parents are grabbing their kids and moving to where their young will get a good education and where there are books on the library shelves. Many are moving to states with sensible gun safety laws, hoping their kids won’t be gunned down in school.
Have a look at Sheila Markin’s exploration of this nascent migration in her recent piece, How MAGA Extremism Helps Blue States. It will take a while for Red eyes to see the reality, but Red states are going to pay a price for their assaults on freedom and reality. Besides, Trump Is About to Betray His Rural Supporters.
Do you thrill to the sight of MAGA self-destructing? Do you pulse red, white and blue when bullies get kicked in the shins? Does your sense of balance solidify when what went around, comes around? Then read Prof. Heather Cox Richardson’s December 27 piece and watch Steve Schmidt’s piece exposing Musk and Ramaswamy for what they are.
If masochism is your thing, read Dan Friedman’s reveal, Hero of 2024: Richard M. Nixon. You’ll gain a fresh perspective on our massively contorted Supreme Court. It appears that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is now sounding the alarm about our extremist Supreme Court. Who’s listening?
Fighting Words
Thought experiment: What would have happened if Obama had incited an insurrection or stolen classified documents? Would 6 Supreme Court justices have granted him immunity and a Get Out Of Jail Free card? Would Republicans go all crickets about such obvious crimes? Bear in mind that Obama was and still is Black. And a Democrat. And he still ridicules Trump. Compare and contrast this iteration of insanity with the one that protects Trump from accountability. For extra credit, propose a world in which Elon Musk is investigated by the IRS and the SEC, the same agency which sat on its hands in the 2008-2009 financial meltdown.
- – Steve Schmidt,
- The unholy faith of Trump and Musk.
- – Eugene Robinson,
- Why we should remember Jan. 6, 2025
- _______________________________________________________
* Watch John McCain’s gracious and patriotic concession speech of 2008 (just 4:45) for the quintessential model of driving unity and community.
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- There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
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3 Responses to Who Will Sound the Alarm?
Kirk Landers January 9, 2025
I think your points are all too valid, Jack, and the situation cries out for a ray of optimism. Perhaps the Danes, pragmatic people that they are, will offer Greenland to Trump if he can complete 18 holes of golf on the country’s golf course in February. There’s a good chance he’d die of exposure or from complications of eating a frozen cheeseburger after the ninth hole, thus saving the world and discouraging flatulent MAGAs from ever setting food on Greenland again. Iceland would be safe, too. As for Canada, they kicked our butts back in our early nationhood and probably would again, aided and abetted by many of us in the lower 48, including career military people.
Anyway, happy New Year!
Mardy Grothe January 8, 2025
Another fine post, Jack. Love the BSO concept; it perfectly captures the strategy that, sadly, has diverted our collective attention from the real dangers.
Jim Altschuler January 8, 2025
The Alarm can be sounded by an Average Joe like you or me … but mostly to no avail. We can’t rouse the millions of minions to stop the inanity and the insanity. We need a hero — a John Lewis, a John McCain, a Barack Obama. Not to run for the presidency, since that job is theoretically taken on January 20.
We The People need a leader of the “loyal opposition.” Not a crazy or a member of the lunatic fringe but a bona-fide intelligent, sane leader willing to “tilt at that windmill” from outside of the Trump sphere of influence.
Perhaps I’m not adequately aware, not sufficient to propose who that leader could or should be but I can scream it from the proverbial rooftop: Hero required! Apply publicly so that all of the non-MAGA citizens can learn what each individual can, should and must do to stop the insanity and protect OUR rights, OUR rules, OUR Constitution. May Americans protect America. We can’t expect or even hope for God to help since the opposition has already laid claim to deity powers.