A.G. Jeff Sessions’ First Duty: Indict Jeff Sessions

Reading time – 0:49 .  .  .

NOTE: This is not snark.

Read Evelyn Turner’s recounting of Alabama history with Jefferson Beauregard Sessions in a position of power, which he used to subjugate black Alabamans.

Now read Coretta Scott King’s letter to Sen. Strom Thurmond, chair of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary in 1986, which was then considering the nomination of Sessions to serve as a federal judge. They rejected him for cause.

Finally, look at the Slate account of Sessions’ history of legally and ethically questionable behavior.

Now, call your Republican senators (also Joe Manchin, D-WV, the only Democrat to vote for Sessions). It’s too late for them to grow a spine, do the right thing and reject the nomination of this morally bankrupt racist to be Attorney General and Sessions won’t indict himself. But senators can put him “on notice.”

Go to www.Senate.gov, click on the drop-down in the top, right corner, select your state and click GO in the light blue box to the right. The next page will give you the name and phone numbers of your senators.

Call them and tell them how disappointed you are with them because of their vote for Sessions. Tell them you’ll be watching for them to put Sessions “on notice” and you’ll remember all of this quite well when they’re up for re-election.

Telephone hint: If the line is busy, it’s okay. That’s what the redial button is for. Use it.


Ed. note: There is much in America that needs fixing and we are on a path to continually fail to make things better. It is my goal to make a difference – perhaps to be a catalyst for things to get better. That is the reason for these posts. To accomplish the goal requires reaching many thousands of people and a robust dialogue.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
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