If I Agreed With You

Reading time – 16 seconds  .  .  . Frequent business travel offers many opportunities to learn. For example, I saw a guy wearing this T-shirt at O’Hare Airport last week. It pretty well defines our national attitude toward open-mindedness, eagerness to learn, tolerance of change and even to creativity. How’s that working for us? If… [read more]

Babble, Rinse, Repeat

Reading time – 36 seconds  .  .  . An open message to Hillary: This just isn’t working. Pretending that email-gate is laughable or of no consequence makes it look like you’re being flippant about national security. That’s making red meat Republicans absolutely giddy over the scent of scandal in their flaring nostrils. It’s also making… [read more]

Letter to the Editor, Chicago Tribune

Reading time – 52 seconds .  .  . A recent poll showed that 96% of Americans deplore the influence of big money on our politics and want that changed. But that hasn’t happened and that big money is the mother lode that drives our national dysfunction. After 20 little kids and 6 teachers were gunned… [read more]

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