Reading time – 4:27; Viewing time – 6:36 . . . Throughout his candidacy President Trump promised to “drain the swamp,” the fetid, stinking hole of Washington DC that had betrayed ordinary Americans. He railed against insiders, the people who made DC worthy of disdain. Then he populated his cabinet with Goldman Sachs banksters. You… [read more]
Harry Potter and What We Are
Reading time – 2:40; Viewing time – 3:44 . . . “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” J.K. Rowling, from Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. Let’s imagine that Rowling has offered a valuable insight – that it’s our choices that show who we… [read more]
Separation Anxiety
Reading time – 3:29; Viewing time – 4:50 . . . We long ago decided that the First Amendment limitation declaring clearly that, “Congress shall pass no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” no longer meant “separation of church and state.” Back in 1956 our enemy was the godless… [read more]
Clarity From a Choir
Reading time – 3:57; Viewing time – 5:13 . . . It’s an amateur choir, but the sound these folks make is stunning. They performed for years under the leadership of their much beloved director, who died suddenly and unexpectedly. The search for a new director began and they found an interesting guy. He and… [read more]
Bluster and Garbage
Reading time – 2:11; Viewing time – 3:18 . . . North Korea launched a rocket this week that appears to have the capabilites of an intercontinental ballistic missile – that is to say, with sufficient fuel, it could span continents. Be clear that ours is the first continent to the east of North Korea…. [read more]
The Magician
Reading time – 2:41; Viewing time – 3:59 . . . Preface: This is being recorded on the 4th of July, a day for pancakes in the park, a parade, picnics and barbecue and, of course, fireworks. There is much to celebrate in the red, white and blue. At the same time we have challenges… [read more]
As Easy as Breathing
Reading time – 3:04; Viewing time – 4:16 . . . Of course you’ve heard about the latest kerfuffle spawned by the Tweeter-in-Chief. It seems there wasn’t much going on in the world on June 29 that needed the attention of the President of the United States, so he used his time to tweet cruel… [read more]
Plans for What?
Reading time – 2:45; Viewing time – 3:58 . . . Healthcare is our current favorite distraction from the Russian cyber invasion of America and the possible involvement of Trump groupies, so let’s have a look at what the geniuses in Congress have proposed for the health and well being of all Americans. It’s well… [read more]
The Platform is a 4-Letter Word – Part 2
Reading time – 6:20; Viewing time – 9:38 . . . This is the continuation of my notions of a national platform begun in the last post. It’s necessary to make an addendum to point #5 regarding healthcare. Memo to Lawmakers: Only 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing and that number… [read more]
The Platform is a 4-Letter Word – Part 1
Reading time – 6:40; Viewing time – 9:54 . . . This post was created in the days just before the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) and the injuring of 5 others at a baseball practice. Clearly, the shooter had problems; yet that event has put into stark relief the extent of our political… [read more]