This is just simple math. . STATE POPULATION (millions) Wyoming 0.58 Vermont 0.62 Alaska 0.73 North Dakota 0.76 South Dakota 0.88 Delaware 0.97 Rhode Island 1.1 Montana 1.1 TOTAL 6.73 Those eight states have 16 senators representing them. Indiana has as many people… [read more]
The Challenge and The Hand Wringing
This post is a preface, an introduction to the three-part series beginning this Wednesday focused on winning. —————————— The Middle-East Comes to America This quote is focused on the Middle-East in the very early 2000s. “It became clear that there was a confluence of interests among Iran, Hezbolla and Syria, and that the three of… [read more]
Whoa, Cowboy!
Texas SB8 seeks to enlist vigilantes to sue the Constitutional right to abortion out of existence. This is a novel and sneaky scheme to escape jurisdictional limits imposed by the Constitution. They do this by deputizing vigilantes to stand in for and do the dirty work of the state. And it’s more than passing irony… [read more]
The Thing
The First Thing In a recent post Jamelle Bouie mounted an interesting review of horror films, this being appropriate for the Halloween season and things that scare us. He focuses on the 1982 cult classic movie The Thing. Perhaps oddly, he shows how it is instructive for us right now. Bouie writes: For as much… [read more]
Things Should Not Be This Way
I got to thinking about why I write these posts and came up with a few reasons. One is the hope to persuade others to value a point that seems to me to be important. Another is to inspire people to take action when it’s needed. Yet another, and likely my most important, is to… [read more]
A Little COVID And a Snake
Infection Section I heard a nurse saying that she refuses to be vaccinated because the vaccine won’t prevent her from spreading the virus, should she become infected. She may be right. But what she ignores is the obvious, that if she and those she encounters, like her husband, her kids, her friends and the clerk… [read more]
You Can’t Tell Me
I’ve heard it so many times and early on I realized something. It starts by them declaring, “You can’t tell me that . . . ” fill in the blank. What I realized is that they’re right: I can’t tell them. I can’t tell them that the 2020 election wasn’t stolen (this in contrast to… [read more]
Gerrymandering and Self-Neutering
Gerrymandering Here are results from the 2020 U.S. House of Representatives elections* in some “swing states.” Have a look. Texas Republicans won 53.43% of the popular vote, but have 63.9% of the House seats. Wisconsin Republicans won 51.43% of the popular vote, but have 62.5% of the House seats. North Carolina Republicans won 49.4% of… [read more]
So Many Crises, So Little Time
The vast majority of Americans are sick and tired of being sick and tired.¹ ² We’re sick of the things about which we disapprove and we’re tired of them being tolerated. We’re sick of disrespect everywhere we look and tired of fighting it. We’re sick of self-righteousness and tired of its mob. We’re sick of… [read more]
A Movie Message For . . .
Senate Republicans who hold hostage this nation and the world, solely for their own political benefit The people who show up at school board meetings to be verbally abusive and hateful Those who tear down mobile Covid test stations Those who abuse healthcare workers Those who shout down doctors and scientists Those who refuse vaccines,… [read more]