Reading time – 2:13; Viewing time – 4:15 . . . In a most accessible article in the November 10, 2014 Christian Science Monitor, author Henry Gass reviewed a fresh examination of wealth inequality, comparing 1929 America to today. Here are selections of Gass’ writing: In the late 1920s, the top 10 percent of Americans… [read more]
To Hell With The People
Reading time – 49 seconds; Viewing time – 2:17 . . . Trump says they should stall. McConnell said he will stall in the Senate. All the Republican candidates for president insist we must wait to appoint a new Supreme Court justice until the next president takes office. They hope that a Republican will win… [read more]
Reading time – 88 seconds; Viewing time – 3:36 One of the most difficult things to deal with is betrayal. It is the very thing that is driving the popular success of the Donald Trump f#&k you campaign. People feel sold out – betrayed – by our government and they are livid and they gravitate… [read more]
In Service To America – Up Close and Personal
Reading time – 107 seconds; Viewing time – 3:55 The late 1960s was a deeply troubling time. Political assassinations, civil injustice and upheaval and a divisive war all had America in spasms of confusion and conflict, even down to an individual level. I spent a large portion of my senior year in college,1967-1968, wrestling with… [read more]
Etymology for Today
Reading time – 26 seconds. . . . Perhaps you know that anything that reads the same forwards and backwards is called a palindrome. Thus, “mom” is a palindrome. So is “tattarrattat,” a word coined by James Joyce to mean a knock on the door. There are phrases and even sentences that are palindromes, too…. [read more]
Stupidity – a Reminder
Reading time – 77 seconds; Viewing time – 3:18 . . . Ed. note: This post was originally published in summer, 2015, but this is the start of our primaries and it’s time to pay attention and take action. ———————————————- Said Harlan Ellison, “The most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.” That… [read more]
The 2,700 Club
Reading time – 69 seconds; Viewing time – 3:04 . . . Point #1 There’s plenty of data showing that moments of anger can escalate to crimes of passion and somebody’s death occurs far more easily when there is a gun present. That’s exactly what happened in the Northlake Mall in Charlotte, NC last month,… [read more]
The System Is Not Supposed to Work
On December 19, 2015 The New York Times ran an opinion piece by Kevin Baker entitled Political Party Meltdown, which put perspective and a smidgen of clarity to the opaque and toxic swamp that is our Congress. I urge you to read his insightful essay now. Then have a look at the exchange between my… [read more]
Not Politics – Except It Is
Reading time – 39 seconds; Viewing time – 1:53 . . . It’s just a little over 20 years since O.J. Simpson’s murder trial. In a country of continuing homicides, we fixated on that murder of two innocent people, surely in part due to the celebrity of the accused. The verdict of innocent enraged whites… [read more]
Safe, Proven . . .
First watch this feel-good 30-second ad from The People of America’s Oil and Natural Gas Industry (click on the video to start it): What was it the pretty blonde in the black suit said in such soothing tones, as pleasant images caressed your eyeballs? ” . . . safe, proven hydraulic fracturing technology.” Yes,… [read more]