Your search for big lie returned 370 results.

The Platform is a 4-Letter Word – Part 2

Reading time – 6:20; Viewing time – 9:38  .  .  . This is the continuation of my notions of a national platform begun in the last post. It’s necessary to make an addendum to point #5 regarding healthcare. Memo to Lawmakers: Only 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing and that number… [read more]

The Platform is a 4-Letter Word – Part 1

Reading time – 6:40; Viewing time – 9:54  .  .  . This post was created in the days just before the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) and the injuring of 5 others at a baseball practice. Clearly, the shooter had problems; yet that event has put into stark relief the extent of our political… [read more]

Sir Isaac Newton and You

Reading time – 3:51 seconds; Viewing time – 5:57  .  .  . The press is under attack, and rightly so, according to Donald Trump. He has let us know in no uncertain terms and repeatedly that those in “the media” are dishonest – so dishonest – they lie. I’m guessing that “he’s been hearing” that… [read more]

Values Bankruptcy Machine

Reading time – 3:09; viewing time – 4:58  .  .  . There are conservatives who espouse worthwhile conservative ideas; however, not even one of those ideas includes Trumpian behavior, like: Cabinet picks and agency bosses who are determined to take down everything in their control A secretary of state with financial ties to our most… [read more]

Lethal Misdirection For The Ultimate Goal

Reading time 3:29; Viewing time – 6:07  .  .  . He trundled out his list of astonishingly unqualified candidates for cabinet posts, at least three of whom have previously vowed to eliminate the agencies they would now oversee. His chief strategist is a white supremacist, alt-right bigot and Trump has put him on the National… [read more]

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