Reading time – 57 seconds . . . NOW IN VIDEO! Ed. note: Be sure to read the P.S. at the end – it’s not in the video. What you don’t know about Paul Ryan – no, not that one – the other one – the main guy at Hayfield Financial in New York –… [read more]
Reading time – 47 seconds; viewing time – 2:23 . . . Thirty-five years ago we learned that the nine most frightening words in the English language are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Ronald Reagan told us that over and over as he campaigned to become president of the United States,… [read more]
Be Grateful
Reading time – 27 seconds; viewing time – 1:41 . . . When the sun is shining, be grateful for its energy, its beauty and the life it gives. When the storms come, be grateful for their energy and the cycle of water that keeps us alive. When the politicians blather idiotically and incessantly, be… [read more]
Keep Heart
Reading time – 46 seconds . . . We Americans have a short little attention span. Does anyone remember the terrible floods in the desert country of Oman in June or the floods in Los Angeles 3 weeks ago or the students who were killed at Umpqua Community College in Oregon just last month? Our… [read more]
This Is My Country
Reading time – 3.5 minutes; viewing time – 8:15 . . . Necessary preface: This offering has been scheduled for quite a while and has been pushed back until today because of more pressing issues. Now we have a most pressing issue, the unholy slaughter of innocents in Paris on Friday night. Almost oddly, that… [read more]
Issues Separation Anxiety Disorder – v2.0
Reading time – 70 seconds . . . Boyhood pal Frank Levy offered a comment to last Sunday’s blog, Issues Separation Anxiety Disorder, focused on how Republicans work to divide Americans. His question is worthy of consideration and comment. Here is what he wrote: I don’t have a comment, only a question – what is… [read more]
Issues Separation Anxiety Disorder
Reading time – 77 seconds . . . I heard a comedian explaining that there are two kinds of people in the world: those who laugh and those who make people laugh. Hard to argue with that. And it turns out that there are always two kinds of people in the world. For cabbies it’s… [read more]
President Bush Got One Right
Reading time – 44 seconds . . . I was frequently embarrassed by the way George W. Bush presented the United States to the world. He said some inane things. He mispronunciated [sic] words. He displayed his doofus look with regularity, making me wonder what, if anything, was going on inside his head. One of… [read more]
The New History – Texas Style
Reading time – 41 seconds . . . Norman Goldman likes to rename our southern states because in so many ways they resemble third world despotic countries. I’m talking about things like voter suppression, denial of women’s rights and more. So, for example, Goldman has renamed Texas, calling it Texassistan (“tex-ASS-i-stan”), and with good reason…. [read more]
Those Feel-Good Commercials
Reading time – 88 seconds . . . Perhaps you’ve seen some of the General Electric (GE) television ads with a lovely feel-good messages . . . . . . like the cute little girl who tells us that her mom makes trains that are friends with trees. . … [read more]