STATUS ALERT! This is a proud JaxPolitix moment, as we have officially received our first vile, disgusting and politically inane troll message. To the troll: We wish you a full recovery from the multiple head traumas you obviously have sustained. It started decades ago, but that was just laying the ground work for what has… [read more]
What We Need From the House Select Committee
Ed. note: Read through to the end and click the link for a stunning piece you must read. The House Select Committee has a tough job. They are tasked with getting to the bottom of the traitorous terrorist insurrection that has come to be known simply as January 6. Notable is that this committee is… [read more]
The Most Valuable Event at the Tokyo Olympics
Simone Biles, easily one of the best and perhaps the best of women gymnasts, dropped out of the team competition. She cited a case of the “twisties” and perhaps some other issues that were troubling her. Social media creeps wasted no time in attacking her, calling her a quitter and applying far more horrific labels…. [read more]
Golden Calf
Trump’s endless string of lies at the July 2021 CPAC convention was not just boring; it was old news boring. New day, same old lies. On the other hand, his supplicants applauded and made the proper guttural noises for him in response to his calls for adulation. They did the same for the rest of… [read more]
Willful Ignorance
Dear Mrs. Jordan, It is with regret that I write to tell you about your son, Jim. He lies so very often, like repeating Donald Trump’s Big Lie. He lies about the attack on our Capitol Building. He lies by promoting conspiracy craziness. He says mean things about Democrats and liberals with almost every breath…. [read more]
What’s Going On?
First, Something Personal Parkinson’s Disease is a miserable critter. It strikes famous people like Michael J. Fox, Linda Ronstadt and Neil Diamond and it hits we little folk as well. Nobody knows what causes it, so nobody knows how to prevent it. It’s progressive (it gets worse over time), so all that can be done… [read more]
Potpourri – v13.0
Curmudgeon Corner Richard Branson has successfully staged his self-promotional space spectacular and it is most disappointing. Don’t get me wrong – I’m as geeky as most science geeks and a space shot, even a barely sub-orbital one, is pretty cool. But the science and engineering and cool factors aren’t the real story. The real deal… [read more]
The American ISIS – Part Two
This is Part Two of The American ISIS. Part One was published on Wednesday, July 7, 2021. You can find it here. ———————— Kurt Andersen’s 2017 book Fantasyland is a remarkable journey through our 5 century endeavor to perfect our ability to believe almost anything. It’s about how we blind ourselves to obvious reality and… [read more]
A Love Letter . . .
. . . To Our Vaccine Refusers The rest of the world is hoping for, scrambling for, begging for vaccines, while in the good ol’ US of A we’re bribing people to get vaccinated and still they’re refusing. Question: Why is it possible for me to write that sentence and know it’s accurate? —————————- Okay,… [read more]
The American ISIS – Part One
When al Qaeda bombed the World Trade Center in 1993 they thought they were doing God’s work. When they upped their game on September 11, 2001 they thought they were doing God’s work. When ISIS beheaded American journalist Danny Pearl they thought they were doing God’s work. When ISIS murdered the staff of Charlie Hebdo… [read more]