
How It Works – v2

POST 1144


This is an update of a piece originally posted February 7, 2021, one month after the treasonous insurrection.

In yet another attack on the rule of law, President Trump has now pardoned or commuted the sentences of 1,500 of the January 6 criminals, including the cop killers.* The Republicans in the majority of both Houses of Congress have shown themselves to be cowardly and spineless in the face of Trump’s assault on the Constitution. They are essentially dissolving Congress voluntarily.


“Fear will keep the local systems in line.”

In the first Star Wars movie there is a scene with Darth Vader and the officers of the Imperial star ship.


That’s pretty much how Hitler did it. He didn’t actually make the Reichstag go away. He just neutered it into becoming a lap dog by means of The Enabling Act of 1933, which the council members passed due to fear for their lives. Then things became way worse, as they always do in dictatorships. Required reading: Steve Schmidt’s There Is a Thin Line Between Life and Death.

It’s pretty much the same in Putin’s Russia, Erdoğan’s Turkey, Xi’s China, Duterte’s Phillippines and now in the U.S. Eliminating legislative oversight is what authoritarians do to hoard all power for themselves. Most often it’s done with thug tactics. Just ask Putin opponent Alexei Navalny about his experience with Putin’s gulags and nerve poison. Oh, wait: you can’t ask Navalny because Putin murdered him.

The January 6 mob was a violent insurrection dispatched by Trump, a riot of Jesus-bannered, cross carrying thugs, including the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, 3 Percenters, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other unhinged hoodlums. They were there to overthrow our government – to effectively eliminate Congress – so that Trump could take over the country (see the movie clip again if you need a refresher). And to kill cops.

Does that sound so extreme as to be preposterous? If so, you need to pay closer attention, because that’s exactly what those thugs said they were there to do, all at Trump’s bidding. They were there to murder any House or Senate members they found (cue the clips of senators running for their lives). They brought a noose to lynch Mike Pence. Those aren’t things people do in order to preserve their government.

Capitol Officer Brian Sicknick

Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died from cop killer mob violence while defending 535 members of Congress and the symbol of America that is the Capitol Building. He was killed by Bible-thumping, flag waving American terrorists, who most certainly weren’t promoting law and order, honoring our cops or doing what Jesus would do.

Honoring Officer Brian Sicknick

Both before and since the insurrection, non-Republican members of Congress and election volunteers have received death threats* to themselves and to their family members.

For any remaining fascism skeptics:

If not to overthrow the will of the people and our democracy, what do you think that election fraud Big Lie was about?

Surely, you don’t think those rioters were play acting when they attempted to kill those in Congress.

Surely, you don’t think they believed in democracy when they attempted to trash the votes of tens 81 million Americans.

Surely, you don’t think the currently seated members of Congress who attempted to stop the Electoral College vote counting and whose knees buckle upon hearing of Trump’s every whim actually believe in and honor their oath of office.

Surely, you don’t think the pardoned traitors don’t mean it when they vomit their vitriol of retribution.

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This is how democracies die. A cult leader exhorts fanatics, the thugs terrorize all opposition and incrementally people surrender to death threats and violence. And that’s advanced when hundreds of our legislators give a standing ovation to the hateful nut cases spewing fascist hatred. That’s advanced when Trump puts forth a slate of entirely unqualified suck ups to be heads of cabinets and it’s advanced when spineless Republicans put those Trump sycophants in power. Yes, fascism can happen here in America. It’s happening right before your eyes.

I’ve exhorted readers to learn what FDR’s Vice President Wallace had to say about fascism in America. If you believe in democracy and have not yet read his essay, please read it now.

Now that Trump has pardoned these violent criminals – cop killers – you can expect acts of terrorism, including sniper and mass shootings, bombings (think: Timothy McVeigh and the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City) and perhaps political assassinations over the coming years. These are highly armed, angry, hateful, bigoted, self-righteous thugs who expect to continue their self-righteous war against America. That’s exactly what they’ve promised. And Trump loves and protects them.

I’m all for our learning to talk with one another constructively, to make peace, perhaps to have a truth and reconciliation commission. But that can only happen after violence is no longer a threat and democracy is secure. Reference: South Africa.

Now it’s time for all of us to stand and be counted in support of the FBI, our state justice departments and law enforcement agencies to stop the barbarians. It’s imperative that we eliminate the clear and present danger that these home grown killers and desecrators are.

The cop killer terrorists have already breached the gates of democracy and are buoyed in their treasonous actions by Trump and because they see January 6 as a victory for themselves. If we are to continue our bold experiment in self-rule, we better get some victories notched against the barbarians damned fast.

Oh, and Trump fired 18 inspectors general in violation of the law requiring 30 days advance notice,

  1. Trump don’ wan’ no stinking people who can hold him accountable, so he’s getting rid of the watch dogs. He’s lived a lifetime of doing whatever allowed him to skate from responsibility for his actions, including packing the Supreme Court with his extremist picks to give him a license to lie, cheat, steal and kill from the Oval Office.
  2. The real deal, the giggly, bubbly part for Trump, is that this, along with the pardons, is a stake in the ground saying that he doesn’t have to obey our laws. He’s making it clear that he is above the law and is daring anyone to stand up to him. The question is whether Congress will let him get away with that, just as the Reichstag let Hitler get away with everything. You are advised to have low expectations of our Republicans.
This Just In: Fired for Cause

Jeff Bezos’ termination of faithfulness to the Washington Post’s masthead slogan, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” has led to spineless reporting, suck up editorials and shameful toadying. It is worse than just embarrassing. It is the dying of a light that protects and defends our democracy, all for a few coins in Bezos’ pocket and a pat on his slick scalp by the Führer-in Chief.

I just cancelled my subscription.

Let me know when that coward is gone and there is new leadership at the paper worthy of the legacy of Kathryn Graham and Ben Bradlee.


* Refer to Thom Hartmann’s post, If Obama Had Sent a Mob to Kill a Cop, Republicans Would Never Let You Forget It – The GOP would be screaming “Cop Killer” every single day — so why aren’t Democrats holding Trump to the same standard?

Coming Sunday: This Is Not Normal

Ed. note: We need to spread the word so that we make a critical difference, so,

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The Fine Print:

  1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings, so don’t bug me about it.
  2. Said John Maynard Keynes, “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?” So, educate me and all of us. That’s what the Comments section is for.
  3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
  4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.


Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

January 6 Special

POST 1135

From Adam Kinzinger’s Country First post today, The Truth About January 6th – Never Forget:

Sadly, the incoming administration and their allies have tried to normalize the events of January 6, 2021, and distort the truth.  Here’s the truth, 4 years ago, Donald Trump incited a Mob that marched to the United States Capitol, a symbol of our democracy, and our nation faced an unprecedented attack.

1. The Mob attempted to stop the certification of a free and fair election almost leading to a Constitutional Crisis.

2. The Mob desecrated the United States Capitol.

3. Members of The Mob assaulted the Men and Women of the Capitol Hill Police and DC Metropolitan Police.

4. The Core of our Democracy was shaken by a sitting President who was too small to admit his defeat.

That last point is the key to all. Trump is too small to admit his defeat, too small to admit anything that doesn’t support his grandiose fantasies about himself – and for him, it’s all about himself. He doesn’t care a bit – it never enters his small mind at all – who gets hurt or killed, like our DC and Capitol Police, as he protects and defends only his fragility.

Trump declares that the January 6 felons who attacked and attempted to bring our republic crashing down, the ones who openly and vaingloriously tried to end our democracy and the rule of law, are patriots. That’s sufficient example of his smallness, his weakness and his cowardice.

And yet in the face of his many public lies about that day, over 77 million Americans voted for this mental and moral cripple. It turns out that millions love our cowboy fantasies.

The American cowboy is a White guy (always White and always a guy) who wants nothing more from the government than to be left alone. He’s tough and he’s rugged. He’s a stand alone individual with a Dresden flag – “Don’t tread on me” – tattooed on his body, inscribed on his gun belt and painted on his pickup truck. His woman is at home cooking dinner, tending the children, and patiently waiting to be his submissive play toy. He’s a patriarch. And first and foremost, he’s a tough guy.

He loved Sarah Palin chanting “Drill, baby, drill” as though it was a message from God, although truth be told – and it is, sometimes – no god directed men (women don’t count) to impoverish and poison themselves. He loves to hear Trump chanting”Drill, baby, drill.” It makes him feel proud and powerful. Plus, cowboy knows that global warming is a hoax, so he has no concerns for his children being killed in a hurricane, a flood, a tornado or a monster fire. Drill, baby, drill.

These Americans like feeling proud and powerful. They’re saps for chest pounding.

We’re a highly educated society, yet so many willingly surrender their belief in reality, science and learning, exchanging it mindlessly for preposterous conspiracy fantasies. Think: Pizzagate. That attempted murderer pounded his chest all the way from North Carolina to shoot up a pizza shop in DC. Very proud. Very powerful.

They cheer murderers like Kyle Rittenhouse, who armed up and went to Kenosha to fight the riot there. He killed two, wounded one and was somehow acquitted. They cheered George Zimmerman who killed Trayvon Martin for the outrage of walking outside while Black. He, too, was acquitted because he “stood his ground” against a teen armed with Skittles and a Diet Coke. These perps, too, were very powerful and pounded their chests proudly.

Now Luigi Mangione, the highly educated son of wealthy parents, allegedly murdered the UnitedHealthCare CEO in New York He is being cheered. A group calling itself “The December 4th Legal Committee” has raised over $200,000 online for his legal defense with implications that he is some kind of hero. Rumors have it that contributors to the fund are very proud and powerful.

Each of these killers is a very proud and powerful American with a well-pounded chest. Real cowboys.

Killings are a great American sport. They’re riveting entertainment for a few hours.

When 20 first graders and six teachers and staff were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School, we were shocked. Then we did nothing to prevent the next massacre of children. That takes some kind of pride and power.

That’s how we handled Columbine, too, and all the rest, including those done in churches, supermarkets and at the Las Vegas concert, where 58 people were killed and over 500 injured. Each murder is just a temporary diversion, maybe even a Walter Mitty fantasy for these American desperados, which some contemplated as they fondled their guns. We’re tough and we’re rugged, they tell us. Don’t tread on them.

They like things simple out there on the prairie. So many things are far more complex than they like. They  have no need for complexities or nuance and they reject elites who they think talk down to them. So they keep it simple and vote for whoever makes them feel proud and powerful. It’s really that simple.


Here we are four years later on another January 6 and over-proud Americans who assaulted cops and the Capitol Building are still proclaiming that they are the true patriots, that the DC and Capitol police they claim to support didn’t get attacked, injured or killed, that January 6 was a day full of love and that packing heat is a sign of a real American.

Here we are on this anniversary of an insurrection, a traitorous act against our own country. Proudly ignorant Americans have been easily manipulated into voting for a felon, a retrograde masquerading as a cowboy. It’s no problem that he’s a phony rugged guy, who wants to lie, grift. break laws and have only fawning cowards around him. Plus he wants absolute, never ending power. The mindless simplicity of his message has tricked American cowboys and others and given a reckless felon the reins of power, including the nuclear codes.

Welcome to the anniversary of January 6, 2021, an insurrection triggered by a far too small man; a day which should live in infamy, but instead lives in glory for far too many Americans.

“After the rioting and the mayhem, a majority of Republican members of Congress still voted to overturn the election. Still. 147 members of Congress — many of whom are still in office today. Insurrectionists, too. Albeit in suits and ties.” [emphasis original]

– Sen. Adam Schiff (D-CA) , A horrific anniversary, January 6, 2025

“And we should commit to remembering Jan. 6, 2021, every year. To remember it as a day when our democracy was put to the test and prevailed. To remember that democracy — even in America — is never guaranteed.”

President Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States, January 6, 2025


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  1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
  2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
  3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

The Light

POST 1133

Tree of Life Synagogue

Joe Biden wrote two months ago, on the sixth anniversary of that awful mass murder,

“.  .  . a gunman armed with an AR-15, multiple handguns, and hate in his heart, opened fire and killed 11 Jewish worshippers [sic] and wounded six more, in the deadliest act of Antisemitism in our history. It shattered families, pierced the heart of the Jewish community, and struck the soul of our nation.”

There wasn’t much light to be seen on that terrible October day in 2018.

Four days ago on Christmas morning, just hours prior to lighting the first candle of Hanukkah, Tree of Life sent this:

This week, our community will recount a powerful story: a story of courage, unity and the triumph of hope over adversity, of light over darkness.

Each night, as we light another candle, we honor the miracle of the oil that lasted eight days. We tell the story of the Maccabees’ unwavering bravery in the face of insurmountable odds. Their strength to stand up, rebuild and protect what was sacred has inspired generations—that same courage fuels our work at The Tree of Life as we envision a world where hope, kindness and resilience prevail.

With each candle, may we all remember that Hanukkah calls us not only to be the light but to spread it. By coming together, we amplify the brightness of hope, illuminating a future where all can thrive in safety and peace.

One of our challenges today is not just that we don’t agree on much; it’s that we all think we’re right. So, intransigent, inflammable, indignant and ignorant ways are often the norm. Facts need not intrude on this spectacle of craziness and sometimes self-justified cruelty. Welcome to 21st century America, land of victims who are victimizing.

That makes the job of each American – to be and to spread the light – much more difficult. And I am certain that you see clearly the enormous need for light in this democracy threatened by powerful, corrupt people intent on tearing down all we hold dear. That means that each of us has to go beyond our feelings of shock, hopelessness and fear and get up, find our own way to the light, likely alongside others, and do what needs to be done.

We have an owners manual that gives us direction. It is the Constitution. We have reference materials, like the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers and 248 years of the writings of many wise people. To be fair, we also have writings from some wretched fools, so be careful in your selection. Pull up a wooden chair at the library table. Read, learn and follow the instructions.

And recognize that the incoming administration has pledged to burn our owners manual and reference materials. In years past labels like “traitor” would have been pasted on such people with Republicans doing most of the labeling and pasting. Republicans, please explain to all of us why burning down our republic is now somehow acceptable.

Sadly, many no longer seem to have what used to be called common sense or the humility to be ashamed of themselves. Bluster and lack of accountability have taken their places and they have a sky high opinion of their opinions.

Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing,
once all other possibilities have been exhausted.
  • – commonly attributed to Winston Churchill, but he never said that.
  • Sometimes Israeli Ambassador Abba Eban gets credit for some
  • variation of this statement. Had either of them
  • said this, he would have been right.

We have promoted so many other possibilities, most notably now the attempts to strong arm our democracy toward fascism by rich, cruel usurpers supported by angry, heavily armed citizens who fear their special place in our society is slipping away. So many practice various forms of discrimination and repression and more harm is promised. They’ll try any self-serving thing that crosses their corruptible minds.

Citizen screamers will always cling to their pompous anger and grievance. They honestly believe that there are those who are naturally superior to others (e.g. book banners/burners, immigrant haters, replacement theory whiners, patriarchy promoters, etc.) and that it is self-evident that those holding such a view are the superior ones. In reply, let us read together from page one our founding documents: “Nuh-uh.”

Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.

– Mark Twain

We can wish for the lessons for doing right to be simpler, obvious to everyone and easier, but they are not and they won’t be. We’ve built an impassioned barrier, a self-constructed divide that makes us distrust one another and which dims the light from the shining city on the hill. Paraphrasing Ronald Reagan,

Mr./Mrs./Ms. America, tear down these walls!

When we do that we will have begun to end our violence toward one another. Until then, our primary job will have to be to counter our angry, violent fellow citizens, whether they’re the elected officials attacking our republic or others attacking Americans with threats and physical violence. We must do this before they hurt someone, like our immigrants now being threatened with family separation cruelty – again. There is enormous stubbornness in this violent country, so becoming the light will be difficult and will take a long time.

Be clear: We are at terrible risk right now and it’s going to take all of us to set things right, to turn up the light of the shining city on the hill.

There are glimmerings. The darkest day of the year is behind us and ever more daylight shines, a little more each day. And so our charge is not only “to be the light but to spread it.” That means stepping up and fighting the darkness that is trying to smother our nation. We must make incremental improvements every day.

It’s about the light. It’s always about the light.


NOTE: No post this Wednesday

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The Fine Print:

  1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
  2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
  3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Just A Little Insanity

POST 1131

Spend just one hour at the Legacy Museum in Montgomery, AL and then tell me if that’s the Great America we should make again. Consider the brutal slow murder of George Floyd or the self-appointed neighborhood guard George Zimmerman who murdered Trayvon Martin and got away with it, as did the murderers in the Tulsa massacre. Explain if that’s the Make America Great Again model we should emulate.

Explain 20 kids and 6 teachers murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School or the dozens shot at that Las Vegas concert. Explain how great America was then, that mythical America to which our red hatted citizens want to return.

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We are steeped in violence and proved it yet again on Monday as a shooter first killed 2, injured 6 and then murdered herself, leaving two of the injured with life-threatening injuries. This happened at the Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, WI. That event was our 83rd school shooting (one every 4 days) and our 656th mass shooting (almost two every day) this year, with almost 19,000 shot dead and over 38,000 shot and injured. Those aren’t statistics. Those are people.

What’s your bet about what the Founders who wrote the Second Amendment would think about semi-automatic assault weapons being used to kill kids in schools? What’s your bet about whether they considered it a right to own large capacity magazines or telescopic sights or bump stocks?

Read the Second Amendment – all 27 words:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

I wrote “all 27 words” because our gun crazies and our Second Amendment lovers commonly ignore the first 13 words.

You can plainly see that the Amendment says that the only reason for the people to be allowed to keep and bear arms is to have a militia. But that job is taken and well done by our National Guard. They are the militias that are well regulated. The weekend, skulking-through-the-woods tough guy wannabes are not well regulated. We have no need for Rambo-at-home, so we have no need for private citizens to have a home arsenal.

I’m betting that the family and friends of the grannies who were shot to death at the Topps Supermarket in Buffalo wish that before that awful day there had been a bunch of infringement of the right to own guns. Same for the survivors and next of kin of Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston.

It is way past the point when we should have figured out that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed,” should be infringed.

Read this book – click it

We all understand the slavish obeisance of our elected officials to the firearms industry because of the financial largess bestowed upon these politicians who do the industry’s bidding. That has allowed the distribution of over 20 million very profitable AR-15s into coat closets and car trunks in America and over 150 million hand guns, many carried openly or concealed. It seems that enough of our legislators think that children being murdered in school is a small enough price to pay for the money they get for their campaigns.

Get this: If you have guns and don’t keep them unloaded and locked up, do not tell me how much you love your kids or any other kids because you just wouldn’t be believable.

All of this craziness has several names: Insanity; Immorality; Stupidity; Cruelty; Hypocrisy.

Make America Great Again is a useful campaign slogan, a jaunt in Jingo-land, but we don’t have a model for when America was great when it comes to citizen gun safety. It is insane that we haven’t even a history book memory of a time in America when we weren’t murdering one another. Guns make those murders so very easy. They don’t make America great.

I used to think those calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment were over-reaching, but no longer. I have grand kids in schools who have always had to do active shooter drills. Every kid in your town does, too. They think those drills are normal, but it’s insane that they have to do them.

And it’s insane that we are leaving our children and grandchildren a country awash in citizen blood.

So, one more time:

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From Kirk Bangstat of Minoqua Brewing Company:

Our 2nd taproom in Madison is a mile away from the Abundant Life school shooting that occurred yesterday, and I spent a few hours last night with our customers endlessly going in circles about why it’s impossible for America to end gun violence in this country when most other developed countries have figured it out. [emphasis mine – JA]

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The Fine Print:

  1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
  2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
  3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
  4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
  5. Book links to Amazon are provided for reference only. Please purchase your books through your local mom & pop bookstore. Keep them and your town or neighborhood vibrant.
  6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Guest Essay – Doses Of Reality

POST 1113

It’s a wonder that in the face of our ongoing gun deaths and the forever heartache attached to them that all we can do is pass a limp-wristed gun safety bill that has no chance of protecting any of us.

This stuff is uncomfortably close to my daughter, Amy, and her six kids. She explains here.

Doses of Reality
                         – by Amy Tucker

It is easy to become caught up in the news when something tragic happens. We look at the ever-constant news feed on our phones for the details and the latest updates. And then  .  .  .  we move on to the next thing. But the individuals who have been directly affected or those close by never get to just move on. They carry the trauma all the time.

In a five-month time span in 2022, there were three incidents that were close by and in 2024 there were two more.

On July 4, 2022, Robert Eugene Crimo III fired his semiautomatic rifle into the crowd at the Highland Park, IL Independence Day parade. He killed seven people and wounded forty-eight more. This happened fifteen minutes from my home. I was standing in the park at our annual pancake breakfast with two of my children. Emergency vehicles began racing past us with their sirens blaring and another one of my children texted me the story of what was going on. I grabbed my children and hurried home.

We later discovered that my dad had been talking to Crimo at a political rally in our town in September 2020. There was a Trump rally and my dad had organized a counter rally. He made a point of talking with Crimo and his friend. That friend was in classes with one of my children. Dad wanted to understand their beliefs. I stood by while they talked and I have a picture of Crimo and my dad on my phone. I have a picture of the Highland Park shooter on my phone. My dad was talking to him!

On August 14, 2022, my son was working at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, IL.  That night, he was running the carousel, which is at the main entrance. His shift ended at 7:45 PM and he left his post. At 8:00 PM, there was a shooting right there at the main entrance. Three people were injured. By that point, my son was on the way to his car in the parking lot. His friends began texting him that they had to run from their posts and hide. My son missed that shooting by just fifteen minutes.

On November 19, 2022 at 11:56 PM suspect Anderson Lee Aldrich opened fire at Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He killed five people and injured nineteen. Six more were injured in the chaos that followed. My son had left Colorado Springs the day before to come home for Thanksgiving. He knows the location of this club and lives nearby. He missed the shooting by just one day.

On February 16, 2024, there was a double homicide in a dorm room in the building next to my son’s dorm in Colorado. This is the same son who left Colorado Springs for Thanksgiving and missed a shooting by one day. For these most recent murders, he missed the shooting by just one building.

The victim had complained several times to the university about this roommate. He and his girlfriend died. A third roommate hid in his bedroom listening to the moaning of the two people who were shot until they died, likely praying for his own life. I had the privilege of being able to stop reading about that event. That young man who hid in his bedroom will forever see that scene and hear those moans replaying in his head.

On September 29, 2024, I was awakened at 3:00 AM by text alerts from my other son’s university indicating that there was a double murder and students needed to take shelter. This was the same son who was present for the shooting at Six Flags.

These are terrifying, senseless, and life-altering events. My family and I are among the lucky ones who get to “move on” from them. We do not have to live with the injuries or the death of loved ones. If I wanted to, perhaps I could forget about these tragedies and not worry about them. The universe has continued to protect my babies and for that I am grateful. But I think that instead this should be a reminder to me and to all of us that there are those who can never forget.

All six of my children have grown up in a world in which they’ve needed to practice lockdown drills in school in case there is an active shooter. Wouldn’t it make more sense to prevent active shootings than to raise children in a world in which we teach them to be scared to be in school?

Moreover, any time I have checked in with them about violence in our world, several have respond with something to the effect of, “I don’t know. I’m not really bothered by it. It happens all the time.” My son in Colorado knew one of the dorm room homicide victims. When I asked him how he was doing, he responded saying, “I’m fine. Another day. Another shooting.” My children are that desensitized to gun violence. That is even more worrisome to me than if they were calling me panicking!

None of my six children likes the world in which I have raised them – none of them. My heart aches from sadness and guilt every time they say this to me. I brought them into this crazy, senseless, anxiety-producing world. They didn’t ask for the world we adults have presented to them.

These five events struck way too close to home. I vividly remember on the night of the Six Flags shooting ranting on the phone to my parents, sheer rage and fear spewing out of me. I was wishing a shooting tragedy on a family member of any politician who refuses sensible gun laws. Perhaps then they would understand the terrible pain and the senselessness and the preventability of it all and it would hit them too close to home for them to ignore it. Of course, I don’t really want such a terrible thing to happen. But I do want them to end their self-serving political dance that allows these much-too-common lethal events.

I’ve had a powerful dose of reality from these experiences. They urge me to remember those who are grieving and hurting – and wonder: How big of a dose of reality do you suppose it will take for the resisters to make changes to protect us all?

Who do you suppose are the “resisters” Amy accuses? Circle all that apply.

1. Second Amendment contortionists who believe they have a right to own any weapon including weapons of war and to carry them to intimidate others

2. Militia puff-ups, patriotism delusionals, who think it’s their right and obligation to attack and take down whatever they think is an oppressive government

3. Politicians who care more about their careers than they do about our children

Reading Assignment

Brooke Harrison was a student at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL on Valentine’s Day 2018. Following the horror that visited that day she penned an essay for ABC News. Listen to her voice, both in her writing and in the video. Listen to what we have allowed to be done to her and to so many others because of our tolerance – our cowardice in the face of the demands of a selfish and angry minority. Listen to a voice that is just like tens of thousands more every year, forced into suffering they do not deserve.

It’s not the vibes and it’s not the polls: it’s the votes. 
Are you registered to vote? Check it out on any of these websites:

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

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    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
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    6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Voter Fraud – and Others

POST 1111

One More Look At Our Terrible Voter Fraud Problem

You’ve heard the statistics about our voter fraud problem, like that it’s 0.00001% of votes cast, clearly not enough to sway even the election of a candidate for the mosquito abatement board, much less a megalomaniac fraud and sexual assaulter to the presidency. Nevertheless, we must have some fun with the numbers from the off-the-right-edge-of-the-continuum Heritage Foundation because they are Trump suck-up misleaders.

The Brookings Institution did that in a paper entitled Widespread election fraud claims by Republicans don’t match the evidence. Note that their analysis has nothing to do with how anyone feels or their confirmation bias or their delight in demonizing. They’re just the facts, ma’am.

Brookings reports,

[The Heritage Foundation finds] that there have been 1,465 proven cases of election fraud — 1,264 of these resulted in criminal prosecutions and the remainder resulted in civil prosecutions, diversion programs, judicial findings, or official findings.

These may sound like big numbers, however, they must be examined in context. The findings encompass more than a decade of data during which, nationally, hundreds of millions of votes have been cast. For instance, in Texas, Heritage found 103 cases of confirmed election fraud. However, those 103 ranged from 2005 to 2022 during which time over 107 million ballots were cast. There were 11 million ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election alone. The fraud in Texas amounted to 0.000096% of all ballots cast — hardly evidence of a fundamentally corrupt system.

Need more?

in Arizona, where President Biden won by a mere 10,457 votes in 2020, Heritage documents just four cases of fraudulent voting in the general election. Furthermore, while former Republican gubernatorial candidate and 2024 Senate candidate Kari Lake falsely claimed widespread fraud following her loss in 2022, there have been zero reported cases from that year thus far. To put these cases (or lack thereof) in perspective, Arizonans cast over 6 million votes in the 2020 and 2022 general elections. [That’s fraud  of 0.0% of votes cast.]

Other swing states have also recorded negligible numbers of election fraud. In Georgia, Heritage has reported no cases of fraud in the 2020 or 2022 general elections, in which nearly nine million votes were cast. [That, too, is 0.0% of votes cast.]

So, now we’re all convinced that there is no voter fraud problem, right?

So, what’s going on here? Nothing. Confirmed conspiracy theorists never take no for an answer, so they will certainly insist that there was massive fraud or that prosecutors were bought off.

Mmm, that right, Kemosabe. They will say that. And they will be wrong.

We have only one voter fraud problem and it’s the fraud that attacks voting rights, like:

  1. gerrymandering
  2. kicking eligible voters off voting rolls for specious and discriminatory reasons, especially when it’s done just before an election so there is no time to appeal
  3. limiting access to voting, like closing polling places to make it extremely difficult to vote and eliminating drop boxes for mail-in ballots
  4. requiring voter ID that is difficult for a targeted population to secure

Click here for a more extensive list of Constitution stomping, rights killing manipulation by .  .  .  guess who?

Note especially that even before mail-in and absentee ballots began to be filled out this year and with zero evidence for their claims, Trump and his entire entourage and his parroting millions were already claiming voting fraud. So, 1. Are they clairvoyant? or, 2. Are they frauds? You choose.

From The “Ya Gotta Read This” Department

Perhaps you’ve heard that right wing extremists, including our twice impeached, four times indicted, 34 counts convicted felon and adjudicated sexual assaulter former president, Donald Trump, have used our hurricane disasters to demonize FEMA, saying they don’t have enough money for disaster relief because they gave away money to undocumented immigrants (they prefer to call them “illegals”). That’s complete  .  .  .  how is it said? .  .  .  you know. See this and this.

These lies are just a current attack on our institutions designed to make the easily manipulated distrustful of government. It’s so dumb that even “no stranger to airhead conspiracy stupid stuff” Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) smacked down the no FEMA money idiocy.

Now the rabid right has told hurricane and tornado victims that FEMA is coming to seize their land and worse. That’s led to armed militias – actually, vigilantes – roaming western North Carolina hunting FEMA people. That has caused relief workers to pull back, interfering with relief getting to hurricane victims. Again, it’s just your presidential candidate doing what he can to stoke violence and undermine our trust in ourselves.

Here’s more on hurricanes from CNN:

Last week, [Rep. Marjorie Taylor] Greene, without specifying who “they” is, posted, “Yes they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.”

She offers quack patent applications from a hundred years ago to prove her airhead point.

Most important is that you’ve heard this kind of idiocy many times from those who were the kids who flung spitballs from the back of their science and civics classes. The problem now is that such inanities get forwarded millions of times until some people believe it, putting themselves and others at risk through their denial of reality and further eroding our trust in our institutions.

The scariest part of this latest MTG lunacy is that citizens of Georgia’s 14th Congressional District keep sending her and her AR-15 to Congress. What do you suppose is the key contaminant in their drinking water?

Right: it’s fraud.


Read Prof. Timothy Snyder’s new post, From the Storm to the Stormtroopers. The Fascist Logic of Climate Lying.


Are you a Boomer? If so, you’re a child of the Greatest Generation. Read Lessons From My Father. Then say a quiet – perhaps even sacred – thank you.

Bang Bang

Click me

We have 48 dead kids already this year, hundreds wounded and ten of thousands traumatized for life. And all of us are living with the threat of a grotesquely distorted Second Amendment hanging over our heads. Watch for a very personal account of that this Sunday.

It’s not the vibes and it’s not the polls: it’s the votes. 
Are you registered to vote? Check it out on any of these websites:

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

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    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Odd Critters

POST 1107

Odd Humans

See note #5 below

Upon seeing him on Bill Maher’s program on September 27, I remembered that Yuval Noah Harari is a favorite author of Barack Obama. I just ordered Harari’s book Sapiens and hope to find a little understanding about humans from those pages.

My non-scientific, anecdotal observation is that for most of we humans, upon learning of the suffering of others, we first translate that into how we would feel were we suffering in that way. That probably isn’t true of a mother responding to a crying baby, but it likely is true when we hear about the Gazans today. We see the suffering people and do an automatic, “What if that were me or someone I love?” We bypass simple empathy for those actually suffering in the moment and make it about ourselves, a “me thing.”

Feel free to push back on this and perhaps we’ll all learn something valuable. But if there is any validity to my observation, then, for example, that lack of simple empathy may well be part of why our political insanity makes it impossible to create what are called “common sense gun safety laws.” The cruel irony, of course, is the absence of any common sense.

I just don’t see any common sense in our allowing our citizens to own AR-15s or bump stocks or large capacity magazines. It makes no sense for an 18-year-old, years from having a mature brain that can fully anticipate consequences and for whom risk is just an exercise in excitement to have the right to purchase weapons of war. But we let this insanity – this total lack of common sense – go on, as our legislators suck up to the firearms industry in order to get campaign contributions. And then we reelect them! That’s insane.

When the awful shooting occurred – any shooting – did you feel affected? If you lived in Nerwtown, CT (Sandy Hook Elementary School) you did. Same for Highland Park, IL on the 4th of July two years ago and all the others when it’s close to home. We automatically identify when the threat feels near.

I’m feeling that way now because two of my grandchildren are in college, in different schools, and each had a shooting nearby them, one on and the other just off campus. That’s really close to the heart for me. But it’s likely you didn’t even hear about those shootings because we have two mass shootings every three days and lots more single shootings in this shooting gallery of a country. Most of the attention to them fades away quickly, covered only by local news and even then only for a day or two. Then the journalists are off to cover the next “If it bleeds, it leads” event.

My grandchildren are okay, thanks for asking, but I am not. My fire is stoked once again to a roaring inferno over our insane refusal to protect our own people until the blood is flowing close to home. And even then we do nothing to prevent the next massacre, just like the days following the Sandy Hook slaughter of first graders, when we did nothing but offer impotent, cowardly and offensive “thoughts and prayers.”

If you need to feel that fire in order to understand and to take action, just imagine that those were your children or grandchildren being just a short distance from that campus gunfire. Imagine if they had to “shelter in place,” hiding in their dorm rooms as the murderer was hunted down. Imagine them at last able to leave their dorms, walk outside and realize how terribly exposed and at risk they are all the time. Do you feel that fire now?

No matter where it happens and whether we feel it or not, it’s always close to home for someone or it will be soon. Do we only care after the fact, or are we willing to go on the hunt to recapture some common sense? Our election in 29 days seems like a good time to gather our wits about us and elect people who we believe have common sense. Check March For Our Lives first, then Everytown For Gun Safety and Moms Demand Action. Get involved – before you’re ordered to shelter in place.

About that about “me thing” – it likely doesn’t even register that there is an ongoing civil war in Sudan and many thousands of people are starving because we Americans pretty much don’t identify with the Sudanese. So, like I said, if it isn’t us and it isn’t close to home, it doesn’t register.

We really are odd critters.

Biggest Idiot of the Month

Speaking of odd critters, as the winds and rain of hurricane Helene were rapidly ramping up, the governors of most of our southeastern states mobilized their emergency teams and national guard units. They put all citizens on alert and called DC asking for a declaration of emergency to get help from FEMA as fast as possible.  All of them did that – except one.

Republican Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee took a different approach to dealing with that monster hurricane. He refused to reach out to our federal agencies for the help the people in his state would soon desperately need. He made no request for a declaration of emergency for Tennessee. Instead, Gov. Lee called for a “voluntary day of prayer and fasting.”

That’s right: book banners are idiots, too. Click me

Yes, really!

He didn’t ask for FEMA help until flash floods were drowning entire towns and cities in his state. Of course, President Biden approved the request immediately.

If they could talk, I bet the people in Tennessee who died in that monster storm would have something to say to Gov. Lee about his official state response of prayer and fasting, when food, water and boots on the flooded ground would be so terribly and obviously needed. He’s weird in a “beating drums in the jungle” kind of way and as a result has lost the support of his dead Bible thumping constituents – perhaps some live ones, too.

Congratulations go to Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee for being the Biggest Idiot in September.

It’s not the vibes and it’s not the polls: it’s the votes. 
Are you registered to vote? Check it out on any of these websites:

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

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    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Mental Health Wake Up

POST 1099


Ugly Truth

We all know it’s a mental health thing, right? I mean, who but a mentally sick person would kill two kids and two teachers and wound 9 others? Who but a wacko dad would give an assault rifle to his mentally messed up 14-year-old kid?

“You don’t have to have been physically injured in this to be a victim,” District Attorney Brad Smith said outside the Barrow County [Georgia] courthouse. “Everyone in this community is a victim. Every child in that school was a victim.”

Who but someone deranged would blast away 20 first graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School? Or get bump stocks for his combat weapons, so he could fire over 1,000 bullets into concert attendees in just 10 minutes? He murdered 59 people and wounded at least 700 more at the Music Festival in Las Vegas.

They would be incoming freshmen right now. Thanks go to JN for this banner.

How crazy would someone have to be to massacre 17 kids at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland), or murder sabbath service attendees at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh or kill grannies shopping at Topps Supermarket in Buffalo or murder the bible study people at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston or the County Environmental Health and Public Health employees in San Bernardino? Something must be mentally wrong with a person who would do such things.

And there’s plenty more insanity.

The political slaves to campaign contributions from the big bucks firearms industry will only admit that our daily slaughters can be blamed on mental health. Surely, they say, there’s no connection to our insane interpretation of the Second Amendment that allows combat weapons to be in the hands of anyone with the strength to lift one. But that excuse is insane. It’s a lie and they know it. We know it.

We are by far the world’s leader in firearms homicides and it isn’t because our kids watch more violent video games or because we are more mentally deranged than people in other countries or because we make and watch more violent movies. There’s just one reason:

We have more firearms per capita than any other nation on Earth – 120 of them per 100 Americans, including babies. That’s double the rate of the next most gun crazy country.

It’s murderously easy to get a gun and ammunition. And that’s why we’re Number 1 in murders.

Are we massively mentally deranged, suffering from various violent behavioral anomalies, disorders, psychoses and apathy, too? Of course we are.

We’d have to be mentally ill to continue to elect people who will not do what 80% of us send them to office to do, like pass tough, common sense gun safety legislation. But we keep sending murder weapon enablers to Congress. It’s the very definition of insanity.

Of course we’re crazy, as we gasp at the atrocities and see the faces of the shell shocked survivors who will forever suffer from their trauma. But then we do nothing to stop the next shooting. That’s insane.

We ignore the paralyzing, knee collapsing shock that assaults our first responders who are first to the bloody crime scenes and have to face the horrid truth of the massacres and pick up what is left of those slaughtered. Then we move on and let those heroes fend for themselves. That’s insane.

And we ignore that our flag waving politicians have voted to further de-fund our mental health facilities. That’s insane.

Yeah, we have a mental health problem. It’s us.


The Second Amendment is:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The reason for the amendment is spelled out in the first 13 words. It was included in the Constitution to placate southern enslavers who feared a slave uprising. That got Southern states to vote to adopt the Constitution. But the need for protection against a slave uprising no longer exists and it hasn’t since the ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865.

Those 13 words call for not just any militia, but a well regulated militia. That means a force of trained troops under the command of a regulating authority. We have that. It’s our National Guard and every state has one. We have no need for vigilante militias or vengeance seeking wackos. So, second Amendment enthusiasts and the gun industry conveniently ignore all 13 words, focusing only on the last 14.

Those 14 words tell us that We The People may keep and bear arms, meaning firearms. In the Founders’ time there were only flintlock pistols and muskets. They didn’t have semi-automatic pistols or AR-15s or bump stocks or large capacity magazines. The right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment applied to muskets.

So, let’s be strict originalists, just as our extremist right wing Supreme Court justices think of themselves. Let’s change our understanding of the Second Amendment to mean exactly what the Founders meant.

American citizens may keep and bear all the musket ball firing flintlock pistols and long guns they want. And those are the only firearms that we originalists should allow.

Muskets have a repeat firing rate of possibly one ball fired every 30 seconds. If the Las Vegas shooter had used a musket instead of his bump stock-modified AR-15 he could have harmed only about 20 people in his 10 minutes of carnage, instead of over 750.

For our gun myopians:

  1. The Second Amendment wasn’t about showing what a tough guy you are, taking your AR-15 to Starbucks or to a bar or to polling places to intimidate voters, so don’t do that insane thing.
  2. Put trigger locks on your firearms and lock them up unloaded so that your aggrieved kid can’t grab them and kill other kids at his school, like that deranged 14-year-old kid at Apalachee High School in Georgia did last week. Same for the shooters at Sandy Hook, Parkland and Uvalde.
  3. Try being a good dad instead of a pretend soldier with a warped notion of patriotism. And get into therapy that focuses on anger management.
Wake Up

This is a wake up call to all of us to elect representatives who will do what We The People want them to do. Doing anything less is insane.

Wake up.

Are you registered to vote? Check it out here:

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”
  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

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    The Fine Print:

    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
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    6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.

Freedom and Dr. Seuss

POST 1088

Reality Check

Since Trump was shot, the Republicans/MAGAs are making noises about being kinder, losing the divisiveness and their cruelty. These are the people whose convention featured presenter after presenter engaging in world class divisiveness, faux masculinity, accusing Democrats of exactly the awful things righties have been doing. They had giant piles of MUGS (Made Up Gross S**t) designed for divisiveness and cruelty that had attendees foaming at the mouth.

Still, they made noise about how after the shooting Trump had torn up his speech in order to craft one designed for unity. That triggers a


1. Try to remember the 2016 campaign, as Trump was making blisteringly phony accusations, taking credit for things he couldn’t even spell, much less create, telling lies and inciting hatred everywhere he went. We were assured by pundits that Trump would pivot and become presidential once in office and the gravity of presidential reality settled upon him. Check all that apply.

[  ] A. Trump “fixed” our immigration challenges by ripping thousands of infants and children from their mothers, caging the little ones without the staffing or supplies to care for them and with absolutely no way to reunite children with their parents. He explained that the cruelty was the point.

[  ] B. Trump knew more than the generals and people in the Intelligence agencies and ignored the President’s Daily Brief, blew off allies, embraced dictators and imperiled our safety by showing our top secrets to enemies. He promised our middle class great benefits, including massive new job opportunities and increased wages. Instead, he gave away $2 trillion, 87% of which went to already rich people and corporations. No new jobs were created and middle class income remained stagnant.

[  ] C. Trump did a turnaround and grew into the job of president, becoming a promoter of the Constitution and our democracy and transitioning into a world class statesman.

[  ] D. Trump can’t be believed when he says things like “kinder and gentler” or “unity,” nor when he denounces violence. That’s because if he is breathing, he is lying. Unity? From Trump, the Retribution King? Seriously?

Answer key: A, B, D. Trump couldn’t even understand answer C.

His aggrieved followers willingly support terminating the Constitution and then call themselves patriots. They’re easy marks for sales of Trump’s snake oil.

From Adam Kinzinger, June 26, 2024:

Today, we face an election about a singular, monumental issue: the very essence of our democracy. The question before us is clear—which of the two Candidates will stand unyielding in their commitment to preserve, protect, and defend our Constitution and strengthen our Democracy?

Kinzinger is right about the essence of the election. The answer to his question is: Anyone But Trump. As boyhood pal and occasional commenter to these posts Kirk Landers said, he’d sooner vote for Biden’s dogs, either the mean one or the nice one, or even a pet rock than for Trump. Kirk is a smart fellow.

Trump must never get his hands on any power greater than the flush handle of a prison toilet.

Up and down your November ballot,

Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of gun safety.
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of healthcare.
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and forgiveness of crushing student debt.
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of supporting our allies and opposing our adversaries..
No Republican will.
Every one of the Democratic candidates will be on the right side of the rule of law.
No Republican will.

The Republicans, the ones who hurl racist slurs at Kamala Harris, the ones who spew bizarre Biblical quotations that nobody understands, the ones who criticize her over plastic soda straws as though she is killing kittens and puppies – those Republicans – at night they come out from under the bridge where they live just to be cruel. They intend to be our overlords. That’s all they offer our country.

Yes, this election is that dangerously binary because

Freedom is Under Attack!


Other than strong nominees, our job is to defeat tyranny and preserve your rights, including your right to women’s healthcare; protection of things you already paid for, like Social Security and Medicare; plus the right not be be shot to death by a homicidal maniac brandishing combat weapons.

We must energize the electorate to vote for our country. I’m thinking of the 40% who don’t bother to show up on election day. Recently, I wrote about the need to light a fire under them. Insightful opinion writer Steve Sheffey agreed with me in his July 7 post. He must be very smart.

That energizing of the stay-at-homes requires our feet on the street to motivate and mobilize them. That way we get to keep our democracy and have a free and fair election in 2026. And another in 2028. Plus, we get to not get shot.

See Note #5 below.

Rhymes Of The Week

From Oh, The Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss:

  • You have brains in your head
  • You have feet in your shoes.
  • You can steer yourself
  • Any direction you choose.

So, steer yourself to:

  • register voters
  • canvas in a swing state
  • write post cards reminding people to vote
  • phone voters with wake up calls about the threats to their rights and their freedom
  • donate to candidates who will preserve our democracy (Democrats only, because Republicans are extremists or suck ups to extremists)
  • invite neighbors to a discussion about what they want and how they’ll get it
  • post a sign on your lawn
  • volunteer as a poll watcher.

Steer yourself to action, because,

  • You have brains in your head,
  • You have feet in your shoes.
  • You don’t want to go cry
  • Lost Democracy Blues.

Passivity just won’t do if you want rights, freedom and safety. So, get going.

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”

  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

Our governance and electoral corruption and dysfunction and our ongoing mass murders are all of a piece, all the same problem with the same solution:

  • Fire the bastards!

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    The Fine Print:

    1. Writings quoted or linked from my posts reflect a point I want to make, at least in part. That does not mean that I endorse or agree with everything in such writings.
    2. There are lots of smart, well-informed people. Sometimes we agree; sometimes we don’t. Search for others’ views and decide for yourself.
    3. Errors in fact, grammar, spelling and punctuation are all embarrassingly mine. Glad to have your corrections.
    4. Responsibility for the content of these posts is unequivocally, totally, unavoidably mine.
    5. Book links to Amazon are provided for reference only. Please purchase your books through your local mom & pop bookstore. Keep them and your town or neighborhood vibrant.
    6. Clicking on most pics in these posts will take you to the source information.

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Copyright 2025 by Jack Altschuler
Reproduction and sharing are encouraged, providing proper attribution is given.


POST 1085

Sleep Prevention Causal Factor

As reported in the New York Times on July 13, 2024:

Robert Pape, a political scientist at the University of Chicago who has studied American attitudes toward political violence since the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob, conducted a nationwide poll on the topic last month. It found that 10 percent of those surveyed said that the “use of force is justified to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.” A third of those who gave that answer also said they owned a gun.

Seven percent of those surveyed said they “support force to restore Trump to the presidency.” Half of them said they owned guns.

Note that 3% of all those surveyed both own guns and support presidential preference violence. That’s 3% on each side. That ought to keep you up at night.

The Assassination Attempt – Pop Quiz

Question No. 1 in 3 parts:

Setting aside the invitations into conspiracy theories suggesting Trump planned the shooting to gain additional victim sympathy; and ignoring the self-serving politicians saying there’s no room in our politics for violence, even as they vote against every gun safety bill; and pretending that you don’t see the politicians trying to save their own asses from the bullseye of the next pissy sniper; and ignoring Trump’s consistent championing of violence and retribution; and ignoring the Second Amendment “cold, dead hands” extremists who prove how tough they are by the size of the arsenal in their basements;

How many guns have at last been properly locked up so that wacko sons like Adam Lanza can’t get their hands on Mom & Dad’s assault rifles and pistols? Answer: zero.

Who thinks our kids will be safe when they go back to school next month or that Biden doesn’t risk a copy cat shooter between now and November? Answer: nobody.

Where is there anything in support of safety but the next round of useless thoughts and prayers and the usual Second Amendment justification blather? Answer: nowhere.

Question No. 2 in 4 parts:

Millions are horrified because a former president apparently was slightly wounded. But is his life more important than the lives of:

20 little first grade kids and six teachers? Be sure to check with the parents, as well as the first responders who had to confront that butchery and help to clean it up.

The MAGA Hypocrisy Meter

Or 10 worshipers at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston?

Or 17 at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh?

Or the 17,761 killed or wounded by firearms already this year?

Answer to all: No.

Please, pundits, politicians and gun rights extremists, spare me your abhorrent hypocrisy. You may now go back to fondling your bump stock and skulking in the woods wearing your camos, pretending to be Rambo or a patriotic member of “a well regulated Militia.”

But you aren’t. And you aren’t a justified urban crusader or a victim “hitting back.” You’re just a guy puffed up by guns. Here’s what you must learn.

Everyone understands what guns do. They send slugs of lead through the air at very high speed and make often fatal holes in human bodies. That’s why people respect guns and what they can do. Here’s the “but.”

When you’re strutting around with your assault rifle or your semi-automatic pistol, people respect your guns because they know what they can do. But nobody respects you. You’re just a tough guy wannabee. A poser. A guy who thinks there is a short cut to respect.

NEWSFLASH: There isn’t.

ACTION ALERT: Lose the guns and start being respectful and you’ll begin to be worthy of respect.

If instead you kill or wound someone, even a presidential candidate, your fellow tough guy posers will high five you. The rest of the world will know that you’re just a loser and an a**hole.

“Grift! Grift! Grift!”

The Political Perversion of the Assassination Attempt

From Steve Schmidt, Next Comes The Revenge:

“Trump’s [“Fight, Fight, Fight!” is] tough and iconic in the instant of the response [to the attempted assassination], but who exactly is supposed to be fighting whom? What we are seeing is the use of a criminal act, an evil act, and an assault on our democracy as a justification for calls for more violence.”

Which surprises nobody.

Trump is a showman, so he instantly knew how to use a ding on his ear to promote himself. He has no concern for danger or harm to others.

If you are a supporter of Trump and you follow his raised fist, tough guy “Fight! Fight! Fight!” directive, you are the problem.

Gun Violence And Democracy

From reader Frank Levy:

[Saturday’s] assassination attempt on DJT will almost guarantee his election in November. He will be able to raise massive amounts of money off the attempt on his life and his previously bored and maybe unmotivated followers will want revenge for the affront to their leader and will vote in numbers we have never seen before. And all we have is sleepy Joe as our candidate. We know Joe is a true patriot. He loves America. He can prove it beyond reproach by letting someone, almost anyone but himself, carry the banner for saving our democracy in November.

That “almost guarantee his election” thing – we have to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Older Boomers may recall the pop song You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until You Lose It. Even if you don’t remember it, most of us have experienced renewed appreciation for something or someone after they’re gone and when we’re feeling the pain of loss.

It’s going to hurt really bad when our rights and our freedoms and our democracy are gone. Trump and the MAGAs are promising to take them away and it’s extremely unsafe to ignore their treasonous words. That’s why we have to saddle up and ride to the rescue of our democracy. We have to STOP THE STEAL!

“Friends do not let friends vote for con artists.”

  • – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), 2016

Our governance and electoral corruption and dysfunction and our ongoing mass murders are all of a piece, all the same problem with the same solution:

  • Fire the bastards!

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