Reading time – 2:44; Viewing time – 5:04 . . .
At the vigil on the Northbrook Village Green there were rainbow flags draped over the gazebo railings, but the vigil wasn’t about gays.
The officiants were from a dozen different faiths, but the vigil wasn’t about religion.
The attendees held candles, but the vigil wasn’t about primitive lights.
In the final analysis, the vigil was about reaffirming our common humanity. We need that reaffirmation, because we are too often battered by attempts to destroy our common humanity.
Prayers were offered to stand together and to remember, honor and stand for those cut down by angry violence, and for all of us – not just those gathered on a spring evening in the park, but for all people everywhere – to live in peace and love. And I assure you that doing so, living for that day of peace and love, is not enough.
Waiting for that day will only get us more of what we are getting right now, over 80 U.S. homicides per day by firearm. We have more than twice as many mass shootings per year than the next 4 countries combined. Vigils won’t stop the next homicide. But vigils can propel us off our passive backsides and into action and that is the only thing that will begin to stop the carnage.
90% of Americans want universal background checks for the sale of any firearm and 80% of NRA members want that, too. Why isn’t that the law of the land? The vast majority of Americans want assault rifles banned entirely, but anybody with enough cash can buy one in minutes. Why is that? Following the massacre in Orlando, there is now pressure to create legislation to prevent anyone on a terrorist watch list from buying firearms. That effort required nearly 15 hours of filibustering by Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) just to enable a discussion of the topic. Why do so many congressmen and senators block any gun safety measures from becoming law? What is the reason for all the push-back against what Americans want?
The answer is the money of the NRA. Without it, many members of Congress would have trouble funding their reelection campaigns, so they take money from the NRA and then do its bidding to enhance sales of firearms for the companies of the firearms industry, the true masters of the NRA. That makes it possible for an angry young man to purchase an AR-15, a handgun and lots of ammunition and then kill 49 people and wound another 53 in an Orlando night club. Here is the translation of that into simple truth:
The senators and congressmen who make themselves beholden to the NRA care more about their political careers than they do about more than one hundred casualties in just one night in Orlando, or the holiday partiers in San Bernadino, or 20 little kids and 6 teachers killed in Sandy Hook, or the people in a church in Charleston, or the movie goers who went to see the new Batman movie in Aurora or the kids at Columbine High School. These legislators care more about their political careers than they do about the brutal deaths of over 30,000 Americans every year. And if you are the next victim of an angry young man who decides to shoot up the theater you’re attending, these legislators really don’t care. Not about you.
And that won’t change just because we held candles during the vigil in the Village Green Park. Our silence will only enable the next massacre. That will only start to change when you get up and make your voice heard. So, get up. Get active. Get heard.
Go to and sign the petition. Attend a rally. Get up. Get active. Get heard.
Go to the websites for the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and People For a Safer Society and take the action steps. Get up. Get active. Get heard.
Captain Antonio Davon Brown was a down-to-earth guy, according to the Orlando Sentinel. He was a 2008 graduate of Florida A&M University and had been deployed in Kuwait. He and I did not know one another and now that he has been murdered in the Pulse Nightclub in Orland, FL, we will never know one another. That he was there suggests that he liked to have a good time. He might have been gay – or perhaps he just liked hanging out with friends and the loud, upbeat music and some drinks.
Captain Brown was not a statistic. He was a real person who lived and loved and hoped, just like you and I do. He was only able to do that for 30 years. Just 30 years, because in America, buying an AR-15 is as easy as buying a gallon of milk.
Get up. Get active. Get heard. Right here, right now.
Ed. note: There is much in America that needs fixing and we are on a path to continually fail to make things better. It is my goal to make a difference – perhaps to be a catalyst for things to get better. That is the reason for these posts. To accomplish the goal requires reaching many thousands of people and a robust dialogue.
YOUR ACTION STEPS: Please offer your comments below and pass this along to three people, encouraging them to subscribe. Thanks! JA
Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.
3 Responses to Antonio Davon Brown
Dan Wallace June 20, 2016
In all of the “mass shootings” that have happened in this country, there are two consistent underlying factors: 1) Mental Illness; 2) Semi-Automatic Weapons.
dominick June 19, 2016
Get heard by who Jack? Republicans who want to keep guns in the hands of anyone who wants one, or Democrats trembling in fear of a negative NRA ad campaign against them in the next election? How many petitions, rallies, letters or phone calls do you think it would take to convince either one of these private political party members to do anything against what they profit from, or fear?
If you want to have a morally responsible Democracy, you need to start electing people with personal integrity and accountability to their constituents. Otherwise, you’ll remain the subjects of self-serving or cowardly autocrats that have no intention or legal obligation to listen or respond to you. The thoroughly corrupted members of our two party political oligarchy will never be unseated, until we start electing honest representatives in our local elections.
jaxpolitix June 19, 2016
You’re right, Dominick. So, the answer to your question, “Get heard by who, Jack?” is to get heard by candidates for office. Insist on straight answers to questions of reform. Then campaign and vote for the reformers.
The power for the change we need resides in our state legislatures and in Congress. Vote for the reformers.