Reading time – 2:29 . . . The Bigot-In-Chief The President made it clear that we don’t want immigrants from any of those s***hole African countries. No Nigerians coming from their huts. No Salvadorans, either, even if they’re trying to avoid certain death. He postulated that it would be good to have more immigrants from… [read more]
There’s a Surprise On The Way
Reading time – 3:57 seconds . . . I admit that I got a kick out of this picture from a Tea Party rally several years ago. First and most obvious is that Medicare is government, so there’s no way to have Medicare without government being in it. Second, there’s no way this guy is… [read more]
Leadership and The Tax Bill
Reading time – 5:12; Viewing time – 8:03 . . . Others, nearly everyone, really, are doing a fine job of chronicling the insane Trump administration as revealed by Michael Wolff in his “best seller before it’s even released” book, Fire and Fury, and the stupid reactions of the Temper-Tantrum-Tweeter-in-Chief. So, I’ll have a look… [read more]
Address to Congress, January 3, 2018
Reading time – 4:52; Viewing time – 7:07 . . . Mr. President, colleagues, fellow citizens, I rise today to speak to the obvious. That I do so is grounded in the Confucian admonition, “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” Once so named, the resultant clarity may spawn wisdom…. [read more]
A Year-End Message About Making Things Better
Reading time – 2:21; Viewing time – 3:49 . . . The latest Star Wars film is in theaters now and it’s terrific. Like all the films in the series, it deals with some universal issues, like good versus evil, acceptance of uncomfortable truths, the shattering of illusion and the complexity of human beings. Nearly… [read more]
A Conservative Commentary in Two Connecting Pieces
Reading time – 3:09; Viewing time – 4:18 . . . Donald Trump and his Congressional Republicans, as well as every blatherer on Fox News, are all over Robert Mueller and his team, as well as the FBI and the Justice Department. They have impugned Mueller’s integrity. attacked the FBI saying it’s in tatters (somebody… [read more]
A Special Message to Congress on Your Win
Reading time – 2:05; Viewing time – 2:54 . . . Dear Congress: Well, really not all that dear. This week we had a train wreck in Washington, as an Amtrak train flew off the tracks near Tacoma. People have been injured and some have died; perhaps yet more will die. We’ve had another train… [read more]
This Will Require Fast Action
Reading time – 2:11; Viewing time – 3:08 . . . Nobody is above the law, right? Are you sure? Because there is a mountain of evidence that President Trump and his band of outlaws have done some nefarious things, so Robert Mueller is investigating them, but so far our Republican Congress is mostly mute… [read more]
Ding, Dong the Witch is Dead – Or Is She?
Reading time – 1:01 . . . Hooray Alabama! Hooray America! Ding, dong, the wicked witch is dead! Yes, in deep red Alabama the voters told Roy Moore to go home. On his horse, in a car, on foot, whatever. “Just go home, Roy.” And that surely is a victory for sanity and decency. I’m… [read more]
Reading time – 2:56; Viewing time – 4:27 . . . The congressional act that followed the 1995 Oslo Accords called for the U.S. to recognize Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel, as well as move the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv. There was an escape clause in the act that allowed the President… [read more]