Support The Troops

Reading time – 59 seconds  .  .  . Memorial Day 2014 – You’ve heard that a thousand times – and you do support the men and women in our military. Perhaps you thank them for their service when you pass them in an airport. We’ll be on the Village Green this morning to honor those… [read more]

You’ll Koch on This – Chapter 1

Reading time – 29 seconds  .  .  . The Koch brothers and other big bucks boys sponsored a pension reform seminar and invited lots of judges to attend. It was all about how we will “reform” our pension system for public workers, given the enormous “unfunded liability” held by most states. What that means is that… [read more]

When They Pry . . .

Reading time – 89 seconds Amendment I – Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.   But the… [read more]

A Little Help For Wild West, USA

Reading time – 63 seconds  .  .  .   Scene 1: Cliven Bundy has refused to pay the bill for grazing his cattle on federal land for the past 20 years and is holed up on his ranch, hiding from the Feds. He is surrounded by his cattle and an army of white supremacists toting… [read more]

O’, The Irony!

Reading time – 111 seconds  .  .  . In my Money, Politics & Democracy presentations I’m careful to avoid any of the demonizing of individuals that is sadly so common in our politics. Instead, I focus on the dysfunctional system that forces good people to compromise themselves. The engine of that is the insanely high… [read more]

What Your Bloodhound Knows

Reading time – 77 seconds  .  .  . In a most accessible essay entitled The Umwelt, David Eagleman gives perspective to a 1909 concept of Jakob von Uexkull explaining the varied perceptions different animals have to their environmental signals. Snakes, for example, are practically blind to what humans see, but they have amazing vision in… [read more]

“I Don’t Subscribe to Global Warming.”

Reading time – 31 seconds  .  .  . That is what Nebraska State Senator Beau McCoy said. He is running to be the next governor of the Cornhusker State and I’m guessing that he thinks his Luddite position will play well to Nebraskans, figuring that most are low information voters. You know the drill: treat… [read more]

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