Your search for big lie returned 369 results.

Frog Boil

The news was broken by Glenn Greenwald of The Guardian and also by The Washington Post that FISA court Judge Roger Vincent approved a warrant drafted by the National Security Agency (NSA) to require Verizon to turn over all of its records of calls made to and from the US and any foreign telephone.  It… [read more]

The Best Thing That Could Have Happened

Sure, it was very simple and would have made only marginal improvement in violence reduction.  Of course, we can characterize it as something that would have been nearly pointless.  Still, the bill went down in defeat and it’s the best thing that could have happened. Let’s start with what it was and what it was… [read more]

A New American Award

Nanoarchaeum Equitans Virus The smallest known organism   There are scientists who feel that viruses are not the smallest organisms because they lack a cellular structure.  Others believe that this condition is not disqualifying and it is this group of scientists whose views are invoked for this noteworthy recognition, The Virus Trophy. Our nation has… [read more]

Human Being 101 – No, Really

83% of Americans – including NRA members – want universal background checks before gun ownership changes.  That means mandatory background checks before sales at retail stores, at gun shows, private sales and even when Grandpa tearfully hands his lovingly preserved hunting rifle to his grandchild.  We want to ensure that the recipient of the firearm… [read more]

It Isn’t About The Message

Here are some comments made by political pundits following the election. “The Republicans will have to change their messaging if they are going to appeal to Latinos.” “Mitt Romney had to pivot to the center in order to attract independents.” “Republican candidates have to stop saying things like, ’A woman’s body has a way of… [read more]

Making Sense

So much is ethically wrong and even economically nonsensical.  I fight every day to keep my thinking out of the weeds, hoping to see the bigger picture and very occasionally I succeed.  There are so many battles in this seemingly disappearing experiment in democracy and so many people are suffering with little relief in sight,… [read more]

National Despair

There’s no point in waving arms, getting red in the face and snapping at the annoying tweaks that are sent only to distract and manipulate us.  If we’re to understand what is behind our national despair we need to focus on the core issue that keeps us stuck in a morass of helplessness and prevents… [read more]


“I don’t want everybody to vote.  Elections are not won by a majority of the people.  They never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now. As a matter of fact, our [far right conservative] leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down.” That… [read more]

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