Ferguson Follow-Up 1

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Last Sunday I wrote about the dreadful job that was done by the attorney underlings of St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch, including their complete absence of any direction for the grand jury regarding criminal charges sought. That story got worse.

Take a look at this segment of The Rachel Maddow Show from December 2, 2014 entitled, Botched grand jury instructions call Ferguson ruling into question. This gives a clear picture of how tainted the county’s work was and provides a window into the grand jury’s baffling finding.

Which leaves me wondering about what happened in Staten Island, New York such that a majority of the 23 people seated as a grand jury couldn’t figure out that Eric Garner should not have been strangled to death by New York cops and that at least one of those cops should stand trial.


Ed. note: There is much in America that needs fixing and we are on a path to continually fail to make things better. It is my goal to make a difference – perhaps to be a catalyst for things to get better. That is the reason for these posts. To accomplish the goal requires reaching many thousands of people and a robust dialogue. Please help by offering your comments, as well as by passing this along and encouraging others to subscribe and do the same.  Thanks.  JA

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2 Responses to Ferguson Follow-Up 1
  1. Jim Altschuler Reply

    I listened to the “Rachel Maddow Show” excerpt twice to make certain that I clearly understood what was said and what was done. As Rachel said, even non-legal people can understand that major and grievous errors were made by the prosecution. WHAT THE HECK!?! That Grand Jury prosecution has to be the most blatant bit of misleading legal jury-mandering I can imagine.

    Yes, there should be another Grand Jury called, and, yes, there should be a special prosecutor appointed (any prosecutor not associated or involved with those in the original Grand Jury “effort”), and, yes, there should be charges, in my ill-informed opinion, brought against the officer, starting with ineptitude and leading up to some level of manslaughter or murder charges.

    Black, brown, white, yellow or red, NO ONE should shot for running away, for non-compliance, for lipping off, etc. Where was the officer’s tazer? Where was his baton? Where was his training in hand-to-hand combat? WHAT THE HECK!?!

  2. Don Zwiers Reply

    We train our police to shoot at the heart. I guess they are trained to kill; not help people. To strangle someone to death takes time and that vidio proves our training has something to be desired.