Very late edition – Dateline: America . EXTRA! EXTRA! EXTRA! Republican Red Wave Just a Little Splash! Dems Retain Control of Senate! Control of House Still Too Close To Call In a stunning surprise on Saturday night the Senate race in Nevada was called in favor of Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, giving Dems 50… [read more]
Break Glass
I can’t listen to another pundit drivel on about whatever certainties s/he has about the election outcomes or the most important voter issues or which candidates were the most ineffective or whatever they think the unreliable polls tell us. I’ll shoot my TV if I see another ad for a politician conflating unrelated information shards… [read more]
I Don’t Know Whether to Believe Justice Clarence Thomas
Friend, activist, Witness at the Border reporter and founder of Peaceful Communities, Lee Goodman, has a facility for clarity. While I’ve been beating the drum for center-and-left-thinking people to vote for quite a while, Lee’s recent essay is the best I’ve seen to communicate what’s at stake. Here it is as a Guest Essay. All… [read more]
SPECIAL SATURDAY EDITION: Aren’t You Tired of Being Lied To?
Cuban-Americans in Miami-Dade county are particularly sensitive to anything that smacks of Communism. They and their lucky ancestors fled Castro’s cruel dictatorship and now these Americans will vote against anything that even sounds like “Communism.” So, Republicans are blasting them with disinformation, saying that President Biden is a socialist and that he will foist socialism… [read more]
Dracula Today
Bad Moon John Fogarty and Credence Clearwater Revival sang about it decades ago, perhaps prescient about the dangers that surround us today. I see a bad moon rising I see trouble on the way I see earthquakes and lightning I see bad times today Don’t go around tonight ‘Cause it’s bound to take your life… [read more]
The 2022 Pond Scum Awards
Pond Scum Award #1 Elon Musk put in a bid to buy Twitter some months ago. Then he tried to slime out of the deal when it didn’t look too good for him anymore. However, even in the face of right wing extremists constantly vaporizing integrity, good sense and reality, a contract is still a… [read more]
Truly Nuts
Where the Hell Are You? No, not you. The Democratic Party. President Biden addressed the DNC on Monday and named Trump’s unpaid-for tax cuts for rich people a terrible thing. What percentage of voters do you suppose has a clue what “unpaid for” means in terms of how it impacts them or our country? Where’s… [read more]
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” When I came across those words of anthropologist Margaret Mead years ago I found them to be so hopeful, a promise that good things that had been so elusive might actually come to… [read more]
You’ve Heard Of ALEC Right: the American Legislative Exchange Council. What do you suppose they exchange? Here’s a maddening investigative piece from Atlanta’s NBC-11, The Back Room: Where Georgia Bills Are Made to help you understand. It does a nice job exposing what ALEC and its funding lobbyist buddies are about. Here’s another piece from… [read more]
Hypocrisy Runs Deep
Did you reach out to help the United Way of Lee County Florida so they can help the people devastated by Hurricane Ian? The fine folks at Fifth Third Bank are stepping up big time, too. Read about it here. Caution: The font in the report is Lilliputian. Find your BIGGER button before attempting to… [read more]