Desperate To Look Like a Winner

Reading time – 1:44  .  .  . Trump gambles with American lives so he can brag As suggested in an interview with Dr. Stephen Hahn, head of the Food and Drug Administration, he was under extreme pressure from our “Public Health”First” president to issue emergency use authorization for treatments and preventives for Covid-19. Emergency use… [read more]

Gaming Out the Election

Reading time – 5:25  .  .  . Friend Mel passed along a link to a USA Today article which reported an exercise that was conducted by both red and blue pundits who gamed out the upcoming election. The report said: “After gaming out various scenarios, the group said its conclusions were ‘alarming:’ In an election… [read more]

Recycling Geologic Time: A Textbook for Today

Reading time – 3:49  .  .  . The Pre-Cambrian Era dates from the origin of the Earth, through the arrival of the first one-cell organisms and progresses to multi-cell organisms. It was a truly exciting time 4.5 billion years ago. Following that was the Cambrian period of the Mesozoic Era, the beginning of which marked… [read more]

I’m No Anti-Vaxxer

Reading time – 6:14  .  .  . Conspiracy theories about vaccines abound. As well, reasonable, science based objections have made solid challenges to vaccines, too. Regardless, history tells us that blind acceptance of vaccines probably isn’t a good idea. Take, for instance, the recent comments of FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn. He insisted that any Covid-19… [read more]

Questions For the August Town Halls

Reading time – 2:56  .  .  . The House of Representatives remains in session this month. In contrast, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called a recess for the month of August for the Senate. That means that August town halls are solely with senators. Feel free to ask any of these questions of your Republican… [read more]

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