Class Assignment

POST 1073 First Watch Ken Burns’ 21 minute commencement address at Brandeis University. Then Pass this post along to at least 3 people, directing them to Burns’ brilliant and moving message. Today is a good day to be the light _____________________________ Our governance and electoral corruption and dysfunction and our ongoing mass murders are all… [read more]

Finding Optimism

POST 1069 Third in a series (see Ignorance and Lies and The Underlying Disease) Stand Up From Steve Schmidt, May 6: I asked [my friend] what we would do if 150 crazy people — a mix of deranged narcissists, political extremists, weirdos, conspiracy theorists and other assorted friends of theirs — showed up suddenly on… [read more]

Not That Giuliani

POST 1065 Giuliani Can Wait. First Crime, Anti-Social Behavior and Cookies All the statistics tell us that our rate of crime is decreasing. Nevertheless, we rage at one another as though it’s a holy exercise against crime, as some may well feel that it is. What could better demonstrate our goodness and integrity than frothing… [read more]

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