You’re So Smart

Sen. Martin Heinrich, (D-NM)

Sen. Martin Heinrich, (D-NM)

Reading time – 9 (not a typo) seconds  .  .  .

The time is growing short for Congress to figure this out. Happily, you can help.

This is your time to be the smartest kid in class, the first in your neighborhood, the person in the know.

About the Iran deal.

Everything you need is right here, oddly in New Mexico.


Ed. note: There is much in America that needs fixing and we are on a path to continually fail to make things better. It is my goal to make a difference – perhaps to be a catalyst for things to get better. That is the reason for these posts. To accomplish the goal requires reaching many thousands of people and a robust dialogue.

ACTION STEP: Please offer your comments below and pass this along to three people, encouraging them to subscribe.  Thanks!  JA

Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
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2 Responses to You’re So Smart
  1. Jim Altschuler Reply

    I heartily agree with the Iran deal assessment. Although we can’t be certain about what will happen in response to and as results of the Iran deal, we definitely know what happened when we didn’t do anything about Iran’s weaponization efforts since the turn of the century.

    The world absolutely cannot afford to allow their efforts to continue unchecked. In the ’50’s and ’60’s and into the ’70’s the unchecked weapons development led to tens of thousands of nuclear weapons being developed by the United States and the Soviet Union and then the Chinese government. Eventually physically and financially smaller nations developed their own nuclear weapons.

    This cannot be allowed to continue. Only one accident, one missile or bomb triggered, even in error, could begin to spell the end of virtually every living thing on the planet besides the ants and the cockroaches.

    Whether we agree with every detail and effort in the Iran deal, WE HAVE TO TRY TO MAKE IT WORK.

  2. Dominick Reply

    Seems like a good argument for the deal. Naturally, those opposing it have no reasonable alternative. In the end, we must all live with the final decision of our elected “representatives”. Will our political party corporate investors come to an agreement after carefully weighing the alternatives and direct their faithful politicians to vote for or against it. We must recognize that most corporations do not make profits from war and having their customers and business properties destroyed by a nuclear holocaust is not good for capitalism.

    Therefore, those allowed to vote against the deal must clearly understand that only a limited amount of them may do so to avoid offending their base. For example, based on the established ideological positions of Republicans and Democrats, any Republican threatened by the upcoming elections may have permission to vote against the agreement, while Democrats may vote for it.