We Know – Really

We have records going back nearly 200 years, so it’s with great confidence that the experts say that the seven hottest years on record are – drum roll please – the last seven years. They brought us ever-more-catastrophic storms, killing heat and more, as well as the deafeningly loud warnings of permafrost melt, releasing methane… [read more]

Voting Rights

Pamela Moses stands sentenced to six years and one day in the slammer in Memphis for the horrific crime of attempting to register to vote. Not for any voting infraction, but solely for having tried to register to vote. Ms. Moses is a convicted felon who served her time, did her parole and was a… [read more]

Groundhog Day Special Edition

Pick a City Madison, WI Baton Rouge, LA San Bernardino,  CA Des Moines, IA Birmingham, AL Rochester, NY Tempe, AZ Modesto, CA Tacoma, WA Grand Rapids, MI Tallahassee, FL Little Rock, AR Bill Maher and Bari Weiss made quite a lot of noise on his program on January 21. They insisted that we’re so over… [read more]

There Is No Difference

We’re told that there was fraud in every state, every county, every precinct and behind every tree. They tell us bad people brought boxes and suitcases full of fraudulent ballots to vote counting centers and that they destroyed legitimate ballots for Trump. People are righteously incensed at what they believe is a theft of our… [read more]

It’s Almost 1972 – Again

If we assume for the moment that people who promote fantastical and dangerous lies aren’t willfully ignorant or intelligence challenged, we’re left with some unattractive explanations. Why, for example, would Kelli Ward, Arizona GOP Chair, perpetuate the “Biden is an illegitimate president” crazy? “I want to see arrests. I want to see perp walks. I… [read more]

It’s a Free Country

The Jewish Democratic Council of America posted a list of what Congress must do if we are to preserve our democracy. These steps aren’t attached to any party or any religion. They are exclusively about keeping and protecting democracy – the real deal, not the cruel charade that Republicans are making of it by trying… [read more]

Daydream 2, The Rolling Stones & COVIDumb

You can find Daydream 1 here. JA —————————————– In Federal Court, Washington DC It is the jury selection process, where I am being questioned as a potential juror by skilled lawyers for the defendant, Donald J. Trump. Lawyer: Are you an attorney? Me: No Lawyer: Do you now have any legal case pending before any… [read more]

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