POST 1143
What’s Really Happening
Billionaires and wild-eyed, angry people frothing at the mouth over the power they’ll have over others (like you) are trying to make their domination seem normal, selling it to you as the way things should be. They want to dump their cruelty, their wickedness and their hatred on you and me. These people are capable of the greatest evil and they will rain it down on you if you let them.
You must fight for what you believe in. Fight to declare that Nazi salutes* are un-American and unacceptable. Fight to declare that you won’t stand for totalitarian wickedness.
Let’s try it this way.
In the 1960s the times really were changing and the message was from we younger people to the Establishment, those who wanted to send us off to fight and die. Bob Dylan wrote a song, telling the older generation that we weren’t willing to be their canon fodder, not willing to be compliant and do as we were told, that they better see that things had changed.
The Times They Are A-Changin’
Because the Trump Establishment and millions of our fellow Americans are steeped in grievance, repression, bigotry and hatred. In the face of that, far too many of us are passive, apathetic and willing to be drenched to the bone.
Wake up!
There is nobody coming to save us. This is a threat to you and me and it us we who must stand against it, to take action for ourselves and for our country right now!.
Doubt that? Check in with any of the DC cops or Capitol Police officers who got beaten to hell on January 6 and whose attackers are now back on the street vowing revenge and screeching they’ll finish what they started.
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.
- – attribution unknown
Hitler’s Playbook – Required Reading
From January 8 in The Atlantic, How Hitler Dismantled a Democracy in 53 Days – He used the constitution to shatter the constitution. Trump is doing the same things now, ripping down all that protects us. Hitler did it in less than 2 months and Trump and his sickies are on pace for that.
From Harry Litman, Hitler Pardoned His Goons, Too. Right out of Hitler’s playbook. He’s filling out the ranks of his cruel private army with criminals and the violently insane, just as Hitler did.
From Steve Schmidt, The Big Lie. Hateful lies, propaganda to bend our minds is being fed to you every day. It’s right out of Hitler’s playbook.
From Robert Kagan of the Brookings Institution, This is how fascism comes to America. And it is coming, just as it came to once democratic Germany.
From Sheila Markin, They Assaulted Police. Trump Freed Them. Specifically, read the section about the pardons, Why Trump Did It. She outlines 6 reasons, each one chilling and right out of Hitler’s playbook.
It’s Right In Front Of Your Eyes
The would-be fascists can wave the red, white and blue, Trump can hump a flag and they can tell you about all the non-White, non-Christian people responsible for your problems. They can call themselves Christians, as they parade their hatreds and cruelties, but for them it’s not and never was about anything Jesus preached. Rather, they’re all about fascism, all about dominating you and all of us. It’s about them taking everything and leaving you nothing. It’s about total domination – of you.
It is the swift dismantling of American values by invoking American values..
- They are incrementally stealing the dream your ancestors had when they came here, as well as the dream our Founders had when they launched this glorious experiment in self-rule. This looming fascism is exactly what the Founders rebelled against from the British crown.
- The fascists here today are preparing to take from you your freedom, your rights, your protections and your country and it’s happening at terrible speed. It is happening whether you see it yet or you’re going along as though nothing will touch you. But those blinders by your eyes will fail when the tsunami of despotism comes to crush you and all you hold dear.
Thomas Paine
Unless you fight.
- “These are the times that try men’s souls.”
- ._________________________
* Some are saying Musk’s Nazi salutes weren’t Nazi salutes. That’s like Trump saying that the January 6 insurrection, the assaults, the murders and the vandalism, was a patriotic love fest. Denying reality and falsely calling violent attacks something benign is right out of the Hitler playbook.
BTW – those were Nazi “Seig Heil!” salutes from the racist, apartheid loving Elon Musk.
- Coming Wednesday: This Is Not Normal
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
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