First watch this feel-good 30-second ad from The People of America’s Oil and Natural Gas Industry (click on the video to start it): What was it the pretty blonde in the black suit said in such soothing tones, as pleasant images caressed your eyeballs? ” . . . safe, proven hydraulic fracturing technology.” Yes,… [read more]
Reading time – 21 seconds . . . Alan King was a brilliant comedian. He brought sophistication to the discussion of street level life and backed it with his mostly undisclosed intellectualism, as he poked a stick in the eye of human foolishness. We are faced today with great challenges and it’s plain to see… [read more]
Good at Heart – Guest Essay
If you had already caught a glimpse of this you likely wondered what can be done and who will stand up to the bullies. Well, some help is right here. Joel Altschul (no relation) is a thoughtful guy, a good writer and a pal. He’s troubled by what is happening in America and recently sent… [read more]
What Are We Becoming?
Reading time – 46 seconds; viewing time – 2:07 . . . We’re seeing many more Confederate stars and bars, now that Donald Trump has assumed the mantle of Leader Of the Crazy Opposition (acronym: LOCO). These are the terminally angry people who want to return America to their America, whatever it is they imagine… [read more]
Crimes of Passion and Packing Heat
Reading time – 53 seconds; viewing time – 2:56 . . . Crimes of passion are exactly that: crimes of passion. When the fight-or-flight instinct kicks in, the amygdala is screaming out imperatives at about 10 times the rate of our analytical, logical pre-frontal cortex. In other words, we act solely in response to… [read more]
How To Stop Talking Past One Another
Reading time – 3.1 minutes; viewing time – 4:58 . . . Gotta wonder how righties and lefties can stop talking past one another and join in order to start solving some of our vexing challenges. Here’s a key piece of what has to happen if we are to progress. First, some context. The pundits… [read more]
The Headline
Reading time – 43 seconds . . . What is your headline from the New Hampshire Democratic debate? Maybe it’s one of these: Governor O’Malley said that his evidence that we haven’t invested enough in human intelligence in the middle-east is that some things have happened that we didn’t see coming. He spoke with the… [read more]
Who Should I Vote For?
Reading time – This guest essay is longer than typical Disambiguations & worth it. Grab a second cup o’ Joe and settle in for some thinking . . . Following a recent post about a Wall street guy who supports Bernie Sanders I received a private email from boyhood pal Frank Levy (boyhood nickname: Skip)…. [read more]
Trump and Us
Reading time – 39 seconds . . . There is only one reason I would give any e-ink to Donald Trump. It isn’t to examine and refute the flamboyant, xenophobic, homophobic, baseless, factless, insulting, unconstitutional (see cartoon tweet below) things he’s saying. That’s being handled to excess by our broadcast people. In fact, yesterday I… [read more]
An Open Letter to the 114th Congress
Reading time – 57 seconds; viewing time – 3:00 . . . Here are five easy points and one hard one for legislators: Nobody thinks it’s a good idea for violent criminals to possess firearms. Nobody thinks it’s a good idea for mentally unstable or mentally challenged people to possess firearms. Almost nobody thinks it’s… [read more]