The Right Way to Turn Left

My drivers-ed teacher taught the standard Illinois Rules Of the Road protocol and instilled solid habits in we fledgling motorists.  She even gave each of us a one-time lesson in stick-shift driving.  Because the school’s cars were all automatics, she graciously – perhaps foolishly – volunteered her Ford Thunderbird.  If that car were around today,… [read more]


Caution: Contains snark!  Children, as well as adults who act like children, should proceed with caution. ——————————- When Wayne LaPierre became executive vice-president of the NRA he shed his bookish ways and made himself into the out-front, out-there, inflammatory voice of the gun manufacturers’ lobby.  His misleading assertions and fabrications of “facts” and his only… [read more]

This Is For You If You’re Unemployed

On January 20, 2009, the night of President Obama’s inauguration, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and others met for a late dinner at a posh DC restaurant.  They weren’t there to eat. They were there to plot their strategy following the Obama mandate and it took them just minutes to decide how… [read more]

A Little Self-Disclosure

I didn’t make a new year’s resolution.  Not this year, nor any other year, with the exception of several years when I was young, heard about the practice and went along because that’s what I thought everyone did.  Within hours of making each one, though, I could no longer identify what the resolution had been. … [read more]

The Meaning of Duck

Branding and marketing genius Bruce Terkel (pronounced “tur-KELL”) has a most interesting and insightful blog focused on – guess what? – branding and marketing.  This one arrived amidst the turmoil, travail and truculence surrounding the harebrained, hateful and hurtful things said about gays and blacks by Phil Robertson, one of the pseudo-mountain men of the… [read more]

Republicans and Jobs

On December 3, 2013 Speaker of the House John Boehner declared in a 57 second speech that, “Republicans continue to stay focused on the economy.  And the fact is that the American people want us to do everything we can to strengthen the economy so there will be more jobs and higher wages available.  This… [read more]

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