Reading time – 1:01; Viewing time – 2:41 . . .
Uh-oh. Some snark follows. Sensitive readers should squint.
What candidates say matters. And to paraphrase Barney Frank, you want your next president to be someone who spends the majority of his/her time on this planet. Well, here’s how Politifact scored the candidates’ claims made in the second so-called debate. (Here’s the New York Times’ fact checking). NOTE: There is a pop quiz following the charts.

Clinton Scorecard, 2nd Debate

Trump Scorecard, 2nd Debate
Pop Quiz
- Do you notice any differences, any imbalance between the charts? Compare and contrast, especially the False and Pants on Fire statements. No credit will be given for incomplete, weenie answers.
- Which candidate appears to spend the majority of his/her time on this planet? Explain your answer using a language common to Earth.
- For extra credit: Exactly how much do you believe that Donald Trump is sincere, much less contrite, in his apology for his misogynistic, “locker room” comments in which he confessed to having committed criminal sexual assault?
- When did you first recognize the warts that identify this reptile?
Enter your answers in the What Do You Think? section below. Your score on this quiz will become 50% of your letter grade for the semester and will affect all of your future life options.
One more thing.
Following the first debate many people were speculating about the cause of Donald Trump’s frequent sniffling. Did he have a head cold? Was he really sad? Did a bug fly up his nose? The sniffing was far more pronounced throughout the second debate. Oddly, he doesn’t do that at his rallies, so what’s going on? Let’s put the speculation about this into the Donald Trump style of rhetoric:
Many people are saying – I don’t believe this myself – but many people are saying that he might be doing coke. This I am hearing. I don’t know if this is a fact. I’m just saying that people are saying these things. Believe me. This is true. I am hearing this. I’m a very successful businessman – I am the best – and I got that way because I know how to read people. He’s a total disaster. A total loser. Believe me.
So tell us, Donald, how do you you like it when that kind of crap is aimed at you?
Bonus Section – You absolutely must read this piece of clarity from David Leonhardt, Opinion Editor, New York Times. Plus, here is his guide to second debate, Trump fact-checking:
He lied about a sex tape.
He lied about his lies about ‘birtherism.
He lied about the growth rate of the American economy.
He lied about the state of the job market.
He lied about the trade deficit.
He lied about tax rates.
He lied about his own position on the Iraq War, again.
He lied about ISIS.
He lied about the Benghazi attack.
He lied about the war in Syria.
He lied about Syrian refugees.
He lied about Russia’s hacking.
He lied about the San Bernardino terrorist attack.
He lied about Hillary Clinton’s tax plan.
He lied about her health care plan.
He lied about her immigration plan.
He lied about her email deletion.
He lied about Obamacare, more than once.
He lied about the rape of a 12-year-old girl.
He lied about his history of groping women without their consent.
Ed. note: There is much in America that needs fixing and we are on a path to continually fail to make things better. It is my goal to make a difference – perhaps to be a catalyst for things to get better. That is the reason for these posts. To accomplish the goal requires reaching many thousands of people and a robust dialogue.
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.