Astonishing Idiocy

Post 1,002 ————————————— Astonishing National Idiocy* Twelve score and 6 years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Twelve years later they gave us our glorious Constitution. Now we are engaged in a great congressional and state… [read more]

An Unavoidable Parallel

Post 1,000 ————————————— The Shutdown We were at the edge of a cliff. It wasn’t just U.S. bankruptcy and the end of the authority for economic bedrock that were at risk. With our failure to honor our debts we would lead the entire economic world over that cliff. At the 11th hour Speaker of the… [read more]

A Question For Our Trump Voters

Trump Voter, I know you weren’t appalled at hearing Trump say he could grab women between their legs whenever he wanted. You found a way to ignore it or justify it with some lame version of whataboutism. You allowed yourself to be distracted by Hillary’s emails and the claims of criminal wrongdoing that were completely… [read more]

Idiotica – Part 2

“You Never Thought This Could Happen” Idiotica You already know that lots of Republicans champion autocrats (read: dictators) Putin, Erdoğan and Orbán. These Americans wildly cheer these strongmen who have killed democracy in their countries. It’s shocking to recall that just a few short years ago Republicans were the hardliners against such despots and their… [read more]

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