Reading time – 1:11; Viewing time – 2:46 . . . Caution: Contains snark. Sensitive readers and viewers are advised to either have an adult present or to stop whining and grow up. BREAKING NEWS In what is being hailed as a stunning piece of investigative journalism, our CYA News reporters Ben Dover and Simon… [read more]
¿Que es, Presidente Peña Nieto?
Reading time – 0:43 . . . Point #1 – It’s still true and it is as true in Mexico as it is in the United States that all politics is local and everything is political. Point #2 – Of the Mexican people and people of Mexican ancestry it can reasonably be said that Donald… [read more]
It Isn’t About Your Message
Reading time – 1:54; Viewing time – 3:17 . . . The 2012 general election generated a lot of forward looking comments from pundits and political operatives, like: The Republicans will have to change their messaging if they are going to appeal to Latinos. “Severely conservative” Mitt Romney will have to pivot to the center… [read more]
Baggage Claim
Reading time – 43 seconds; Viewing time – 1:44 . . . It’s time to admit that things are out of hand and are causing us great harm. Specifically, we have politically motivated emotional outbursts masquerading as policy statements and thoughtful commentary. These outbursts are as common as dandelions in spring and are just about… [read more]
America Through the Looking Glass
Reading time – 37 seconds; Viewing time – 55 seconds . . . You’ve heard comments about the multiple Trump bankruptcies and failures, but to really understand you need to read the meaty account of them in Newsweek, Donald Trump’s Many Business Failures, Explained by Kurt Eichenwald. As you read it, keep in mind that… [read more]
Green is the New Black
Reading time – 1:52; Viewing time – 3:37 . . . Many Democrats are angry and some even hate Hillary Clinton. The negatives tend to cluster around two things: trustworthiness (actually, the lack of it) and her disastrous position on ____________ (fill in the blank with your key issue). That has led many Democrats to… [read more]
I Got It Wrong
Reading time – 2:39; Viewing time – 4:08 . . . I’ve long lamented the lack of a clear vision for America from our leaders and our candidates. They promote various programs, laws and policies but never seem to connect them to a clear statement about the kind of country we want, effectively swatting at… [read more]
Salve for the Bern
Reading time – 77 seconds; Viewing time – 2:37 . . . I know you’re more than disappointed. You’re angry, disturbed, frustrated and wracked with despair. You know what’s wrong and you know what will fix it. You have a vision of how America should be and you want change from the hateful, harmful, even… [read more]
Reading time -122 seconds; Viewing time – 4:04 . . . Now that we’re in the midst of the political conventions and immediately following the Trump narcissist extravaganza, it’s time to do something unusual, to separate from cable blather and give our full attention to reality. Trump’s 1987 book “The Art of the Deal” was… [read more]
A Man for Any Season
Reading time – 2:31; Viewing time – 3:26 . . . In the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001 the people of the United States were in the mood for a few things; chief among them was security. Not long afterward President George W. Bush started the National Security Agency’s warrant-less wiretapping program…. [read more]