Etymology for Today

Reading time – 26 seconds. .  .  .

Perhaps you know that anything that reads the same forwards and backwards is called a palindrome. Thus, “mom” is a palindrome. So is “tattarrattat,” a word coined by James Joyce to mean a knock on the door.

There are phrases and even sentences that are palindromes, too. Example: “A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.”

Of greater interest in the realm of current events is a new form. It’s called a Palin-drome. It is defined as a sentence which makes no sense either forward or backward.

Thanks, MA for helping us with that important piece of etymological clarity.

Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
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One Response to Etymology for Today
  1. Allan Shuman Reply

    And this was almost the VPOTUS. Do you shudder to think? Hey, Independents, might this give you pause about the thought processes of your fellows to the Right?