A Different Take

The Atlantic’s Jonathan V. Last Thinks Mike Pence Is an American Hero . You read that right. Pence was on the wrong side of nearly every issue, like reproductive rights, gay rights, failing to prevent an Indiana HIV outbreak from becoming far worse and more. His public religiosity didn’t extend to caring about those who… [read more]

Emergency: The Assault on Stare Decisis

You already know about the Supreme Court decision striking down Roe and it’s important to put that decision into context. Be clear that this decision will result in Daisy, raped at age 13 by her father, having to take that incest-caused pregnancy to term. It means that Maryanne, raped in a laundromat by an unknown… [read more]

Gun Ears

‘You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing – after they’ve tried everything else.” – Winston Churchill —————————————– Let’s start with this obvious but enormously powerful basic: Regardless of where we stand, all discussions about guns are loaded with emotional juice, primitive fight-or-flight reactions and mind blanking, logic eliminating passions. We… [read more]

Lawn Chairs and You

Ed. note: If this post describes you, this is going to hurt. If it doesn’t describe you, it still applies to a minimum of 36% – 60% of eligible voters. What will we do about that? We were staggering in our rage and sorrow over 10 grannies, 2 teachers and 19 little kids having been… [read more]

The Insurrection Report

The January 9 Hearing “Tonight, I say this to my Republican colleagues who are defending the indefensible: There will come a day when Donald Trump is gone, but your dishonor will remain.” – Liz Cheney (R-WY) Cheney is right, of course, and there are more steps to this. Some of the dishonorables will face the… [read more]

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