Just when you thought you had seen Marjorie Taylor Greene’s* most despicable demonstration of degeneracy, she somehow went even lower. In a House hearing she declared that only biological moms are real moms. To hell with you do-gooders who open your hearts and adopt or foster kids. You’re not real moms, according to Greene. Neither… [read more]
I’m So Old
I’m so old that I remember when passing the debt ceiling was just a box that Congress checked each year to ensure the full faith and credit of the United States. There was no conflating future spending with payment for past spending. There was no threatening of our economy. We just paid our bills. I… [read more]
NO! v3.0
Dominion Voting Systems v. Fox I wanted this case to go to trial to see Carlson, Hannity, Murdoch and the rest humiliated on the witness stand for their lies and their traitorous exhortations to sedition. That comes from the same driver as putting wrongdoers into the stocks in the town square in colonial days. That… [read more]
NO! v2.0
We Americans routinely let tragedy happen to school children, as at the Covenant School in Nashville and at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde and now at a Dadeville, AL sweet 16 party. Children are powerless to stop the murdering, so they count on we adults, we good people, to speak up and say “NO!“ This… [read more]
NO! v1.0
In Sam Adler-Bell’s essay The One Thing Trump Has That DeSantis Never Will, he makes distinctions between the manipulative governor and the unscrupulous Trump. He identifies their bets on campaign donors and which sections of the voting public each seems to think he can attract. Adler-Bell writes, If [Trump’s] wager pays off, it will be… [read more]
Here’s Some Of What Decades of Far Right Scheming Have Brought You Voter suppression through: extreme gerrymandering; voting rights suppression; throwing out voter registrations for obscure reasons – especially in poor and minority areas; eliminating voting places; restricting ballot drop box access; School vouchers for private and parochial schools that starve public schools of money… [read more]
Nixon Resigns – Then and Today
After the flood of lying, cheating, whining, denying, abandoning of his criminally loyal co-conspirators and all the rest of the cover up deceit, we at last learned for certain that Nixon had lied when he declared, “I am not a crook.” His “opening of China” might have been a good thing in itself and it… [read more]
My friend Dr. Mardy Grothe writes an interesting and insightful post each week. Indeed his offering is the first thing I read Sunday mornings. His comments usually focus on literary issues in a most clever way. However, last Sunday he uncharacteristically dipped a toe in my accustomed pond. His piece is so good that I… [read more]
Woke, Parents Rights, Covid & Court Watch
“Woke” Update 2 Given the decades of Republican and so-called conservatives’ efforts to establish absolute power and wealth into the hands of (guess who?) the wealthy, including themselves, it seems this mania to attack whatever is “woke” was inevitable. It’s undefined by those same Republicans and so-called conservatives so that they can use the term… [read more]
Amendment XXVIII
Section 1. Whereas: The necessity of a free state to have a well regulated militia being fully satisfied by the various State National Guard units; and, Whereas: The right of the people to be safe and secure in their persons, domiciles and in all public places being paramount; therefore, Upon ratification of this article, the… [read more]