Your search for accountability returned 65 results.

You Know This, But Still . . .

Reading time -41 seconds  .  .  . Thomas Jefferson told us that, “An enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.” That means that we must educate the next generation so they can do their job…. [read more]

This Is For You If You’re Unemployed

On January 20, 2009, the night of President Obama’s inauguration, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and others met for a late dinner at a posh DC restaurant.  They weren’t there to eat. They were there to plot their strategy following the Obama mandate and it took them just minutes to decide how… [read more]

Number 14

I’ve written many times about how big money steals our politics and our democracy and about how victories to make change for the better are hard won.  Those victories are critical, though, because without change the big money people will continue to incrementally buy America.  They will continue to disenfranchise more and more Americans.  They… [read more]

The American Disease

We have an advanced case of The Stupids. This disease can be contracted by constant exposure to public officials saying and doing idiotic things.  It results in eventual Stupids fatigue, marked by lack of reaction to outrageous behavior.  Here are some common causes of this nationally debilitating disease. Bible-thumping zealots tell us that 9/11 happened… [read more]

Grant Park

Yes, that Grant Park.  The one that the world remembers from the 1968 riot that happened concurrent with the Democratic National Convention.  It was defined by the Kerner Commission as a police riot, which infuriated Hizzonor The Mayor (Daley the First) and confirmed for much of the world that Chicago was still a frontier town. … [read more]

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