Reading time – 77 seconds . . . America’s military involvement in Vietnam began by sending a few advisers, this just a few years after the end of the Korean conflict (read: undeclared war). We all know how that war ramped up and cost the lives of over 58,000 Americans and untold numbers of Vietnamese…. [read more]
Reading time – 91 seconds . . . To the best of my ability to understand them, our far right religious conservatives believe: That they got it right – about God, about religion, about right and wrong, good and bad. That anyone who disagrees with point #1 is wrong and eternally damned, because there’s no… [read more]
Get Government Out of Our Lives
Reading time – 47 seconds . . . On April 15 Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) proposed H.R. 1563, a bill that would require federal workers to certify that their tax records aren’t delinquent, this under threat of dismissal. Chaffetz wants to make sure that those hoards of federal employee tax evaders with debt so large… [read more]
It’s The System, Stupid
Reading time – 71 seconds It’s been wall-to-wall coverage of the riots in Baltimore and the conversation has largely been focused on who is to blame. It’s the thugs. It’s the mayor. It’s the police. And everybody wants to figure out what the police should do to tamp down the violence. Once again we’re looking… [read more]
Reading time – 61 seconds . . . America is an exceptional country in many ways. The problem is that without a mindfulness about it, we can easily assume that America is exceptional in every way. That myopia can lead to the arrogance of dismissing the ideas, capabilities and the accomplishments of others, which many… [read more]
A Modest Proposal – v2.0
Reading time – 59 seconds . . . The clarity came to me in a blinding flash of the obvious and we can thank Governor Mike Pence (R-IN) for being the spark that ignited the flash. We are beset by haters and Pence showed us another dimension to that, as he signed into law a… [read more]
Hey Good Cop: Where Are You?
Reading time – 77 seconds . . . An open letter to the good cops of America When Rodney King was blasted by a Taser and then had the stuffing beaten out of him by four Los Angeles cops, what did you have to say about that? Did you speak out? After Officer Darrin Wilson… [read more]
Reading time – 39 seconds . . . This was a tough week for Indiana Governor Mike Pence. He took major heat from private citizens, corporate movers and shakers, liberals, conservatives – pretty much everyone but those who identify with pandering, hate-spewing, Joe McCarthy wannabee Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). It was all about the new… [read more]
Stop Pretending It’s Not Happening
Reading time – well worth it . . . Something’s going on. You can feel it even if you can’t name it. Things are changing from what they used to be or should be or could be to what you don’t want them to be. We humans aren’t very good at noticing small changes. Incremental… [read more]
Be Like Monica
Reading time – 61 seconds . . . Monica Lewinsky was a 22 year old intern in the Clinton White House when she engaged in her youthful indiscretion with the President. At the time President Clinton was 49, old enough to be her father and certainly old enough to know better. He was supposed to… [read more]