Reading time 49 seconds . . . . We the People paid for all the losses (and far more) from the big banks having gambled with government guaranteed funds and plunged us into a recession from which we may never fully recover. Of course, we are wanting to ensure that such a thing will never… [read more]
Super Glue for Broken Justice
Reading time – 52 seconds . . . I haven’t a clue what percentage of our police officers nationwide are solid citizens whose intent matches what is written on the sides of their cruisers: “To Serve and Protect.” My guess is that the number is very high. For simplicity, let’s call them good cops. There… [read more]
Ferguson Follow-Up 1
Reading time – 16 seconds . . . Last Sunday I wrote about the dreadful job that was done by the attorney underlings of St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch, including their complete absence of any direction for the grand jury regarding criminal charges sought. That story got worse. Take a look at this… [read more]
Rodney, Treyvon, Michael Brown and Us
Reading time – 87 seconds . . . After a high speed car chase, five LA cops took positions around Rodney King. Four of them beat the crap out of him while the fifth just watched and made no attempt to intercede. The four were charged in state court with assault with a deadly weapon… [read more]
Reading time – 51 seconds . . . This week President Obama declared an executive action that redirects our immigration people so that about 40% of our undocumented residents need no longer fear deportation. Families get to stay together. American children will no longer have to fear that they will come home from school to… [read more]
Reading time – 41seconds . . . About 1/3 of registered voters cast ballots in the last election. That’s about as good as it gets in a non-presidential year. Let’s see what that means to you and me and all Americans. Since most elections are decided by just a few percentage points, that means that… [read more]
It’s All About Us
Reading time – 17 seconds . . . I was recently facilitating workshops at a leadership conference -The Trust Summit – and it was and is all about leadership and trust. I worked with an advanced group of leaders to explore self-trust, relationship trust and organizational trust and I’m confident that it all begins and… [read more]
You Know This, But Still . . .
Reading time -41 seconds . . . Thomas Jefferson told us that, “An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.” That means that we must educate the next generation so they can do their job…. [read more]
Mass Resignation
Reading time – 57 seconds . . . Three more high school children are dead and three more are in critical condition because a handgun was easy to obtain and was the preferred method of dispute resolution for yet another hurt/angry American. In the first year following the murders of 20 little kids and 7… [read more]
Our Greatest Hockey Game
Reading time – 59 seconds . . . The story of the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team is well known, both because of the 2004 movie Miracle and because if you were alive on February 22, 1980 you remember what happened, where you were and who was with you. It was one of those defining… [read more]