COVID is OVER! That’s what they tell us. You know these experts, the screamers at our school board meetings, the politicians sucking up to extremists, the puffed up people crashing maskless into shops having signs on their doors reading, “Masks required,” the temper tantrum idiots at 35,000 feet attacking flight attendants, the fools filing fraudulent… [read more]
Dream Sequence
I awoke from this fully formed dream in the dark of last Wednesday morning. ——————————- The regular army of Ukraine, plus the hundreds of thousands of volunteer citizen soldiers have inflicted enormous damage to President Putin’s vaunted military forces. Thousands of Russian soldiers have been killed and at least twice as many have been wounded…. [read more]
You Were Taught This
Whatever your holy book, somewhere in those pages you can find some directives – perhaps they’re instructions, possibly Commandments – that tell us how to behave. For example, the Exodus story is a stunning message about freedom. The story is retold every year at the Passover Seder. It’s like all traditions, in that it’s reinforced… [read more]
Accountability & The Questions
Regular readers of these disambiguations know that I have strong views about accountability. There are two reasons. One is that we’ve known since childhood that wrongdoing should be punished. The absence of punishment is an affront to our sense of right and wrong and it leads to the second reason. In the absence of punishment… [read more]
Special Friday Edition
The movies entertain us. Sometimes they teach us. Sometimes they remind us of important lessons. Sometimes they inspire us. Watch this clip from Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (the first one, if you’re counting). It’s the beginning of the coming of age of young Luke Skywalker, where he starts to learn of… [read more]
Stop The Steal
What about We The People? When is it our turn? Here’s what’s going on. —————————- Elections You already have some idea of the massive voter suppression being visited upon millions of our fellow citizens in Republican controlled states. Voters have been and are having their voter registrations removed without their knowledge for the heinous crimes… [read more]
Falling For It
This Is First Because . . . . . . it’s the very most important. By far. it’s life-or-death. You know what’s going on in Ukraine. The spirit and courage of the Ukrainians to fight for their freedom is inspiring the world. So is the generosity and friendship of the neighboring Poles, Hungarians and others… [read more]
There’s much going on that has dangerous consequences for us and for the world. Here’s hoping this provides just a smidgen of clarity about what must be done. Plus, there’s a special message for Vladimir Putin. Psst – pass it on. JA ———————————- There’s Another One On The Way George P. Bush, grandson of one… [read more]
Same Song, Next Verse
What Will We Do Then? The largest invasion of a sovereign nation since WW II is occurring, It’s the current iteration of European wars ignited by a narcissist who thinks he’s going to rule the world. People have died and more will continue to die in urban warfare. Meanwhile, Putin has gone cynical and fully… [read more]
Does It Feel Hot In Here To You? A short time ago I posted a piece about global warming. In case you are a denier, you need to know a few more things, so, in no particular order, Any discussion about global warming needs to be grounded in facts. Not fantasies. Not wishes. Not conspiracy… [read more]