Reading time – 2:11; Viewing time – 3:08 . . .
Nobody is above the law, right? Are you sure? Because there is a mountain of evidence that President Trump and his band of outlaws have done some nefarious things, so Robert Mueller is investigating them, but so far our Republican Congress is mostly mute about Trump’s apparent lawbreaking, his incompetence and the various ways he has failed his oath of office. As he does so, your President and loud Republican voices on the Hill are attacking our FBI, the Justice Department, Robert Mueller and those on his staff. That is to say, they are doing their best to assault and disempower the very people we count on to enforce our laws and to ensure that we have justice in our land.
Of course you know that Trump implored former FBI Director James Comey to back off the FBI investigation into felon Michael Flynn. That investigation was about possible collusion and conspiracy with the Russians by the Trump campaign and possibly Trump himself to hack our 2016 election in favor of Trump. The day after Trump leaned on Comey to back off and Comey refused to cave in, Trump fired Comey. Then he went on national television and announced publicly that he had fired Comey to stop the investigation into him and his campaign staff. That’s obstruction of justice and it’s a crime. A high crime. The same crime that drove Richard Nixon from office so that he wouldn’t have to face impeachment.
For weeks Trump has been denigrating Robert Mueller and talk of Trump firing Mueller is rampant. If he were to do that, do you suppose that might impede the investigation into the Russians invading one of our most cherished rights and Trumpian complicity, that firing Mueller might obstruct justice? Given that you believe that justice is a good thing and that nobody is above the law, if Trump fires Mueller, what are you going to do about it?
Yes, there is something you can do about it. CLICK HERE and review the registration page, find a rapid response demonstration in your area. By registering you’ll be set up to receive the GO notice if and when Trump decides to break the law by firing Mueller.
This is not a partisan issue, nor is it a lefty-righty issue. This is not about pro- or anti-Trump. It’s not about coastal elites versus citizens living between the mountain ranges. This has nothing to do with race or religion or gender or preference or guns or immigration or taxes or international treaties or pipelines or clean water or the location of our embassies. This is about whether anyone is above the law. This is about justice. This is about the America you believe in.
So, do it now – CLICK HERE and provide just a few pieces of information and you’ll be ready. Did I mention to CLICK HERE? Did I also mention to do it now? Right. Do it now. CLICK HERE.
Ed. note: There is much in America that needs fixing and we’re on a path to continually fail to make things better. It’s my goal to make a difference – perhaps to be a catalyst for things to get better. That’s the reason for these posts. To accomplish the goal requires reaching many thousands of people and a robust dialogue.
YOUR ACTION STEPS: Offer your comments below and pass this along to three people, encouraging them to subscribe (IT’S A FREEBIE!) and engage. Thanks!
Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.
2 Responses to This Will Require Fast Action
dominick palella February 4, 2018
Correction Jack.
The President, and many other executive branch elected officials have sovereign authority to pardon convicted political or other criminals of their crimes. They are above the law. Members of Congress and other legislative branches of government have no obligation to follow the law. All are free to ignore any laws they choose, or enforce any law in ways that distort its intention. They are above the law.
Until we can understand and accept this undeniable truth, we will continue to live with a government that allows our elected officials to be above the law. If we continue to deny or ignore this simple truth, we will never be able to establish a democratic republic for our political system.
dominickpalella December 17, 2017
Jack, we can march and protest as much as we like, until our elected officials decide to call on their obedient law enforcement to teach us to know when enough is enough. I don’t know why Trump would be concerned about Mueller’s findings. He can pardon anyone who might turn up breaking a law, and members of Congress are apparently satisfied with him exercising his lawless sovereign authority. Most likely, one reason he is still in office is to use his stubby fingers to sign a massive tax cut bill for corporations and their Congressional lackeys. He will likely be kept on the job to do more work for our corporations, giving them the freedom and liberty to ruin our environment and remove any rights we have left to fight back against them.