Reading time – 4:54; Viewing time – 7:08 . . . Reader JC wrote in response to my column last week that he wants me to let go of focus on Trump and instead focus on the nation’s business. My reply was that stopping Trump from further damaging our democracy is the nation’s business, leaving… [read more]
Earth Day Required Viewing
Reading time – 31 seconds; Viewing time – 2:07 . . . I’ve been saying for a while that the Millennials will save us. That’s “us” as in our country, democracy and the entire planet. Now it turns out that even younger kids are joining them. On this Earth Day you need to watch this… [read more]
Your Lyin’ Eyes and Impeachment
Reading time – 3.47; Viewing time – 5:20 . . . The Mueller Report is out and I haven’t had time to go through all 448 pages, although you can do that yourself by getting the PDF from the DOJ website here. Click on the 4th line beginning “Report on the Investigation” for the download…. [read more]
The Price of Memory Loss
Reading time – 3:10; Viewing time – 4:35 . . . Here are a couple of examples to make a point. First, whatever your position on the issue of abortion, just for the moment set aside your religious or moral views, as well as your notion of rights, and focus on practicality. Regardless of public… [read more]
Metaphor From the Desert
Viewing time – 1:03 . . . I forgot to make it clear at the end of this video: “I’m Jack Altschuler.” Browser not supported. Visit ———————————— Ed. Note: I don’t want money or your signature on a petition. I want you to spread the… [read more]
Live From The Valley
Reading time – 6:39; Viewing time – 9:12 . . . Washington D.C. (mostly) Election Announcement I’m not a registered Democrat, but like Bernie Sanders, I caucus with them. That’s why I’m announcing my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. I thought I’d have more time for this, at least… [read more]
Venezuela and Existential Threats
Reading time – 5:07; Viewing time – 7:30 . . . First, my only comment on the topic of the cherry picked, sentence fragmented Mueller report is that I want the full report – all of it including the appendices – both for the complete, un-predigested information so that I can draw my own conclusions… [read more]
Potpourri v8.0
Reading time – 3:41; Viewing time – 5:10 . . . Exposed You know that anything you post on FaceBook or Twitter is available to anyone, anywhere, right? And you also know that even if you remove your content it still exists in archives and will stay there and be available to anyone willing to… [read more]
In Case You Missed It
Reading time – 2:10; Viewing time – 3:33 . . . Ed. Note: There was apparently operator (that would be me) error for the email announcement of the Sunday post this week. That’s why you’re receiving this on Monday. I think the situation is corrected and, with luck and the absence of any more operator… [read more]
In The Center of the Bulls Eye
Reading time – 4:49; Viewing time – 6:15 . . . My pal Dan Wallace commented sagely about my last post, Time To Chill?, and included links to a couple of his own posts. I heartily recommend that you read them by clicking through to my post, scroll down to his comments and then link… [read more]